I THE CHICAGO BANKER December 26, ipo8] cause it has the indorsement of the leader of one great party of the country and of both of the great parties in this state. “A more revolutionary measure was never proposed. It has been adopted in one of our new states. Whether it could be successfully adopted in Washington is doubtful. Our legislature is to meet soon, and there will be some one to propose such a bill there, and it is the duty of the business men to use their influence to prevent the passage of the bill. “There are many other reforms which will be attempted, and I ask you to set your faces against these agitations, aimed against the tranquillity of the banks. If you hurt the banking institutions you hurt the merchants and the business, which depends upon the banks for the support of the system of credits of the country.” T. W. McCoy T. W. McCoy, who has been with the First National of Greenville, Miss., for about 17 years, has accepted the cashiership of the Merchants National of Vicksburg, where he will go to take up his duties on January 1st. Mr. McCoy is also the representative from Mississippi in the Executive Council of the American Bankers Association. The Chicago Banker wishes him every success in his new position. V* The Citizens State Bank The Citizerts State Bank of Champaign, 111., reports capital of $60,000, and deposits of $246,408. A. M. Burke is president; E. I. Burke, vice-president, and C. L. Maxwell, The Peoples National W. W. Wheeler, cashier of the Peoples National of Prosperity, S. C., has been elected to the presidency. R. T. Pugh is now cashier. E. T. Coman Speaks at Banquet Edwin T. Coman, president of the Exchange National, in an address at the fifth annual banquet of the Merchants’ Association of Spokane, the evening of December 14th, urged the business men of the city to use their influence against the passage by the next legislature of an act providing for state guaranty of bank EDWIN T. COMAN Spokane. Wash. deposits. After reviewing the causes and effect of the depression in Eastern financial centers, which,•he said, assumed the proportion of a panic, he added: “One of the most dangerous measures suggested for the prevention of such panics as we had last fall, is that of the government guaranty of bank deposits. It is dangerous be- Capital paid in $200,000 Surplus Fund $1 25.000 Deposits over $2,000,000 Busintss Established iu 1879 Depositary The Central National Bank United of Peoria States Under distinctively sound and conserva- Govern- tive management ment Especial attention given to accounts of banks and bankers wateaway & cocommercial Paper La Sail® S(hr®®(t Correspondence Invited AT THE ST. LOUIS STOCK YARDS THE NATIONAL STOCK YARDS NATIONAL BANK Our especial equipment and close touch with every interest represented at the St. Louis National Stock Yards enables us to eliminate expense and to assure the maximum of security and profit on all live stock business at this market entrusted to us. ILLINOIS NATIONAL STOCK YARDS AT THE ST. LOUIS STOCK YARDS Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Co. Capital and Surplus, $200,000 Deposits, $1,981,195 Solicits Accounts and Collections from Banks, Firms and Individuals on Favorable Terms. C. W. LUNDAHL, CA8H. AND 8EC. NEL80N H. GREENE, VICE PRE8. . BUTTERWORTH, PRE8. $3,000,000 Phone Bonds This w'eek a Chicago syndicate comprised of Lee, Higginson & Co., the First Trust and Savings Bank, and the Merchants’ Loan & Trust Company are offering $3,000,000 of Chi-cage Telephone Company bonds. Perhaps the unusual feature of this security is the restriction limiting the amount of the issue to 50 per cent of the value of the company’s property, and in this connection, it is said, that the stockholders and directors seem equally anxious, with the purchasers of the bonds, to place restrictions on the amount of bonds to be issued, so that the bonded debt would never assume such proportions as to unfavorably affect the value of the company’s stock. S. M. Nickerson Officers of the First National of Chicago, represented by a committee of six, presented congratulatory resolutions last week to Samuel M. Nickerson, formerly president of the bank, and Mrs. Nickerson, in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding, in their apartments at the Hotel Lorraine, Fifth Avenue and Forty-fifth Street, New York City. Lyman J. Gage, formerly secretary of the treasury, completed the surprise with a dinner party. The delegation included James B. Forgan, president of the bank; H. H. Porter, Jr., A. A. Carpenter, Jr., Edward Morris, Norman B. Ream, E. K. Boisot, and E. T. Jeffery. There were present also George F. Baker, president of the First National of New York, Mrs. Roland Nickerson of Boston, and Miss McDonald. V Illinois Proceedings The proceedings of the eighteenth annual convention of the Illinois Bankers Association, which was held in Chicago, October 13th and 14th, is out in book form. The new secretary, R. L. Rinaman, who succeeded Frank P. Jud-son, has done some exceedingly good work on the volume. This number contains besides the proceedings, constitution, by-laws, membership list, officers’ list, a map, and a list of the group officials, which is a great convenience. Illinois is divided into ten groups, all of which are in a flourishing condition. The Whitbeck National It is reported that the A. C. Whitlock Bank of Chamberlain, S. D., will begin business January 1st as a national bank, capitalized at $50,000, with the title of Whitbeck National. W. M. Pratt will be president; A. C. Whitbeck, cashier, and S. F. Rosencrance, assistant The Flat Rock Bank The auditor of public accounts has issued a permit to organize the Flat Rock Bank, at Flat Rock, Crawford County, 111., to Amos Goff, Washington Parker, C. W. Dollahan, Clement L. Petty, J. O. Weger, J. H. Taylor, and Grant Taylor. The capital stock is $43,300. Joyce & Company (Incorporated) General Agents The Rookery Bldg*. Chicago, Illinois ILLINOIS ADVISORY BOARD Charles G. Dawes, Resident Vice-President A. J. Earlingi David R. Forman John A. Spoor Walter H. Wilson M. J. Kirkman COUNSEL Calhoun, Lyford & Sheean Winston. Payna. Strawn & Shaw National Surety Co. Of New York Fidelity and Surety Bonds Burglary Insurance