[Volutne XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 30 BANKS AND BANK STOCKS We buy and sell banks and bank stocks. We supply banks with thoroughly reliable and competent officers and clerks. We secure positions and changes in location for bank officers and clerks. We locate desirable points for the establishment oi new banks. We aid bankers in the organization of new banks if they will furnish us with the location. We have a large number of clients and we are growing every day. All business strictly confidential. If interested, correspond with THE WALTER H. HULL COMPANY, Marshalltown, Iowa. ________MONEY TO LOAN_____________ Money to loan in sums to suit on Real Estate, City or Country, anywhere in the United States or Canada, at six per cent, interest. Two per cent, commission charged for placing loans. Will also make loans on yachts and vessel property. Address: A. H. CRAWFORD, R. F. D. Route One. Box 60, Ellicott City, Maryland. SAFES AND OFFICE FIXTURES FOR SALE—Lot of high grade deposit boxes, good as new, two steel vaults, screw door and manganese safes, all good as new. We carry the largest stock of safes in the West. DONNELL SAFE COMPANY, 200-202 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Established 1886. tional banks more than $18,000,-000 of savings from Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa alone.—Chicago Journal. V» American Bank in China Peking, December 19. — Arrangements have been made looking to the establishment in Peking of an American branch of the International Banking Corporation. This is the first American bank in the East to join the group of British, French, German, and Japanese institutions which have been in existence here since 1902. V The Canadian Bank of Commerce The Canadian Bank of Commerce for the year ended November 30th showed net profits of $1,-627,332 against $1,752,349 last year. The net profits were at the rate of about !6% per cent on the capital. The deposits of the bank totalled $95,037,796 compared with $87,041,057 a year ago, a remarkable increase for a Canadian institution. Tr* The Bigelow State Bank The Bigelow State Bank of Bigelow, Ark., filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state last week. The capital stock is $10,000 and $5,075 has been subscribed. C. L. Sailor is president; John Staue, vice-president; W. I. Blackwell, secretary, and A. T. Cox, treasurer. These officials with Andrew Valpert constitute the board of directors. V The Merchants National of Cape May, N. J., capital $50,000, will open for business soon. The officers are William L. Stevens, president; Joseph H. Haines and Geo. H. Reeves, vice-presidents, and H. H. Eldredge, cashier. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED UNDER THIS HEADING AT 2 CENTS PER WORD. REMITTANCE SHOULD ACCOMPANY COPY. REPLIES FORWARDED IF POSTAGE IS FURNISHED. USE PRIVATE ADDRESS WHERE CONVENIENT. OFFICE BUILDING PROPOSITION Wanted, a man with $200,000 to $300,000 available cash in the organization of a banking, theatre and office building enterprise located in a good town near Chicago. Chance to make money and secure life position. Best of references given. Address : A. M. 202, The Chicago Banker LANDS AND BUSINESS Will pay spot cash for bargain. Want to buy a business or farm. Address: C. B., Box 313, Cherry Valley, 111. double eagles and $4,829,060 in eagles of the designs prepared by the American sculptor, the late Augustus Saint Gaudens. The amount of subsidiary silver coinage executed was $16,530.477. J. R. Hanna J. R. Hanna is president; P. J. Kerrigan, vice-president, and G. A. Bannen, cashier of the Brayton State (Neb.) Bank. V* The First National of Somers-worth The doors of the First National of Somersworth, N. H., were closed last week, following the discovery of a shortage placed at $85,000, and Fred H. Varney, the cashier of the bank, was arrested on a charge of being a defaulter. After his arrest, according to a statement made by W. S. Teb-betts, president of the bank, Varney confessed that he had taken a large sum from the bank, which had been lost in speculation, and that he alone was responsible for the defalcation, which had been accumulating for the last six years. Varney is 39 years old. He is married and has one child. He is a member of many fraternal organizations and served the city two years as city treasurer. F. A. Flanagan F. A. Flanagan has been elected assistant cashier of the Stockmen’s National of Fort Benton, Mont. Postal Savings Bank The Taft proposition to establish postal savings banks will be opposed by the West generally, and by bankers especially. The West is against it because it would send to New York na- FOR SALE New, never used Stevens shot gun, 12 gauge 30-inch Damascus barrels and pistol grip stock Cost $35.00; will sell and deliver by express paid with case, for $25.00. Address: B 65, The Chicago Banker. Reflex 4x5 Camera, like new, fitted with 5x7 Goerz Celor. Cost $120. Will sell for $80 with three plate holders and guarantee to be oflatest model. Address: B 265, The Chicago Banker. Universal Adding Machine, latest model never used, value $350. Will sell at a discount as business plans have been altered. It is the all purpose machine and will suit any business. In the original case. Address: ADDING MACHINE, care The Chicago Banker. Four high grade typewriters, two in nearly new condition, and all in good serviceable working order. One or all at a low price• Address: TYPEWRITER, care Chicago Banker. CHOICE INVESTMENT When your customer wants land scrip you can make good profit by having some handy; safe as bonds but more profitable. Other investments, where you may coin your experience and good judgment. HUGO SEABERG, Raton, N. M. Nevada Bankers Association Representatives of the bank of Nevada met at Reno and organized the Nevada Bankers Association. F. M. Lee, of the Nixon National, was elected president; John Henderson, of the Henderson Banking Company was made vice-president; Geo. H. Taylor, assistant cashier of the Washoe County Bank, was made secretary, and Fred Grob, cashier of the Farmers and Merchants National, was named as treasurer. During the session they were addressed by Cashier George N. O’Brien, of the American National of San Francisco, and he was made an associate member of the association. A committee was named to draft a new banking law to be submitted to the next legislature. Makes Money Making Money The government made a profit during the fiscal year ended June 30. 1908, of $10,541,371 on the coinage of silver, nickel, and 1 cent bronze pieces. This represents the difference between the price paid by the government for the metals and their coinage value. Director of the Mint Frank A. Leach gives these figures in his annual report. The original deposits of gold bullion in the mints and assay offices during the fiscal year amounted to $207,415,984, and uncurrent United States gold coin of the face value of $4,020,668 was received for recoinage. Silver bullion purchased for subsidiary silver coinage during the year aggregated 18,819,279 standard ounces, and mutilated and uncurrent United States silver coin of the face value of $1,162,982 was received for recoinage. The coinage executed by the mints during the fiscal year 1908 amounted to $197,238,377 in gold, of which $106,182,420 were in Royal Trust Company- Bank Royal Insurance Building . 169 Jackson Blvd., Chicago A State Bank Established 1891 Interest Paid on Deposits JAMES B. WILBUR, President EDWIN F. MACK, Vice-President and Cashier JOHN W. THOMAS, Assistant Cashier THE Chicago Title AND Trust Company Furnishes Complete and accurate abstracts of title. Reliable and collectible guarantees of title. Expert service as administrator, executor, guardian, receiver and trustee at the lowest prices consistent with the maintenance of adequate reserves for liabilities on guarantee policies and abstracts ; superior service and a complete and carefully constructed plant. Assets Exceed $6,000,000 No Demand Liabilities THE CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY 100 Washington Street President HARRISON B. RILEY Vice-President A. R. MARRIOTT Vice-Prest. and Trust Officer .. .WM. C. NIBLACK Secretary ]. A. RICHARDSON Treasurer W. R. FOLSOM GRAHAM & SONS TANKERS STEAMSHIP AND INSURANCE AGENTS ESTABLISHED 1857—5 J YEARS 1 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS, ACCOUNTS SOLICITED, MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Open Ebenings Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 134 West Madison Street Chicago