23 THE CHICAGO BANKER December 5, iqo8] These are Six-Cylinder Times A year ago nearly every maker of four-cylinder cars felt himself called upon to warn the public not to be misled by six-cylinder “fallacies.” To-day there isn’t a four maker in America at all anxious to stand up and repeat what he said before the public learned for itself that these six-cylinder “fallacies” were not fallacies, but facts. Meanwhile, the Winton Company continues to make six-cylinder cars exclusively, continues to advance the same six-cylinder truths that it advertised a year ago, and, likewise, continues to prove, in the Winton Six, that six-cylinder cars are immeasurably superior to all other types — price, size and nameplate not excepted. And since automobile buyers know superiority when with their own eyes they see it demonstrated, it is easy to understand why these are six-cylinder times. The more critically you test the m AS * mm -i /. ■ ■ M B feig Get our book, “Twelve Rules to Help Buyers.” Gives a dozen practical methods of testing the merit of motor cars before you buy. These rules apply equally to cars of all makes, grades and prices, and suggest infallible ways of finding out whether the car offered for your purchase is worth buying. Observe these rules and you will avoid many a dollar of expense, and escape making a humiliating and costly mistake in selecting a car. It is sent gratis. So, too, is our unusual catalog, which sets forth fully the cardinal differences between six-cylinder cars and other types. Its information is worth knowing. We make the Winton Six in two sizes. Five-passenger, 48 horse-power car, $3000. Seven-passenger, 60 horse-power car, $4500. Both cars of the finest quality that any experienced, conscientious maker can produce. Write for literature today. the more certain you are to become a six-cylinder enthusiast. Simply ask to be shown, and the Winton Six will do the re£t— —start from the seat without cranking; —run as quietly as deep water; take hills and traffic on high, at fast or slow speed, without gear shifting; —do its work without vibration; —provide maximum comfort to passengers; —inflate its own tires without hand labor; —save tire and fuel expense; keep out of repair shops (see our sworn records of 65,687.4 miles at an average upkeep expense of $1 for each 4343 miles); —go the route like coasting down hill; —and give its owner the indescribable contentment of possessing a car superior to everything else on the road. Winton Branch Houses in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle and San Francisco. See our exhibit at Madison Square Garden Show, N. Y., January 16th to 23rd. THE WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE CO. Member Association Licensed Auto Mfrs. 100 BEREA ROAD ־ ־ - CLEVELAND, OHIO