[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 24 Marshall & Ilsley Bank Milwaukee, Wis. ESTABLISHED 1847 Capital $500,000 Surplus $370,000 Oldest Bank in the Northwest Conservative Progressive We take pleasure in placing our facilities at your disposal and should be pleased to have you write us if you are contemplating opening either an active or a reserve account in Milwaukee. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JAMES K. ILSLEY, President JOHN CAMPBELL, Vice-President HARRY J. PAINE, Asst. Cashier JOHN H. PUELICHER, Cashier G. A. REUSS, Mer. South Side Branch SAMUEL H. MARSHALL J. H. TWEEDY, Jr. ROBERT N. McMYNN C. C. YAWKEY GUSTAV REUSS 1439-42 First National Bank Building, Chicago Specialists îü A^&sSItisagg asad System-mtislsagf Fusibile Service Corporations C. W. KNISELY, C. P. A. President—Manager REFERENCES: Leading Bond Houses dealing in Gas, Electric and Railway Securities England Mutual Life Insurance Company, will be dissolved on December 31st, Mr. Meyer re-tiring from the firm to become general agent for the company in Chicago, where he will make his future home. Mr. Saltzstein will succeed the firm and continue to be the head of the Wisconsin general agency for the New England in Milwaukee. Banking Notes The Fidelity Savings Bank of Antigo has been chartered. Capitalized at $50,000. Henry Hay, Walter R. Daskarn and A. Moolle are in-corporators. W. J. Duncan of Stephenson, Mich., becomes cashier of the Farmers Exchange Bank of Green Bay, succeeding S. A. Bell, resigned. The Dorchester State Bank has increased its capital from $10,000 to $20,000. y* Loot Bank and Escape in Auto Six robbers, after blowing open the safes of the Farmers’ State Bank of Keene, at Keene, twenty-eight miles south of Gibbon, Neb., and the Commercial Bank of Gibbon, engaged in a pitched battle at Gibbon with a number of citi-zens, and escaped in an automobile with $5,500. One of the robbers is believed to have been wounded. The Keene bank was first entered. There the robbers secured $3,000. At Gibbon the explosion attracted a number of citizens. While a posse was gathering the robbers inside the bank kept at work, and for fifteen minutes a lively fusillade of shots was exchanged. Finally at a given signal all six robbers made their escape through a rear door and made off in their machine. ילל Will Erect New Building The directors of the First National of San Jose, Cal., have decided to erect a new bank building. The Bank of Salem, Ark., is a new enterprise. B. H. Castleberry is president and Rex N. Castleberry, cashier. The Citizens Trust Company Eugene Silverman, manager of one of the insurance departments of the Citizens Trust Company of Milwaukee, has brought suit for $15,160.11 against the trust company. He charges certain discrepancies in his commission account with his employers and asks for an accounting. State Banks of Wisconsin The volume of business indicated on the books of the state banks of Wisconsin has increased nearly $1,000,000 in the period between September 23d to November 27th, a little over two months. This is shown in a compilation completed by Commissioner of Banking Bergh of reports received from the financial institutions showing their condition at the close of business November 27th. Milwaukee Stocks A good deal of interest is being shown in what are known as “Milwaukee stocks” on the regular stock market. These include Wisconsin Central, of which there are thousands of' shares held in the city; North American, which is the parent company of the Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Company; National Stamp and Enameling, of which the largest individual plant is located in the city, and the Milwaukee road, which in the stock market is known only as “St. Paul.” To Publish Digest of Laws Oliver Clyde Fuller of Milwaukee, and chairman of the executive committee of the trust company section of the American Bankers Association, who has returned from a meeting of his section, held in New York, states that the section decided to compile and publish, for the use of all members, a complete and comprehensive digest of the laws in the various states bearing upon trust company rights. “To my mind, this is one of the most important steps yet taken by the section,” said Mr. Fuller. Succeeds to Wisconsin Agency The copartnership of A. L. Saltzstein and Julius H. Meyer under the firm name of Saltzstein & Meyer, general agents for the New Real estate men throughout Milwaukee are now engaged in looking into the coming year, with an eye single as to what it may present. “We rather look for an early opening and a good year in realty matters, generally,” declared F. W. Rogers. “There is nothing that looks like a boom in sight, nor do׳ we care for that sort of movement. It is the gradual move towards a better condition; a reasonable advance in values; a healthful demand for that which is required, and sales that mean immediate improvement. Milwaukee Association of Accountants In an address last Thursday evening before the Milwaukee Association of Accountants and Bookkeepers E. L. Philipp said that much of the misunderstanding between shipper and carrier is due to the fact that people do not understand their own rights of the position of the railroads. He said that the roads were surrounded with so many rules and regulations that little discretion remained with the officials. Second Ward Savings Bank By an amendment filed at Madison, the capital stock of the Second Ward Savings Bank of Milwaukee will be increased from $200,000 to $1,000,000. The last statement by the institution showed a surplus of $900,000 and undivided profits of $181,000. The City National of Oshkosh The application of J. Earl Morgan, George Bowman, Charles Berber, Jesse Y. Hull and Gabriel Streich to organize the City National of Oshkosh, c?pital $200,000, has been approved. Road Increases Stock The state railroad commission has approved an issue of $150.000,000 additional stock by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad for the purpose of building a Pacific coast extension. Of the amount named $77,000,000 has already been spent. President Earling of the road appeared before the commission. Recently the road filed a notice of the issue and paid fees of $150,000 for the privilege.