7 THE CHICAGO BANKER November 28, 1905׳] Harris Trust and Savings Bank At a meeting of the board of directors of the Harris Trust and Savings Bank of this city, $250,000 was taken from the undivided profits of the bank and carried to the surplus account. The surplus now is $500,000 and the capital tal $1,250,000. The total capital, surplus and undivided profits are $1,960,000. V• The Farmers and Mechanics Bank A. B. Daab is president; R. M. Smith, vice-president, and S. B. Knepper, cashier, of the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Wood River, 111. Chicago Visitors Geo. B. Stone, president Chamber of Commerce, Oklahoma City, and director of the American Exchange National, Oklahoma City, and Clark Hudson, manager of the Oklahoma Federation of Commercial Clubs, spent several days in Chicago last week booming Oklahoma City and their territory generally. Both gentlemen are enthusiastic about the future business possibilities of their section of the country, tl* The Columbia Trust Company The Columbia Trust Company, of Middle-town, Conn., has closed its doors on orders of National Bank Examiners Noble and Lippett. The institution is capitalized at $100,000, and its liabilities are about $50,000. The depositors, it is said, will be paid in full. Hamilton National Visitors The following bankers were visitors at the Hamilton National, of this city, recently: George E. Lawson, vice-president Peoples State Bank, Detroit, Mich.; Wm. E. Marsh, cashier State Savings Bank, Benton Harbor, Mich.; Geo. M. Wolf, First State Savings Bank, Three Rivers, Mich.; W. A. Julian, First National, Cincinnati, O.; O. M. Bake, vice-president Miami Valley Bank, Hamilton, O.; W. S. Baugh, president American National, Lafayette, Ind.; Lewis H. Kirby, Kalamazoo Savings Bank, Kalamazoo, Mich.; F. E. Shaff-1:1 aster, president Waterville State Savings Bank Co., Waterville, O.; C. H. McNider, president First National, Mason City, la.; H. H. Sanger, cashier National Bank of Commerce,׳ Detroit, Mich.; C. E. Keplinger, assistant secretary Interstate Trust & Banking Co., New Orleans, La.; B. S. Spoffard, president Branch County Savings Bank, Coldwater, Mich.; Jno. W. Stanford, note teller, First National, Independence, Ivan.; Jerome Harrington, president First National, Watonga, Okla.; T. L. Tre-main, president Peoples State Bank, Humboldt, la.; John L. Hamilton, vice-president Hamilton & Cunningham. Hoopeston, 111.; Dudley E. Waters, president Grand Rapids National, Grand Rapids, Mich., and W. R. Berry, cashier Bankers National, Kansas City, Mo. Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Co. Capital and Surplus, $200,000 Deposits, $1,854,834.59 Solicits Accounts and Collections from Banks, Firms and Individuals on Favorable Terms. WM. BUTTERWORTH, PRES. NELSON H. GREENE, VICE PRES. C. W. LUNDAHL, CASH. AND SEC. First National Bank of Joliet Capital and Surplus, $250,000 Solicits Collections from Banks GEORGE WOODRUFF, President ANDREW H. WAGNER, Cashier The Exchange Bank of Lanark The Exchange Bank of Lanark, 111., heretofore a private institution which has been owned and operated by the Wolf Bros., has reorganized as a state bank; capital stock $50,000. The officials, under the new management are: President, Amos Wolf; vice-president, John R. Wolf; cashier, Guy Wolf; assistant cashier, M. S. Weary. Directors: Amos Wolf, David Wolf, John R. Wolf, E. X. Newcomer, Dixon; George Campbell, Mt. Carroll: I. B. Trout and Ed. Puterbaugh. F. E. Shaffmaster F. E. Shaffmaster, president of the Waterville State Savings Bank Company, Waterville, O., spent several days in Chicago recently. Mr. Shaffmaster some seven years ago was employed in the banking department of the American Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago. The Waterville State Bank was organized in 1905, and now has deposits in excess of $180,-000. Mr. Shaffmaster was one of the pioneers in the work of organizing the groups in Ohio and says that they have been most successful and that the membership of Group Three, of which he is a member, includes practically every banker in their portion of the state. V* Arkansas Convention May 11 Secretary C. T. Walker of the Arkansas Bankers Association announces Little Rock as the 1909 meeting place of the association ; the date being May nth. A meeting of the executive council occurred last week. V» The Farmers Loan and Trust Company The new Farmers Loan & Trust Co. of Columbia, S. C. reports capital of $50,000 with the following officers: J. L. Mimnaugh as presi- dent; E. W. Robertson, vice-president, and T. B. Stackhouse, secretary and treasurer. V* Chicago Bank Clearings Last week’s Chicago bank clearings broke all records, except two months in the early part of 1908. An early advance in bank rates is pre- A General BankingTirm Edwin L. Lobdell & Co., of Chicago, have resumed as a general banking firm. E. L. Lobdell, Irving Randall, and Charles W. Lobdell are the members of the firm. V» The Bank of South San Francisco Jesse W. Lilienthal is now president of the Bank of South San Francisco. V* The Bank of Exeter J. F. Dungan has been appointed vice-president of the Bank of Exeter, Cal. V* A new building will soon be erected for the Bank of Rockville Centre, N. Y. Joyce Company (Incorporated) General Agents The Rookery Rid¿. Chicago, Illinois ILLINOIS ADVISORY BOARD Charles G. Dawes, Resident Vice-President A. J. Earlin¿ David R. Forman John A. Spoor Walter H. Wilson M. J. Kirkman COUNSEL Calhoun, Lyford & Sheean Winston, Payne, Strawn & Shaw National Surety Go. Of New York Fidelity and Surety Bonds Burglary Insurance