23 THE CHICAGO BANKER December 26, iço8] There are many sixes on the market, and every one of them but ours (so far as we know) is made by a manufacturer who also makes fours. These makers just add two cylinders to a four and call it a six. Most of them don’t care whether you buy a four or a six, because they expect to get you “coming or going.” And if you seem to prefer a four, the chance is that they will not tell you what a mistake you are making. We do not ask you to purchase a because we make sixes exclusively. Instead we are making sixes exclusively because sixes are superior to all other types, and we can prove it to you just as we have done to hundreds of others. The Winton Six isn’t a four with two added cylinders. It is a six from the drafting room to the shipping department, from the radiator to the tail lamp, and because it is "a real six (not a makeshift) the Winton Six proves in its work all the points of superiority we claim for it. The ^Wrnton Six starts without cranking. Runs as sweetly and as quietly as a watch, d/dakes hill climbing sira file and easy. JVLinimizes gear-shifting, eliminates motor vibration, and goes the route like coasting down hill. We shall be pleased to send descriptive literature which fully presents the advantages enjoyed by the Winton Six owner. Our book, “Twelve Rules to Help Buyers,” applies to all cars and will aid you in making a safe purchase. Write for literature today. This car holds the world’s upkeep record of 4343 miles on One Dollar expense. We send the sworn records upon request. Winton Branch Houses in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle and San Francisco. See our exhibit at Madison Square Garden Show, N. Y., January 16th to 23rd. THE WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE CO. Member Association Licensed Automobile Manufacturers 100 BEREA ROAD ־ - ־ CLEVELAND, OHIO