[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 8 THE FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. 427 CHESTNUT STREET Capital $2,000,000.00 - - ־ Surplus and Profits 1,325,000.00 ORGANIZED JANUARY 17, 1807 Dividends Paid - $12,777,000.00 OFFICERS Howard W. Lewis, President Henry B. Bartow, Cashier John Mason, Transfer Officer Oscar E. Weiss, Assistant Cashier ACCOUNTS OF INDIVIDUALS, FIRMS, AND CORPORATIONS SOLICITED PRESENT NUMBER OF STOCKHOLDERS 930 STATE BANK OF CHICAGO ESTABLISHED 1879 S. E. Corner La Salle and Washington Streets Capital - $1,000,000 Surplus and profits (earned) 1,300,000 Deposits - 19,000,000 OFFICERS Frank I. Packard, Asst. Cashier Henry A. Haugan, Asst. Cashier Samuel E. Knecht, Secretary William C. Miller, Asst. Secretary H. A. Haugan, President L. A. Goddard, Vice-President John R. Lindgren, Vice-President Henry S. Henschen, Cashier YOUR CHICAGO BUSINESS RESPECTFULLY INVITED Ohio Rankin¿ News bank on January ist. Mr. Williams retires on account of illness, and hopes to recover his health by a prolonged rest. The Ohio System State Inspector AI. H. Thatcher of Kentucky, is studying the systems of accounting in Ohio, New York, Illinois, Arkansas, Wyoming and Oklahoma, with a view of recommending to Governor Willson a new system of accounting for Kentucky. In the meantime, he has suggested to the governor that Treasurer Farley send out all state checks. The system to be recommended will be as far as is practicable in Kentucky one that will not only cover the state accounts, but also those of every county and municipality in the state. Examiner Thatcher is continuing the examination of vouchers of the auditor’s office during the term of Auditor Hager and the time that Judge Booe was a clerk in the office. To Represent the Firm in Ohio R. M. Avery, formerly cashier of the Deposit Bank of Delaware, is now connected with the bond house of Barto, Scott & Co., Columbus, to represent the firm in Ohio territory. The Central National of Columbus The Central National of Columbus has been organized with a capital of $200,000. Julius F. Stone is president ; Fred Lazarus, vice-president : Howard C. Park, cashier and A. Syn-old, assistant cashier. V* The State National of Little Rock The board of directors of the State National, Little Rock, Ark., have decided to inaugurate a bond department in connection with the bank, to deal in municipal securities. The bank is looking for a capable man to take charge of the department. V The California National The California National of Sacramento, in its latest statement shows deposits of $7,142,-696. F. AN. Kiesel is cashier. Cleveland National Banks The call of the Comptroller of the Currency for the condition of national banks at the close of business November 27th was not altogether unexpected, although it was believed in some quarters that there would be no call until this week, thus allowing a reflection of banking conditions in the closing month of the year. But Cleveland bankers were in position to make an excellent showing, a number of banks reporting large increases in deposits. This is in marked contrast with the corresponding report of a year ago when the influences of the abnormal conditions of that period were being felt. Taken as a whole it goes to show that Cleveland has already made ¡wonderful progress toward recovery and its national banks are in better condition than ever. Cincinnati Building Operations Building operations in Cincinnati continue on an active scale. During November 285 building permits were issued, against 298 for the same month last year. The improvements covered by the permits aggregate $935,625, against $536,298 for the same month last }־ear. The Central National of Cleveland The Central National of Cleveland, gets out a very handsome statement folder. Its latest statement shows deposits of $7,256,548. The folder also contains some very handsome views. The Pearl Street Market Bank R. Scott Williams has resigned as cashier of the Pearl Street Market Bank of Cincinnati, effective December 31st. At a meeting of the directors Samuel Lehman, vice-president of the bank, and president of the Samuel Lehman Company, agreed to take active charge of the The Western German Bank of Cincinnati will take advantage of the new state banking law, a meeting of its stockholders having been called for January 6th to adopt it. This law-does not become compulsory until April, 1910, but remains optional with banks existing at the time of its passage to come under its terms. The new־ law, in addition to providing the inspection feature, extends broader scope in loaning power. Under the present charter state banks can only loan to one borrower an amount not to exceed 10 per cent of the capital stock. Under the new law banks are allowed to loan 20 per cent of capital and surplus, and such part of the loan as is protected by municipal or other approved security is not to be considered as a part of the 20 per cent amount. Director Bailey Dead Eli Bailey, aged 75, a director of the Dollar Savings Bank of Bridgeport, dropped dead of heart disease .in the directors’ room last week as the secretary was reading the minutes of the last meeting. He leaves a large estate. Cincinnati National Banks The statements of the national banks of Cincinnati under the call of the Comptroller show that at the close of business November 27th. they held $68,619,761 of deposits, compared with $69,862,424 on September 23d, and had outstanding loans aggregating $53,036,001, compared with $75.207,154 on September 23d. The Peoples State Savings Bank Julius Comte, A'. O. Moore, O. D. Tiffany, C. J. Karg, H. J. Rohrs, C. L. A'angrimmer, J. D. Salvail, W . FI. Tucken, H. J. Chittenden and David Harpster, have been elected directors of the new Peoples State Savings Bank at Toledo.