[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 8 STATE BANK OF CHICAGO THE FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. 427 CHESTNUT STREET Capital - $2,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits 1,325,000.00 ORGANIZED JANUARY 17, 1807 Dividends Paid $12,777,000.00 ־ OFFICERS Howard W. Lewis, President Henry B. Bartow, Cashier John Mason, Transfer Officer Oscar E. Weiss, Assistant Cashier ACCOUNTS OF INDIVIDUALS, FIRMS, AND CORPORATIONS SOLICITED PRESENT NUMBER OF STOCKHOLDERS 930 ESTABLISHED 1879 S. E. Corner La Salle and Washington Streets Capital $1,000,000 ־ Surplus and profits (earned) 1,300,000 Deposits - 19,000,000 OFFICERS H. A. Haugan, President Frank I. Packard, Asst. Cashier L. A. Goddard, Vice-President Henry A. Haugan, Asst. Cashier John R. Lindgren, Vice-President Samuel E. Knecht, Secretary Henry S. Henschen, Cashier William C. Miller, Asst. Secretary YOUR CHICAGO BUSINESS RESPECTFULLY INVITED IN CINCINNATI A,. With Resources of NINETEEN MILLION DOLLARS And every facility for the satisfactory handling of Bank Accounts CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 7 to 8 per cent. The directors also ordered a special Christmas dividend of 4 per cent, based on their annual salaries, paid to the employees of the bank. License Revoked The State Insurance Department has revoked the license of the New England Fire Insurance Company, of Providence, R. I. This was done on information that its affairs were in an unsound condition, and that it reinsured Ohio business in. an unlicensed company. The Commercial and Savings Bank The stockholders of the Commercial & Savings Bank of Gallipolis have elected the following directors Jehu Eakins, S. H. Eagle, W. P. Beall, E. N. Deardoff, J. A. Lupton, J. R. McCormick, Max Shober, J. L. Haskins, R. T. Tanner, Simon Silverman, John Gills, Dr. E. R. Fletcher. Guss Kerr, of Irontown, is cashier of the institution. The new bank expects to open for business on January 2, 1909. Banking Notes The directors of the First National of Norwood have voted to increase the annual dividend from 5 to 6 per cent, beginning on January 1st next. This dividend will be payable semiannually; in January and July of each year. The Waterford Commercial and Savings Bank has filed articles of organization with a capital of $25,000. G. M. Conner and others are promoters. The North Dayton Savings Bank has been incorporated with a capital of $25,000. F. A. Duckwall, David L. Pickerel, Jr., R. A. Bunn, S. H. Thai and S. N. I ,emmon are promoters. The German Banking Company of Lindsay has elected F. M. Dotson as president of the institution. The Southern National The Southern Bank of Jackson, Miss., reports capital of $10,020, undivided profits, $2,Loo, and deposits of $38,000. F. K. Atwood is president, and P. G. Cooper, cashier. Ohio Banking News Newcomerstown, 126 months after it was mailed in Cincinnati. The letter, dated July 15, 1898, was from a loan company, and granted loans asked by Yingling on behalf of two clients. One of the men seeking a loan belonged to a firm now out of business. The other loan was to complete a dwelling no longer classed as new. Yingling has written a letter to the trust corn-pan}׳• thanking it for the tender of the cash, but explaining that his clients made other arrangements over 10 years ago. Ohio Legislature Called Governor Harris last Tuesday issued a proclamation calling a special session of the legislature to meet at 10 a. m., January 4th. No statement is made as to the purpose for which the legislature is called, the governor saying that he will point out the reason for the call in a special message. A successor to Senator Foraker will be elected at the session. The Citizens State Bank of Napoleon Men cried and women fainted in the streets of Napoleon, Henry county, forty miles southwest of Toledo, last Wednesday morning, when they found a notice of assignment posted on the doors of the Citizens State Bank. D. D. Donovan was named as assignee. President Heller of the bank is now confined in a hospital in a Minnesota town. The failure is said to be due to overloans made by Cashier Groll to Judge Michael Donnelly, who is president of the Ohio German Fire Insurance Company, and the assignment is also said to be the direct result of the recent failure of that insurance company. These loans to Donnellv, it is alleged, were made without the authority of other officials. The Central Trust and Safe Deposit Company The Central Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Cincinnati has increased its dividend rate from The twenty-five banks of Cincinnati exclusive of the national institutions, make the following showing at the present time: Capital, $4,955,- 700; surplus and undivided profits, $6,171,740; cash in vaults and banks, 8,076,129; total assets, $60,912,333; deposits, $49,657,975 ; loans, $29,-049,305; stocks and bonds owned, $18,609,046. Bank Robbery Plan Foiled Marshal F. C. Woods and an unknown man were killed Wednesday morning in a fight in the railroad yards when the officer was attacked by four men at Greenwich. A plan to rob the banks and post office is believed to have been foiled. A posse is searching for the strangers. Marshal Woods accosted a man standing near the post office and acting in a suspicious manner. In reply to questions the young man said he was a stranger in the town, but desired to leave on a freight train. The marshal escorted him to the railroad yards and just as they reached the tracks four other men jumped from behind a car and ordered the officer to throw up his hands. He did, but in one hand he had an automatic revolver, which he fired. One bullet pierced the heart of one of the men. The fire was returned by the other four and one of the balls struck the marshal in the back. As he fell the men beat him into insensibility and then escaped. The firing aroused the town and the wounded man and the body of the unknown man were found in the railroad yards. The marshal was taken to a hospital, where he died. Foreign Money Order Business Heavy The foreign money order business at Cincinnati is heavier than in years. The daily average of such orders issued is usually about 40, but during the past few days the average has been about 200. Got Loans Elsewhere A letter has just reached M. R. Yingling, of