[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 30 Royal Trust Company- BANKS AND BANK STOCKS A DVEKTISEM ENTS INSERTED UNDER THIS HEADING AT 2 CENTS PER WORD. REMIT- FOR SALE Bank We buy and sell banks and bank stocks. We supply banks with thoroughly reliable and competent officers and clerks. We secure positions and changes in location for bank officers and clerks. We locate desirable points for the establishment of new banks. We aid bankers in the organization of new banks if they will furnish us with the location. We have a large number of clients and we are growing every day. All business strictly confidential. If interested, correspond with THE WALTER H. HULL COMPANY, Marshalltown, Iowa. TANGE SHOULD ACCOMPANY COPY. REPLIES FORWARDED IF POSTAGE IS FURNISHED. USE PRIVATE ADDRESS WHERE CONVENIENT. New, never used Stevens shot gun, 12 gauge. 30-inch Damascus barrels and pistol grip stock, Cost $35.00; will sell and deliver by express paid, with case, for $25.00. Address: B 65, The Chicago Banker. Reflex 4><5 Camera, like new, fitted with 5 x7 Goerz cilor. Cost $120. Will sell for $80 with three plate holders and guarantee to be of latest model. Address: B 265, The Chicago Banker. :: Royal Insurance Building . 169 Jackson Blvd.y Chicago MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan in sums to suit on Real Estate, City or Country, anywhere in the United States or Canada, at six per cent, interest. Two per cent, commission charged for placing loans. Will also make loans on yachts and vessel property. Address: A. H. CRAWFORD, R. F. D. Route One. Box 60, Ellicott City, Maryland. POSITIONS WANTED WANTED Married man, 30, four years’ experience in large city bank, desires position as cashier in Universal Adding Machine, latest model, never used, value $350. Will sell at a discount as business plans have been altered. It is the all purpose machine and will suit any business. In the original case. Address: ADDING MACHINE, care The Chicago Banker. Four high grade typewriters, two in nearly new condition, and all in good serviceable working order. One or all at a low price• Address: TYPEWRITER, care Chicago Banker. REAL ESTATE A State Bank Established 1891 Interest Paid on Deposits JAMES B. WILBUR, President EDWINF. MACK, Vice-President and Cashier JOHN W. THOMAS, Assistant Cashier COMMERCIAL PAPER High class notes aggregating about $5,000 endorsed by firms with gilt edge rating, at par for four months at 5% interest. Principals only. Address: R 204, care The Chicago Banker. the year ended December 31, 1907, in Great Britain, numbered 18,-771,969, amounting to £44,217,288, against 17,997,023 depositors and £43,980,579 in the previous year. The withdrawals numbered 9,-308,247, amounting to £46,433,632, compared with 8,629,749 and £43,-763,002 in 1906. The amount withdrawn during the year exceeded the amount deposited by £2,216,344, whereas in 1906 the deposits exceeded the withdrawals by £217,577. V> Newark Association of Credit Men Members of the Newark, N. J., Association of Credit Men, at a meeting at the Board of Trade rooms Thursday night, considered the arrangements for the annual banquet, which will be held at the Krueger Auditorium December 10th. Howard Marshall, president of the New York Association of Credit Men, and Rev. Dr. Charles L. Mead, of Centenary Methodist Church, will be two of the speakers. A committee consisting of Harry L. Boylan, Louis A. Kempf, Thomas J. Kenny, Harry H. Moser and R. Russell Brant was appointed to nominate officers to be voted for at the annual meeting of the organization, two days before the banquet. The Musselshell Valley National Certificate has been issued authorizing the Musselshell Valley National of Harlowton, Mont., capital $50,000, to begin business. Philip I. Moule is president; A. C. Graves, vice-president; C. N. Friday, cashier, and F. P. Marrs, assistant cashier. good country bank. Can take some stock. First-class references and influential banking connections. Address: “ C. T.,” care Chicago Banker. 000, were authorized to begin business. Of the number chartered, 11, with capital of $290,000, were banks with individual capital of less than $50,000, and 7, with capital of $460,000, banks with individual capital of $50,000 or over. The number of banks chartered since March 14, 1900, is 3,999, with authorized capital of $238,253,300, of which 2,583, with capital of $67,-285,500, were incorporated under the act of that date, and 1,416, with capital of $170,967,800, under the act of 1864. From the date last mentioned to October 31, 518 state banks, with capital of $35,980,800, were converted into national banks, with capital of $82,802,000, and 2,-208 banks, with capital of $119,410, 500, organized independently of other banks. As will be seen, the capital of the latter class slightly exceeds the combined capital of the conversions and reorganizations. The number of national banks organized under the various acts is 9,263, as follows: Four hundred and fifty-six, February 25, 1863 ; 6,214, June 3, 1864; 10, July 12, 1870 (gold banks), and 2,583, March 14, 1900. Two thousand three hundred and ninety banks have discontinued business, and there were in existence on October 31, 6,873 national banks, with authorized capital $930,365,275 and circulation outstanding secured by bonds $626,778,555. The total amount of national bank circulation outstanding is $665,844,192, of which $39,065,637 is covered by lawful money of a like amount deposited with the Treasurer of the United States on account of liquidating and insolvent national banks and associations which have reduced their circulation. V* Post Office Savings Bank In the Post Office Savings Bank the deposits made during $135 per acre takes 170-acre dairy or fancy farm with good buildings, fencing tiling, natural spring, well with windmill, 15 acres natural woodland and stream. 32 miles from Court House, Chicago, 2 miles to R. R. Station, lA mile to Electric R. R. % cash, balance very long time, 5%. MATHEWS, 748 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. Comptroller and the Bank Directors Lawrence Murray, Comptroller of the Currency, has no intention, apparently, of abandoning his plan of seeking to make the directors of banks responsible for the character of reports made by bank examiners. It is Mr. Murray’s idea that the directors should know how the business of the bank with which they are connected is conducted. A statement coming from Washington and indicating the position of the Comptroller follows: “Some of the criticism which has been directed against the Comptroller seems to have come from bankers who have been irritated by the disciplinary measures undertaken prior to the issue of the Comptroller’s circular, setting forth a number of questions to be asked directors. That especially appears in the statement of various bankers that the recent questions were due to ignorance of banking. The Comptroller has, however, had experience, first as a deputy comptroller in Washington years ago, then as an officer of a trust company in New York, and later in a large trust company in Chicago. It would be far easier and more profitable for him to join in the assurance that the national banking system is the safest and best method of banking ever established in the United States, but he has preferred the endeavor to get some reforms without waiting longer for a reluctant Congress to pass new legislation.” National Banks Chartered The Comptroller of the Currency has issued a statement relating to the organization of national banks, showing that during the month of October 18 national banking associations, with total capital of $750,- THE Chicago Title AND Trust Company Furnishes Complete and accurate abstracts of title. Reliable and collectible guarantees of title. Expert service as administrator, executor, guardian, receiver and trustee at the lowest prices consistent with the maintenance of adequate reserves for liabilities on guarantee policies and abstracts ; superior service and a complete and carefully constructed plant. Assets Exceed $6,000,000 No Demand Liabilities THE CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY 100 Washington Street President HARRISON E. RILEY Vice-President A. R. MARRIOTT Vice-Prest. and Trust Officer ... WM. C. NIBLACK Secretary J. A. RICHARDSON Treasurer W. R. FOLSOM GRAHAM & SONS ‘BANKERS STEAMSHIP AND INSURANCE AGENTS ESTABLISHED J 857—51 YEARS ¥ INTEREST ON DEPOSITS, ACCOUNTS SOLICITED, MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Open Ebenings Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. 134 West Madison Street Chicago