23 THE CHICAGO BANKER December ip, 1908] A LETTER FROM A MAN TO HIS FRIEND Mr. F. M. Sinclaire, of Schenley, Pa., was asked the other day by a friend, who is in the market for a motor car, what had been his experience with the Winton Six. Mr. Sinclaire made this response: “ I received my Winton Six in May and have run it more than 8000 miles. So far I have not touched a single thing under the bonnet, and have not had one moment’s trouble with the engine, magneto or carburetor. The engine hasn’t missed once in 8000 miles, and the six original spark plugs that came with the car are still in use. I have not even had to take them out to clean them. I have averaged 1 1 miles to the gallon of gasoline, but this is for touring with heavy baggage and all over rough country roads. I have used the car practically altogether for touring, going to Buffalo, Cleveland, Boston, New York and my mother’s home, 20 miles North of Saratoga, and to New York and back several times. “If I were going to buy a new car, I would certainly buy a Winton Six. But no matter what car I should buy, you could not get me to tackle a four-cylinder car again, unless perhaps I wanted a very small, light runabout. The Sixes have the Fours skinned.” SSSsiSv ^ " ........ $3000 $4500 48 It. p., five-passenger car 60 h. p., seven-passenger car Made in two sizes tfTT \Wmion literature fully describes the difference hetween fours and sixes, and 111 presents proof that every prospective buyer ought to have before he makes his decision. “Twelve Rules to Help Automobile Buyers is a booklet worth while. Winton Branch Houses in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsbur¿, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle and San Francisco. See our exhibit at Madison Square Garden Show, N. Y., January 16th to 23rd. THE WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE CO. Member Association Licensed Automobile Manufacturers 100 BEREA ROAD - - - CLEVELAND, OHIO