[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 30 We buy and sell banks and bank stocks. We supply banks with thoroughly reliable and competent officers and clerks. We secure positions and changes in location for bank officers and clerks. We locate desirable points for the establishment of new banks. We aid bankers in the organization of new banks if they will furnish us with the location. We have a large number of clients and we are growing every day. All business strictly confidential. If interested, correspond with THE WALTER H. HULL COMPANY, Marshalltown, Iowa. CENTS PER WORD. REMITTANCE SHOULD ACCOMPANY COPY. REPLIES FORWARDED IF POSTAGE IS FURNISHED. USE PRIVATE ADDRESS WHERE CONVENIENT. New, never used Stevens shot gun, 12 gauge. 30-inch Damascus barrels and pistol grip stock, Cost $35.00; will sell and deliver by express paid, with case, for $25.00. Address: B 65, The Chicago Banker. Reflex 4x5 Camera, like new, fitted with 5x7 Goerz Celor. Cost $120. Will sell for $80 with three plate holders and guarantee to be of latest model. Address: B 265, The Chicago Banker. MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan in sums to suit on Real Estate, City or Country, anywhere in the United States or Canada, at six per cent, interest. Two per cent, commission charged for placing loans. Will also make loans on yachts and vessel property. Address: A. H. CRAWFORD, R. F. D. Route One. Box 60, Ellicott City, Maryland. POSITIONS WANTED WANTED Married man, 30, four years’ experience in Universal Adding Machine, latest model, never used, value $350. Will sell at a discount as business plans have been altered. It is the all purpose machine and will suit any business. In the original case. Address: ADDING MACHINE, care The Chicago Banker. Four high grade typewriters, two in nearly new condition, and all in good serviceable working order. One or all at a low price• Address: TYPEWRITER, care Chicago Banker. CHOICE INVESTMENT SAFES AND OFFICE FIXTURES FOR SALE—Lot of high grade deposit boxes, good as new, two steel vaults, screw door and manganese safes, all good as new. We carry the largest stock of safes in the West. DONNELL SAFE COMPANY, 200-202 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Established 1886. large city bank, desires position as cashier in good country bank. Can take some stock. First- class references and influential banking connections. Address: When your customer wants land scrip you can make good profit by having some handy; safe as bonds but more profitable. Other investments, where you may coin your experience and good judgment. HUGO SEABERG, Raton, N. M. CASHIER WANTED Mahogany fixtures formerly used in old location, at about one-fourth present cost. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ENGLEWOOD 63rd St., near Stewart Ave., Chicago, 111. “ C. T.,” care Chicago Banker. Wanted — Splendid opening for Cashier in newly organized bank located in the most fertile valley in New Mexico—must invest $5,000• NEW MEXICO LAND CO., Tularosa, N. Mex. coin collectors from all parts of the United States. To say that the numismatists were jarred is putting it mildly. Christopher Bechtler, who was an assayer and refiner of gold, established himself at Rutherford-ton, N. C., near the principal gold mines of that state, some time in 1831, and for many years conducted a mint, at which gold coins of the denominations of $1, $2.50 and $5 were issued in large numbers, his books showing in 1840 that a total amount of about 2)4 million dollars in gold had been used in striking coins of all denominations. Later—some time in 1842—he turned the establishment over to August Bechtler, who operated it until early in the ’50s and likewise issued a large number of gold pieces. The attention of the mint authorities was drawn from time to time to this n^oney making plant, which industriously competed with the regular United States branch mint located at Charlotte, only a few miles away, but no effort to stop the private issue ever seems to have been made or attempted. The Bechtler coins for many years passed current in different parts of the South, and usually were received at their face value, although they were worth intrinsically some 3 per cent less. Large quantities of the coins were brought to the mint at Philadelphia for recoinage, and even up to the last ten years but little interest has been taken in them by collectors. Specimens could be bought at face value in certain instances. Now, however, certain numismatists make a specialty of their collection, and the values have gone to a heavy premium. ing minute money at 2 per cent on the highest grade of securities. Time money is inactive. For short time rates range from 334 to 31/2 per cent, and on five and six months money 3% to 434 per cent. W. S. Reich W. S. Reich is president; T. V. Foote, vice-president, and W. S. Gough, cashier of the new Merchants and Farmers Bank of Elkin, N. C. V The Royal Bank of Canada Hugh Paton, of Montreal, has been elected a director of the Royal Bank of Canada, succeeding the late Thomas Kenny. The head offices of the bank have been removed from Halifax to Montreal. E. D. Pearce Edward D. Pearce has been elected to the presidency of the Providence (R. I.) Institution of Savings to succeed Gilbert A. Phillips. V• Rare Coins Melted Up New York, December 14.—According to an employee of the United States assay office of this city, $600 worth of the famous Bechtler coins was received at the local office a short time ago at their bullion value and were remelted. This fact was announced at a dinner given by Thomas L. Elder at the Cafe Martin, to thirty-five of the representative The Holliston Savings Bank The Holliston (Mass.) Savings Bank has elected the following officers: G. A. Bartlett, presi- dent; J. H. Dewing, F. T. Daniels, vice-presidents. The officers mentioned, with J. F. Fiske, Uriel Cutler, J. H. Mahoney, A. C. Holmes, C. W. Ellis, W. P. Gage, H. M. Cutler, P. F. Leland, George Wilder, J. F. Leland, S. S. Nichols, Frank Cass, C. H. M. Bartlett, E. A. Daniels, C. E. Parker, W. P. Kingsbury, J. M. Batchelder and C. D. Fisher were made trustees. V* The Bank of Commerce of Springfield The new Bank of Commerce, of Springfield, Mo., has elected the following directors : A. S. White, D. J. Landers, B. W. Stewart, John Schmook, John W. Williams, W. W. Coffman, F. B. Taber, Dr. J. H. George, H. C. Garlick and H. N. Simons. V ¡The Money Market The Boston money market continues very quiet, unusually so for this season of the year. It seems to be good opinion that the tendency from now until over the year will be slightly firmer; that is, that the present low rates will be marked up somewhat, and yet no decided advance is anticipated, and it is believed that quiet conditions will rule around the middle of January. The demand for commercial paper exceeds the supply. Note brokers report an exceedingly small demand from mercantile quarters. Money on call rules mostly at 2)4 per cent. Money is loaning at 3 per cent on the more speculative collateral, and some bankers claim to be still borrow- Royal Trust Company- Bank :: Royal Insurance Building . 169 Jackson Blvd., Chicago A State Bank Established 1892 Interest Paid on Deposits JAMES B. WILBUR, President EDWIN F. MACK, Vice-President and Cashier JOHN W. THOMAS, Assistant Cashier THE Chicago Title AND Trust Company Furnishes Complete and accurate abstracts of title. Reliable and collectible guarantees of title. Expert service as administrator, executor, guardian, receiver and trustee at the lowest prices consistent with the maintenance of adequate reserves for liabilities on guarantee policies and abstracts ; superior service and a complete and carefully constructed plant. Assets Exceed $6,000,000 No Demand Liabilities THE CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY 100 Washington Street President............HARRISON B. RILEY Vice-President ..........A. R. MARRIOTT Vice-Prest. and Trust Officer ... WM. C. NIBLACK Secretary .............J. A. RICHARDSON Treasurer..................W, R. FOLSOM GRAHAM & SONS BANKERS STEAMSHIP AND INSURANCE AGENTS ESTABLISHED J 857—51 YEARS ¥ INTEREST ON DEPOSITS, ACCOUNTS SOLICITED, MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Open Ebenings Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 134 West Madison Street Chicago