[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 32 ESTABLISHED 1872 Deposits $23,000,000 Capital and Surplus $4,000,000 Northwestern National Bank MINNEAPOLIS Wm. H. Dunwoody, President M. B. Koon, Vice*Pres. E. W. Decker, Vice Pres. Joseph Chapman, Jr., Vice Pres. A. A. Crane, Vice-Pres. Frank E. Holton, Cashier C. W. Farwell, Asst. Cashier W. F. McLane, Asst. Cash. R. E. Macgregor, Asst. Cash. S. S. Cook, Asst. Cash. I. F. Cotton, Asst. Cash. t"crrfs BULLARD’S SPEEDOMETERS Weight 10 cunees 21A inch dial PRICE $15.00 They tell the truth at any speed up to their limit. No jar or jolt of the car will shake the hand. Sensitive to the slightest change of speed. Slowest moving parts of any instrument in the market. Ball bearings throughoi t. ABSOLUTELY guaranteed for TEN years, if “ you 1< t it alone.” WHO WILL GIVE YOU AN EQUAL GUARANTEE, AND LIVE UP TO IT ? For Automobiles No Instrument more easily read. Registers correctly when attached to either wheel. We have no shaft troubles, owing to its slow motion and ease of running. We prove our statements every day; let us prove it to you. Send for booklets and letters of endorsement. WE SET THE PACE PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $50.00 Bullard Specialty Co., Winchester Park, Springfield, Mass. Speedometers and Speed Recorders ®I The clerk will be a better business man if he reads this little book— and the proprietor a better business man, if he reads it. ®J Two things that work for a better, bigger, broader business. •J This booklet has been the “ hit ” of the year—the second edition, of 50,000 copies, is now being distributed. CJ You may have one if you write on your business letterhead—and mention this publication. CJ Ninety per cent, of adding and listing machines in use are Burroughs- Burroughs Adding Machine Company Block 65, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. Canadian Bank Merger The Standard Bank of Canada is about to absorb the Western Bank of Canada, at Oshawa, Ont. There is to be no interchange of stock, the Standard being a straight purchaser of the shares of the Western institution. The authorized capital of the Western Bank is $!,000,000 but of this only $555,000 has been subscribed. It has a rest account of $300,000. The Standard bank has an authorized capital of $2,000,000, of which $1,537,700 has been subscribed. The stockholders of the Western Bank will meet on January 6th to ratify the The First State Bank of Richfield The First State Bank of Richfield, Ida., reports capital of $15,000 and deposits of $15,000. George W. Mickelwait is president; R. E. Mickelwait, vice-president, and T. B. Brush, The Marine National H. R. Buck has been appointed assistant cashier of the Marine National of Wildwood, N. J. A. O. Jopling A. O. Jopling has been elected a director of the First National of Marquette, Mich., to succeed the late Hon. Peter White. The First National has deposits of $1,787,790, and is a United States depositary. Louis G. Kaufman, the president of the bank, is an ex-president of the Michigan Bankers Association. The First National has total resources of $2,196,192. V» Toronto Banker Dead Robert P. Davidson, manager of the Traders’ Bank at Lakefield, shot himself Wednesday. An unimportant shortage was discovered in his books by the bank inspector and fear of exposure and disgrace led Davidson to shoot himself. Davidson’s home was in Toronto. C. G. Dawes Chas. G. Dawes, of the Central Trust Company of Illinois, at Chicago, says that business is steadily improving, the surest sign being the expanding bank clearings all over the country. Bond Department Northern Trust H. B. Judson of the bond department of the Northern Trust Company of this city is offering some fine securities for investors. He has on hand $100,000 general mortgage 4 per cent bonds of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company; $100,000 general corporate 4’s City of Chicago; $50,000 4J4 per cent water bonds city of Los Angeles; $100,000 first mortgage 5 per cent gold bonds Chicago City Railway Company; $100,000 refunding gold 5 per cent bonds Peoples Gas Light & Coke Company, and various other excellent investment securities. «׳«7 The State Savings Bank of Stanton The State Savings Bank of Stanton, Mich., reports capital of $20,000; surplus $4,000 and undivided profits $3,600. Fred R. Messenger is president; P. J. Devine, vice-president, and C. W. French, cashier. 7** First National of Fishkill Landing Thomas Aldridge succeeds M. E. Curtis as cashier of the First National of Fishkill Landing, New York.