31 THE CHICAGO BANKER December 5, iqo8~\ Secretary Hughes on Nebraska Sentiment Editor Chicago Banker: In the November 28th issue o'f your good paper I notice an item on page 3 in regard to the guaranty of deposits sentiment in Nebraska. The item ends with this sentence, “all the state banks favor the law and expect it.” May I ask the source of your information on this point? It is far from correct and I take it that you wish to get the news in your journal as nearly right as possible. If you said that none of the state banks favored the proposed law you would be wrong, for some of them do favor it. but a large number of the state banks are against guaranty. My personal opinion is that, considering the state banks alone, a large majority are opposed to the proposition. Yours truly, Wm. B. Hughes, Secretary. Omaha, November 30, 1908. T*» Another Illinois Bank Robbed Port Bryon, 111., December 1.—Burglars blew open the vault of the State Bank early to-day and escaped on a handcar with nearly $5,000 in gold, silver, and currency. A few residents were aroused by a muffled explosion, but paid no attention to it, and the burglary was not discovered till the bank was opened for the day’s business. T*» New Bank Probable for North Platte M. Dowling, of Omaha, has been visiting at North Platte, Neb., in regard to the organization of a new bank. (Official Publication) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MUTUAL BANK At Chicago, State of Illinois, before the commencement of business on the 28th day of November, 1908, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, for the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $1,423,062.01 $1,423,090.82 Overdrafts 928.81 Bonds and Securities, incl’ding Premiums 441,069.49 441,069.49 Furniture and Fixtures 5,000.00 5,000.00 Due from National Banks 656,634.22 656,634.22 Checks and other cash items 701.85 16,492.09 Collections in Transit Cash on hand 15,790.24 a. Gold Coin 8,112.50 “ Treasury Certificates. 30,550.00 b. Silver Coin 5,200.00 “ Treasury Certificates.. 21,991.00 c. National Bank Currency 14,230.00 d. Legal Tender and Treasury Notes e. Fractional Currency, Nickels and 38,820.00 119,586.55 Cents 683.05 Total LIABILITIES $2,662,773.17 Capital Stock paid in $250,000.00 Surplus Fund Undivided profits, less expenses and 50,000.00 *336,251.24 taxes paid 36,251.24 Time Deposits, Savings “ “ Certificates 1,106,517.35 !,125,415.38 18,898.03 Demand Deposits, Individual “ 11 Certificates 986,332.25 61,009.80 “ “ Certified Checks ... 17,169.30 “ “ Cashiers Checks — So,731-37 1,115,242.72 Due to other banks, National 84,063.83 84,063.83 Reserved for Interest, Taxes, Etc 1,800.00 Total $2,662,773.17 I, Edgar F. Olson, Cashier of STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook The Mutual Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. EDGAR F. OLSON, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of December, 1908. [SEAL] A. H. REEVES, Notary Public “ON THE SOUTH SIDE” Prairie National Bank 15 7 LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO Report of Condition at the close of business Nov. 27, 1908 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts...................$1,095,861.19 Bonds and premiums...................... 300,600.00 Cash and exchange...................... 509,192.34 Redemption fund.......................... 12,500.00 Furniture and safes.... 3,022.33 Total..................................$1,921,175.86 LIABILITIES $ 250,000.00 50,000.00 35,588.00 248,200.00 1.337,387.86 Capital.... Surplus Profits ... Circulation Deposits.. $1,921,175.86 Total DIRECTORS Oswald J. Arnold, Wm. E. Conklin, Joseph Downey, Henry J. Evans, Willis S. Herrick. Charles B. Scoville, Harry R. Moore, Fred B Woodland, Geo. Woodland. OFFICERS Geo. Woodland, President. Harry R. Moore, Vice President. Win. B. Conklin, Cashier. Le Roy Woodland, Asst. Cashier־ Capt. J. F. McCartney President John F. McCartney, of the National State Bank, of Metropolis, 111., who passed away last month, was one of the pioneer bankers of southern Illinois, a man of strong character and fine executive ability, and looked upon as a representative citizen of the state, and was always proud to speak in its behalf. He was an enthusiastic supporter of the group meetings and at the Cairo meeting of Group Ten, last year, took a prominent part. It was his hope that the members of Group Ten would have their spring meeting this year at Metropolis, and he had promised all who attended a Commerce Banquet Speakers In addition to J. Pierpont Morgan, the speakers at the banquet of the Chicago Association of Commerce, at the Auditorium Hotel, December 9th, will be B. F. Yoakum, chairman of the executive committees Rock Island and Frisco lines; Thomas Burke, of Seattle, former judge of the supreme court of Washington, and Bishop Anderson, of Chicago. Topics of public interest and importance will be discussed. at the function, which will close the season of public dinners given by the association. F. W. Schmidt A teller in the Metropolitan Trust and Savings Bank, of this city, is being given the credit for unearthing a new counterfeiting plot. Instead of returning a bad bill unstamped as other banks have been doing, notably the Illinois Trust & Savings, Schmidt informed the government secret service. The newest bogus note is an Indian head bill, series “B47963872,'’ date of 1899, and bearing the signatures “W. T. Vernon,” and “Charles H. Treat.” V* Canadian Bank Dividends Canadian companies will pay out close to $5,000,000 in dividends during December. The banks will pay out the greater part of the total amount. Bankers will Discuss Law New York, December x.—A large party of bankers left here to-night for Washington, to participate with Senator Aldrich and his colleagues on the national currency commission, in a discussion of a proposed amendment to the administrative feature of the national banking law. Among them were George M. Reynolds of the Continental National, of Chicago, president of the American Bankers Association, and the federal legislative committee of the association, composed of J. A. McCord, of the Third National, Atlanta; Arthur Reynolds, of the Des Moines National, E. F. Swinney, of the First National, of Kansas City, and John L. Hamilton, of Hamilton and Cunningham, Hoopeston, 111. Other bankers who will be present to take part in the discussion at the invitation of Senator Aldrich are: E. A. Hamill, of the Corn Exchange National, Chicago; C. E. Currier of the Atlanta National, Atlanta; J. G. Cannon, of the Hibernian National, New Orleans; C. K. McIntosh, of the San Francisco National, San Francisco; Thomas P. Beal, of the Second National of Boston, and William H. Porter, of the Chemical National, New York. For Rent SPACE IN THE Classified Service Columns OF THE Chicago Banker RATE: Two Cents Per Word or Fifteen Cents Per Line RESULTS QUICK AND SURE There are thousands of bankers and financial men throughout the United States who will be brought in touch with your announcement if placed in the classified service columns of the Chicago Banker. Act at once and send your order to The Chicago Banker TO7 Monadnock Block ■ CHICAGO