17 THE CHICAGO BANKER November 21, iço8] _________________WIMTOM SIX ep Your Automobile Running? $15.12 1-2, an Average Cost of $1.00 for each 4343 Miles These are some of the features of the $3000 Winton Six Springs — Famous Winton Twin Springs used on all Winton ears. Shock absorbers equipped. Radius and Torsion Rods — As in 1908. Wheels — Twelve spoke artillery 34-inch wood wheels. Timken roller bearings throughout. Tires — Quick detachable, 4 and 4£ inch. Tanks - 22-gallon gasoline tank astern. Has reserve compartment holding three gallons for emergency use: prevents stranding for lack of fuel. Patented auxiliary gasoline tank on dash. Avoids feeding gasoline to carburetor under pressure. Oil tank at left of motor. Body — Five passenger, side-entrance body, built wholly of wood, on beautiful lines, at no sacrifice of comfort or practicability. Finish —־ Without question Winton cars carry the finest finish that skilled eoachwork and finest paints and varnishes can produce. Dash — Mahogany, with steel hood. Carries spark coil, auxiliary gasoline tank, oil test, and self-starter gage, push button and shut-off. Bonnet — Aluminum. Quadruple hinged. Guards — Sweeping guards of beautiful design. Guards and shields fully protect body from road wheel splash. Dust Pan — Steel pan extends from front axle to rear of transmission. Ap. n extends from radiator to front axle. The under side of the car is therefore completely housed. Lockers — Storage space under both seats. Equipment — Shock absorbers, two gas head lamps, two oil side lamps, one oil tail lamp, gas tank or generator, horn and full set of tools. PRICE — With touring-car body.......................................$3000 With roadster body............................................... 3000 With limousine body.............................................. 4250 With landaulet body.............................................. 4500 Chassis only.................................................... 2750 Motor — Six cylinders. 4£ x 5 inches. 48.6 horse-power, A. L. A. M. rating. Cylinders cast in pairs. Cylinders ground. Cylinders offset. No moving parts exposed, except fly wheel. Interchangeable, two-piece, mechanically operated valves, all on one side. Quiet spiral gears in front. Crank shaft has tensile strength of 125,000 pounds to the square inch. Crank case has inspection openings. Crank shaft, pistons, etc., removable without removing cylinders. Self-Starter — Mechanically infallible. Operates by air pressure. Motor started from the seat. Ignition — Double system. Eisemann magneto and accumulator. Carburetor—• Winton type. Two throttles, which open progressively and automatically. Much of the success of Winton Sixes is due to this effective carburetor. Lubrication — Positive force feed. Sight test on dash. Economy of Winton system shown in Long Island Endurance Test, in which a Winton Six ran 242 miles on one quart of oil. Cooling — Gear driven centrifugal pump. Winton radiator, vertical tube. Radiator fan, gear driven. Clutch — Multiple disc, having 67 relatively small friction surfaces, running in oil bath. Takes hold gently, but positively. We have used this clutch two years, and find it exceedingly effective. Gear-Change Mechanism — Selective, sliding gears. Three forward speeds and reverse. Frame — Pressed steel. Motor, clutch and transmission carried on drop frames. No sub frame. Steering — Screw and nut design, with ball thrust bearings. Forward steer front axle. Steering links adjustable. Brakes - Four; all on rear wheel hubs. Brakes hold secure in either direction. No transmission brake. Drive — Propeller shaft, with roller-type universal couplings. Timken roller bearings on pinion shaft. Driving mechanism entirely housed. No chains used anywhere in Winton construction. Axles — Front axle of manganese bronze. Rear axle, floating type. Carries no load, weight of car being carried on heavy drawn-steel tube that surrounds the axle. Spur differential. Drop-forged nickel steel gears and pinions. Power Winton Six ed transmission, ^/j sHO jry and will sell at |d not touch, save at several times the speed or in interme-» gear " Cassier's Magazine, May, 1908. A Popular Magazine says: ecause of its almost perfect smoothness and flexibility—its nl to the aesthetic sense, in short—1 look to see the ‘six acid as the high-water mark of excellence for cars of over, say, u-se power, until the time, now definitely remote, when the r steam turbine is made a success for vehicle propulsion. — Herbert L. Towle, in Scribner's. May, 1908. Fiction says: I tell you, it makes a fellow's blood tingle to look at a car mine, and feel that it belongs to him; a car that will start e direct drive,־a car that will race a railroad train or jog con-xily behind a milk cart, a car that can make a steep hill ned of itself; a wild, dash׳ng car that eats up the miles; a ful, sweet-running car that purrs like a pussy-cat! To own a car is to own a kingdom; the driver’s seat is a throne, the ing-wlieel a sceptre, miles are your minions, and distance slave.”—From “A six Cylinder Courtship." published by John McBride Co. Because the Winton Six is equipped with a self-starting device that i icaJly infallible. Works by air pressure from the seat. Just push a We have just is-s u e d a catalog that is as different from the usual automobile catalog as this advertisement isdifferentfrom the usual automobile advertisement. We have put into our catalog volume of time and thought that will be appreciated by automobile owners and buyers who are keen for facts and suspicious of platitudes. Clip out this reminder and mail it today and the motor starts. Absolutely nothing to get out of Only one moving part, and in a year's time we have not media n-button order. known that part to fail in its work. The Winton device is so exceedingly simple that we ourselves were surprised that nobodv had discovered our method before we did. The Winton Six carries its starting crank in the tool box, and the prospect is you will have little use for it. The Winton M. C. Co. Cleveland, Ohio You may send me Winton Six Catalog $2500 Prize Booklet "One Dollar Upkeep for 4343 Miles" 'These are Six-Cylinder Times Buyers who want comfort, smooth operation, absence of vibration, flexibility, hill-climbing capacity and economy of operation must come to six-cylinder cars. We realized that fact a year ago. That’s why we began making sixes exclusively. Results have proved our policy was right. Results have proved our Sixes were right. So we are making the same car again this year, equipping it with a five-passenger body, and selling it at the exceptional price of $3o00. plains why the Winton Six is better balanced and why vibration is minimized. Saves Upkeep Expense Lighter power impulses, less vibration, continuous torque and the fact that second and first gears are seldom used explain why there is lessened wear on parts — why it is possible for Winton Sixes to travel 4343 miles on an upkeep expense of $1. Indeed, continuous torque affects favorably every part of the car, down to the tires, which on the Winton Six do not suffer from tlie intermittent jerk which they receive on other types of cars. Practically continuous use of the high gear and the flexibility of the motor are further reasons why gasoline consumption is cut down on the Winton Six. Cranking Days are Over “Get out and crank.” That’s one of the humiliating experiences of motoring that the Winton Six user doesn’t suffer. Overlapped Power Strokes Overlapped power strokes mean also overlapped suction strokes; hence there is a continuous suction through the carburetor of the Winton Six, whereby perfect carburetion is secured. With perfect carburetion, speedy acceleration of the motor follows as a matter of course. So does fuel economy. Since continuous torque enables the motor to propel the car on high gear without extending the motor, it follows that the higher motor speeds are always available for hill climbing or for fast going on the level. The exhaust of the Winton Six is continuous, and with continuous pressure passing through the muffler the noise of exhaust is minimized. Cut out three of the six cylinders as a test, and the Winton Six would be as noisy as a four. Pistons and other reciprocating parts of the Winton Six are lighter than in a four of the same total horse-power. Each power impulse of the Winton Six is lighter than in a four of equal total horse-power. This ex- Name-Address— SAN FRANCISCO MINNEAPOLIS BOSTON BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA DETROIT CHICAGO SEATTLE \NEW YORK / PITTSBURG ich Houses in