[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 26 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY The Cedar Rapids National Bank Cedar Rapids, Iowa Has for more than 21 years given particular attention to the accounts of Iowa Banks and Bankers, and is thereby enabled to place at their disposal facilities that are unsurpassed. OFFICERS A. T. Aver ill, President Kent C. Ff.rman, Cashier G. F. Van Vechtf.n, Vice Pres. Louis Visha, Asst. Cashier Ralph Van Vechtf.n, Vice Pres. A.R. Smouse, Auditor until the Tribune has paid up some $4,000 on an unexpired lease for rooms in the bank building. While the negotiations were pending, Cashier McKinney caught sight of Huffman and beckoned him over. Huffman did not care to see the cashier and started to run. McKinney started after him and the men sprinted for a couple of blocks before Huffman dodged into a stairway and made his escape. The injunction suit is still standing, the Register and Leader claiming that there was no written lease between the bank and Tribune as the bank claims. Banking Notes The National Bank of Bloomfield has been organized with a capital stock of $55,000. The directors are: Henry C. Taylor, Theodore Taylor, S. F. McConnell, S. S. Standley, and S. E. Rowe, all of Bloomfield. The new building of the Iowa State Savings, at Crestón, is rapidly nearing completion and will make a splendid home for the institution when completed. D. Davenport has purchased the building now occupied by the bank and will make it into a law and abstract office. Bank clearings in Des Moines for the week ending November 21st totaled $3,099,941.90. This is an increase of $367,759.32 over the clearings for the corresponding week last year. The City Bank Building Company, organized to erect a new bank building at Mason City, has filed articles of incorporation. The capital at Lansing. The Farmers Savings at Oxford has increased its capital stock from $15,000 to $20,000. The Cedar Falls National The Cedar Falls National celebrated its removal into the new $30,000 building this week by absorbing the Cedar Falls Savings, one of the biggest mergers of the year, of which by the way, there have been fewer than usual. The National will now have a capital of $100,-000 and a surplus of $25,000. The Cedar Falls Trust Company, conducted by the officers of the Cedar Falls National, wdll have its stock increased from $25,000 to $75,000. The new structure which is to be occupied by the marged banks is one of the handsomest in Northeastern Iowa, with a marble column front, elaborate furniture and fixtures throughout and everything strictly modern and up to date. This is the second new bank building in Cedar Falls this year, the Security National being the other. Coins Imported with Interest At last the new half eagle and quarter eagle coins have reached Des Moines. They were received at the Iowa National and were inspected with considerable interest by patrons of the bank. They are the first to reach the city and came direct from the mint. Discredit Statement Des Moines friends of George Reynolds, president, of the Continental National at Chicago, and who was formerly president of the Des Moines National, a position now held by his brother, Arthur Reynolds, are inclined to discredit the statement that he will be made Secretary of the Treasury, under President Taft. While admitting his entire fitness for the portfolio, they do not believe he will resign a place with a salary of $30,000 a year to accept one less than a third that much. Winner of the Wager Suing Banker C. H. McNider, of Mason City, has been made defendant in a peculiar suit by F. S. Gibson. J. H. McGhee and Gibson made a wager of $1,000 each, McGhee wagering that Governor Cummins would receive more votes at the senatorial primary in June than’did Senator Allison, his opponent at that time. The money was deposited with McNider as stakeholder. But after the primaries, McGhee demanded the return of his $1,000 and McNider gave it back to him. Gibson is now suing McNider for the $1,000 deposited by McGhee claiming that he is entitled to it as winner of the wager. Engages in Foot Race Bankers are joking Cashier McKinney of the Capital City State, in Des Moines, over a foot race in which he participated with George Huffman, president of the Des Moines Daily Tribune. The Tribune has been purchased by the Register and Leader, but when the transfer of the machinery began, Cashier McKinney secured an injunction stopping the transfer Des Moines, November 26.—More than the ordinary number of changes are being reported from Iowa banks these days. The Afton Savings has added six new stockholders, J. W. Coen, Ira Gripp, O. B. Emerson, M. W. Keating, Will DeLay, and Dr. Philips. J. M. Schleuter has been elected president of the German Savings at Lansing. F. B. Wilson is the new assistant cashier at Greeley. F. J. Mann has resigned as assistant cashier of the First National at Burt, and has been succeeded by Kirby Smith. Martin Troup, formerly assistant cashier of the Collins Savings is now cashier of the bank at Rhodes. Peter Bohrofen has been elected president, and A. M. Parmen-ter vice-president of the Farmers Savings, at Grimes. G. W. Kerndt has been made vice-president, and J. Boeckh cashier of the State THE DES MOINES NATIONAL BANK DES MOINES - - IOWA OUR DIRECT FIELD-STATE OF IOWcA Capital - $300,000.00 Surplus & Profits 85,000.00 Deposits - 4,000,000.00 ARTHUR REYNOLDS, Prt.idcnt JOHN H. BLAIR, Vice-Pre»ident A. J. ZWART. Cashier MERCHANTS’ NATIONAL BANK BURLINGTON, IOWA. CAPITAL - - $100.000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, - $100,000.00 OFFICERS J. L. EDWARDS, President W E. BLAKE, Vice-President JAMES MOIR, Vice-President ALEX. M0IR, Vice-President H. J. HUN8ERF0RD, Cashier F. L. HOUKE.Ass’t Cashier C. L. FULTON, Ass t Cashier ACCOUNT• OF BANK« BANKERS MANUFACTURinB AND INDIVIDUALS INVITED AND EVERY K AC ILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND CONSERVATIVE AND LEGITIMATE BANKING WILL BE Citizens'Savings Bank CAPITAL, $50,000.00 DECORAH, IOWA • RECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTION• • END YOUR DECORAH ITEMS TO US E. J . Curtin, Pr esident B.J. McKay, Cashier O. Casterton. E. L. Amundsen, Vice-President Asst. Cashier O'&ECГ THE OTTUMWA NATIONAL BANK OTTUMWA, IOWA Capital, $100,000 Surplus, 75,000 Will render genuine service to all those having business in Ottumwa and vicinity. J. B. MOWREY, L. E. STEVENS, R. W. FUNK, President Cashier Ass’t Cashier CLINTON, IOWA Capital and Surplus, $500,000.00 Send us your Iowa and Western Illinois collections. Our service and rates will please you. BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. TO IOWA BANKERS Please forward marked copies of your home paper to the Chicago Banker when it contains anything about Iowa Banks or bankers. The favor will be appreciated.