24 THE CHICAGO BANKER [Volume XXV of Illinois 1439-42 First National Bank Building, Chicago Specialists in A.na«titis&gg and System־־ Marshall & Ilsley Bank Milwaukee, Wis. ESTABLISHED 1847 Capital $500,000 Surplus $370,000 Oldest Bank in the Northwest Conservative Progressive We take pleasure in placing our facilities at your disposal and should be pleased to have you write us if you are contemplating opening either an active or a reserve account in Milwaukee. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JAMES K. ILSLEY, President JOHN CAMPBELL, Vice-President HARRY J. PAINE. Asst. Cashier JOHN H. PUELICHER, Cashier G. A. REUSS, Mir, South Side Branch SAMUEL H. MARSHALL J. H. TWEEDY, Jr. ROBERT N. McMYNN C. C. YAWKEY GUSTAV REUSS atlsimgl Ptsblie Seirylce Coiyporations C. W. KNISELY, C. P. A. President—Manager REFERENCES: Leading Bond Houses dealing in Gas, Electric and Railway Securities Banking News, Milwaukee—Wisconsin District of the convention of our association on the boat during that time. If satisfactory arrangements to this effect cannot be made, the convention will again be held in Milwaukee, at a date to be determined by the Milwaukee Bankers Club. Banking Notes The State Bank of Boggs has been incorporated with a capital of $10,000. R. H. Hackett, of Oshkosh, has been elected president of the First National of Omro, and Cashier A. J. Marble of the institution has been chosen as a director at a special meeting of the board of directors of the bank. Superior is beginning another campaign for the purpose of getting a more equitable division of the taxes collected from railroads of the state. Announcement has been made that a 4 per cent dividend has been declared on Wisconsin Central Stock, payable in January. The report caused a flurry in Milwaukee, where a large amount of the stock is owned. The Money of the Country The supply of gold money in the United States, including the holdings of the national treasury, is 1,659 million dollars, an increase of 91/2 millions last month and a gain of 97 millions since a year ago. This country’s stock of gold money has doubled in ten years. The United States treasury contains the unparalleled total of 1,041 millions in gold and 515 millions in silver, a large part of which is represented in circulation by gold and silver certificates. The actual amount of money in circulation December 1st was 19 millions greater than on November 1st and 109 millions greater than a year ago. On the basis of the Treasury department’s estimate of population, 88,090,000, the per capita circulation is $35.39. The People’s Exchange Bank of Tennille, Ga., has made application for a charter. Capitalized at $30,000. K. Bashinski, G. W. Wood and H. M. Bashinski are promoters. of the financial stringency in 1907, and the improvement since that time. New Bank for Antigo The organization of a new bank at Antigo is being promoted by Walter D. Askam and associates. Credit Due to Geo. D. Bartlett Four of a gang of nine alleged safe blowers, arrested in Minneapolis on a charge of robbing the Holcombe Bank, October 26th, pleaded not guilty when arraigned before Judge Jenkins at Chippewa Falls. To George D. Bartlett of Stanley, manager of the insurance department of the Wisconsin Bankers Association is due a great deal of the credit of vigorously prosecuting the search for the men, who are supposed to be part of the gang who have been operating at various points throughout Wisconsin. The job done on the post-office at Stanley, the bank at Ladysmith, and the post-office at Warrens all showed the work of professionals. A detective was placed on a hot trail immediately after the robbery at Holcombe and he traced the robbers to Minneapolis, and there, with the assistance of the city detectives, a band of nine were rounded up. Secretary Graettinger on Association Matters Secretary M. A. Graettinger of the Wisconsin Bankers Association says that the several associations of the states of Minnesota, Iowa. North and South Dakota, and Wisconsin, have formed an Interstate Protective Association, the object of which is to eliminate the bank burglar or forger from these states. Criminals of this class perpetrating their work on any of the members of the several associations mentioned above will be followed until captured, and then prosecuted to the fullest extent. The commissions received for policies received through our insurance department go into a protective fund, which is used for purposes of this kind. Negotiations are being had with one of the lake transportation companies looking towards the engaging of one of the large passenger boats for a three days’ trip to the Mackinac Islands during next summer, and the holding The Milwaukee National at the close of business November 27th shows deposits of $2,505,-S80. The bank has total deposits of $3,581,225. Geo. W. Strohmeyer is president. “The bank invites correspondence or interviews with those contemplating a change from their present depositary, or opening new accounts. They have excellent facilities for giving־ prompt and satisfactory service. Collections solicited on the most liberal • terms. Foreign exchange sold and drawn direct on the principal cities of the world. Interest allowed on time and savings deposits.” Sentenced for Five Years Edwin C. Story, formerly cashier of the Citizens’ Bank at Belleville, who was arrested last spring on complaint of Banking Commissioner M. C. Bergh, Thursday pleaded guilty to falsifying his bank statements and was sentenced by Judge Donovan to five years in Waupun. Story made bad loans aggregating the sum of $23,000 in losses. He managed to cover up the defalcation for two years by false bank interests and mortgages. He was taken to the state prison at Waupun at noon. Milwaukee National Banks The statements, under call by the Comptroller, of the business condition of national banks at the close on •November 27th, is decidedly satisfactory in Milwaukee, when compared with the corresponding statement a year ago, issued December 3, 1907. The following are the aggregates in resources, deposits, loans, and discounts, and surplus, and undivided profits in the two statements: Total resources of the six national banks, November 27th, this }mar, w ere $60,3x0,166.93, against $56,791,906.94, December 3.1907; deposits. November 27th. this rear, aggregated $46,286,041.74, against $41.070.963.40 a year ago; loans and discounts November 27th, this year, $31,790,608.49. against $32,140.706.01 a year ago; surplus and undivided profits November 27th, this year. $3.387,613.90. against $3,142,482.28 a year ago. This showing presents the difference in conditions at the outset