13 THE CHICAGO BANKER November 28, iço8־\ William A. Tilden President Nelson N. Lampert Vice Prest. Henry R. Kent Cashier Charles Fernald Asst. Cashier Colin S. Campbell Asst. Cashier MONROE AND CLARK STREETS CHICAGO Capital, $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits, $400,000 Your Business Solicited THE LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK OF NEW YORK FREDERICK B. SCHENCK, President CHARLES W. RIECKS Vice-Pres. & Cashier FRED'K P. McGLYNN Ass’t Cashier HENRY S. BARTOW Ass't Cashier DANiEL G. REID Vice-President Z0HETH S. FREEMAN Vice-President HENRY P, DAVISON Chairman Ex. Com. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $ 3,400,000.00 For Rent SPACE IN THE Classified Service Columns OF THE Chicago Banker RATE: Two Cents Per Word or Fifteen Cents Per Line RESULTS QUICK AND SURE There are thousands of bankers and financial men throughout the United States who will be brought in touch with your announcement if placed in the classified service columns of the Chicago Banker. Act at once and send your order to The Chicago Banker 407 Monadnock Block ־ CHICAGO the capital stock from $100,000 to $200,000. It is understood that it is the purpose of the directors of this bank to apply for a national charter and the authorization of the increase to the capital is a preliminary step to that end. Banking Notes The American Bank Note Company has purchased 123 lots in Hunt’s Point section of the Bronx, and will erect a large group of buildings to accommodate its entire plant. One of the surprising features of the financial situation is the continuance of extremely low rates for both call and time money, notwithstanding very active speculation on the New York Stock Exchange. Edward King, president of the Union Trust Company of New York City, died Wednesday night at his home, 1 University Place, at the age of 75 years. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Nassau Bank of New York City, Edward Earl was unanimously elected president to fill the vacancy caused by the death last month of W. H. Rogers. Frank A. Vanderlip, the acting head of the National City Bank, of New York City, speaks very optimistically of the growth of the home investment in bonds, and the prospects of a still broader market. V* The Bank of Sweet Springs Sedalia, Mo., November 22.—The Bank of Sweet Springs, at Sweet Springs, Saline County, Mo., was robbed of $5,500 in currency at 3 o’clock this morning by professional cracksmen, who blew open the vault with dymamite. The bank building was wrecked. Three men, supposed to be the robbers, were seen going east afoot soon after the noise of the explosion aroused the town. V* Banker Maxwell Goes Free Brookhaven, Miss., November 21.—The case of the state versus M. L. Maxwell, charged with accepting money in the Planters Bank, at Boguechitto, after it was known to be insolvent, was given to the jury this evening and in about forty minutes the jury returned with a verdict of not guilty. The opinion of the jurors was that the state failed to make out a strong case. New York Banking News The directors of the Bowling Green Trust Company of New York City have elected William Skinner, president of the William Skinner Manufacturing Company, a director, to fill a vacancy. The Yokohama Specie Bank The Yokohama Specie Bank, New York City, is in receipt of a cablegram from the home office in Yokohama, stating that the reports current last week that a run on the bank’s agency located in Peking had been in progress subsequent to the death of the Empress of China, were false. Bank Has Twenty-Six Branches The Corn Exchange Bank of New York City is preparing to open two new branches, one at 181 st Street and St. Nicholas Avenue and the other on the Queens Borough Bridge Plaza, Astoria. These additional branches will give the Corn Exchange Bank twenty-six branches in all. The Liberty National At a meeting of the board of directors of the Liberty National, New York City, Z. S. Freeman, vice-president of the Merchants National, was elected a vice-president of the Liberty National. It was also decided at this meeting that the office of second vice-president be abolished, and Charles W. Riecks was elected a vice-president of the bank, which office he is to hold, together with that of cashier. The Williamsburg Trust Company The Williamsburg Trust Company, of New York City, has been designated by the United States district court as a depositary for the moneys of bankrupt estates. The Columbia Trust Company Frederick Strauss and M. M. Van Beuren have been elected directors of the Columbia Trust Company of New York City. Keynote of Speech “Prosperity” J. Edward Simmons, president of the New York Chamber of Commerce and president of the Fourth National, in his address Thursday night at the annual dinner of the chamber spoke most optimistically of the business outlook. The keynote of the speech was “prosperity.” European-American Bank The stockholders of the European-American Bank of New York City have voted to increase