25 THE CHICAGO BANKER December 19, 1908] FISK & ROBINSON BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE MOVED FROM NO. 135 ADAMS STREET TO LARGER AND MORE COMMODIOUS OFFICES IN THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, CHICAGO. WHERE THEY HAVE EVERY FACILITY FOR CARRYING ON THEIR BUSINESS AS BANKERS AND DEALERS IN INVESTMENT SECURITIES '-C Ng THE CORRESPONDENCE OF INSTITUTIONS, TRUSTEES AND INVESTORS INTERESTED IN GOVERNMENT, RAILROAD. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS IS INVITED FISK & ROBINSON COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK BUILDING NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON Second National Bank PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL STOCK - $1,800,000 SURPLUS 2,000,000 ־ ־ ־ HENRY C. BUGHMAN, President WM. McCONWAY, Vice-President JAMES M. YOUNG, Cashier THOMAS W. WELSH, Jr., Vice-President BROWN A. PATTERSON, A»«t. Cashier Depositary of the United States, the State of Pennsylvania and City of Pittsburgh DIRECTORS HENRY C. BUGHMAN, WM. M. KENNEDY, FRANK C. OSBURN, President Commonwealth Trust Co. Attorney-at-Law ROBERT D. ELWOOD, JAS. S. KUHN, EDWARD B. TAYLOR, of R. D. Elwood & Co. Pres. Pgh. Bank for Savings Vice-Pres. Penna. Co. CHAS. W. FRIEND, WM. McCONWAY, FRANK S WILLOCK, . Clinton Iron & Steel Co, of McConway & Torley Co. of Westmoreland Bnck Co. THOS. D. CHANTLER, WM. L. CURRY, Chantler & McClung McKeesport Tin Plate Co. Accounts Solicited—Our facilities insure prompt attention Ena smndl Arounndl E Pn LJfflMm To LAWTOB Taylor & Co. say that municipal issues are scarce and that the better class of industrial and the high grade railroad bonds find a ready market. Too Late for Christmas Gift Officers of the defunct Allegheny National of Pittsburgh authorized the announcement that in all probability the settlement of the \. recked bank’s affairs through the intervention of a Chicago “realization concern” will be accomplished vtithin three or four weeks. “It is reasonably certain,” said Attorney Clarence Burleigh, counsel for the board of directors of the bank, “that we will be able to close negotiations with the Chicago people within a month. We can hardly promise dividends in time for a Christmas gift to the depositors, but three weeks should see the deal signed up.” If the affairs of the bank are taken over by the Chicago concern for settlement dividends to the depositors will follow immediately, the proposition by the Chicagoans providing for assistance by the stockholders of the bank in the payment of first claims. The State Deposit and Trust Company Directors of the State Deposit and Trust Company of Pittsburgh have declared the regular quarterly dividend of 4 per cent. It will be payable January 2d to stockholders of record December 26th. The Mifflin County National Rufus C. Elder has been chosen to the vicepresidency of the Mifflin County National of Lewistown. V* The Mercantile Trust and Deposit Co. The directors of the Mercantile Trust & Deposit Company of Baltimore, at a special meeting, recommended that the capital stock of the company be reduced from $2,000,000 to $1,500,-000. The stockholders will vote on the proposition at a special meeting to be held December 16th. The City National of Mason City, la., will erect a new building at a cost of $75,000. directors, S. A. Loose, Geo. F. Meharg, W. M. Raudenhold, Sol. H. Lenhart, Daniel A. Burkey, David S. Wolfe, Joseph S. Hix, N. S. Schock, and William D. Boyer. The Pittsburgh Stock Exchange Members of the Pittsburgh Stock Exchange met December 18th after the close of the market and nominated officers for the coming year. The election wall be held January 2d if the Exchange is open, and if not it will be held the following Monday. Want Insurance Legislation The state insurance department will ask the legislature to bring the insurance laws of Pennsylvania down to date by making provisions for calculating the outstanding claims of liability companies and enlarging the supervisory powers of the insurance commissioner; also to closely define the powers of the insurance department as to the entrance of foreign companies, broaden the scope of investments of all companies, and to allow chartering special lines of insurance that have developed in recent years. The Liberty National The officers and directors of the Liberty National and the Liberty Savings Banks of Pittsburgh, issued invitations last week when their remodeled building at Penn and Sheridan avenues was opened. The hours were from 3 until 9 o’clock. Officers of the institutions are: President, Edward M. Bigelow; vice-president, R. B. Ward; cashier of Liberty National, Iff. Iff. Woods; cashier Liberty Savings, James T. Collins. The Farmers National of Claysville The new Farmers National of Claysville will probably open its doors this month. The new building is not completed, so the institution will open in a room in the S. White building. The equipment is expected to arrive soon. Pittsburgh Bond Houses Pittsburgh bond houses report a fair investment demand, but are anticipating a material increase in business after the holidays. H. P. D. M. Frey, Jacob S. Schwartz, Edward C. Hoffacker, Samuel M. Bare, John F. Rohr-baugh, George D. Kindig, Dr. F. H. Beard, H. J. Hoffacker, Frank Kale, John W. Sterner, and Henry M. Bowersox, have been elected directors of the Farmers State Bank of Hanover. The officers are: President, D. M. Frey; vice-president, Jacob S. Schwartz; secretary, H. J. Hoffacker. Annual Elections to be Held January 12th The annual elections of the national banks of Pittsburgh will be held January 12th, the second Tuesday of the new year. A number of other financial institutions will hold their elections on the same day. The Second National Directors of the Second National of Pittsburgh will decide early next week on plans for the handsome new building to be erected on the site now occupied by the institution at Ninth Street and Liberty Avenue. The building will likely be of granite, ten stories in height, and constructed after the most modern and convenient plan. Three stories will be occupied by the bank, and the remainder will be used as offices for which there is no inconsiderable demand in that locality. It is the purpose of the directors to build one of the most substantial structures in the city, on lines that will make it an ornament. The banking section will be provided with every possible convenience demanded for the conduct of the business of a large institution such as the Second National. F. S. Willock Elected a Director Frank S. Willock has been elected a director of the First National of Sewickley to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Frank Semple. The Continental Trust Company Directors of the Continental Trust Company of Pittsburgh have declared a dividend of 1 per cent. It will be payable January 1st to stockholders of record December 27th. Checks will be mailed. The Hamburg Savings Bank The stockholders of the Hamburg Savings Bank of Hamburg have re-elected the former