25 THE CHICAGO BANKER November 14, iço8\ Second National Bank PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL STOCK - $1,800,000 SURPLUS 2,000,000 ־ ־ ־ HENRY C. BUGHMAN, President WM. McCONWAY, Vice-President JAMES M. YOUNG, Cashier THOMAS W. WELSH, Jr., Vice-President BROWN A. PATTERSON, A»st. Cashier Depositary of the United States, the State of Pennsylvania and City of Pittsburgh DIRECTORS HENRY C. BUGHMAN, WM. M. KENNEDY, FRANK C. OSBURN, President Commonwealth Trust Co. Attorney-at-Law ROBERT D. EL WOOD, JAS. S. KUHN, . EDWARD B. TAYLOR, of R. D. Elwood & Co. Pres. Pgh. Bank for Savings Vice-Pres. Penna. Co. CHAS. W. FRIEND, WM. McCONWAY, FRANK S. WILLOCK . Clinton Iron & Steel Co, of McConway & Torley Co. of Westmoreland Bnck Co. THOS. D. CHANTLER, WM. L. CURRY, Chantler & McGinns McKeesport Tin Plate Co. Accounts Solicited—Our facilities insure prompt attention The Leading Trust Company of Indiana The Union Trust Company of Indianapolis CAPITAL - - - $600,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $500,000 Executes all manner of trusts and does all business pertaining to trust companies OFFICERS JOHN H. HOLLIDAY, President HENRY EITEL Vice President H. M. FOLTZ, 2nd Vice Prest. and Treas. CHARLES S. McBRIDE, Secretary ROSS H. WALLACE, Asst. Secretary GEORGE A. BUSKIRK, Probate Officer DIRECTORS A. A. Barnes C. H. Brownell Thomas C. Day Henry Eitel I. C. Elston William A. Guthrie Addison C. Harris John H. Holliday Volney T-LMalott Augustus L. Mason Edward L. McKee Samuel E. Rauh organized efforts. The six bond issues, it was argued, will give the city extensive improvements of which it is in absolute need, and will besides cause almost four and a half millions to circulate, much of which will find its way into the pockets of men who are now idle. Better Feeling among the Brokers Not in months has there been such a hopeful feeling among realty men as is now evident. They all are convinced that from now on noticeable improvement will come in the real estate market here. Likewise they all hope that the improvement will be gradual, for they feel that any sudden abnormal activity would bring on a reaction. There is no doubt that many deals and many building projects that have been delayed because of uncertainty will now be taken up and carried through, but everybody agrees that it will take a reasonable length of time to get affairs moving properly. Such experienced men as D. P. Black, president of the Real Estate Trust Company; A. J. Kelly, Jr., president of the Commonwealth Real Estate Company; Samuel W. Black, president of the Samuel W. Black Company; H. P. Haas, president of the Freehold Real Estate Company; F. C. Chubb, treasurer of George Bros, and C. S. Baldridge of Avey & Irish, all express the opinion that from now on the realty market ought to improve. V* Telegraph Avenue Savings Bank The first step in the building of the Telegraph Avenue Savings Bank of Oakland, was taken Thursday, when ground was broken on the site at Telegraph Avenue and 49th Street. Articles of incorporation for the bank were taken out several months ago. The new building is expected to be completed in January. It will be of concrete and will be equipped with all modern banking facilities. V» Placed in Voluntary Liquidation The Weleetka National, Weleetka, Okla., was placed in voluntary liquidation recently. The Citizens’ National of Ada, Okla., was also placed in voluntary liquidation. Wilkesbarre, charged with embezzling money from the First National, will be placed on trial in the United States Court at Scranton, on November 16th. Annual Meetings Among the annual meetings of financial institutions scheduled for this month are the following: Terminal Trust Company, Fidelity Title and Trust, and Colonial Trust. The annual meeting of the Western Insurance Company will be held also this month. The First National of Clintonville The depositors of the closed First National of Clintonville, of which institution Frank R. McCormic is receiver, will be paid a second dividend of 20 per cent, making 70 per cent, which they have received to date. Accepted All Bond Issues The electors of Greater Pittsburgh, last week, decided to increase the bonded indebtedness of the city $4,430,000 for public improvements. There were six items of the people’s bond issue voted on, and none of them met with serious opposition. The propositions which were accepted by the voters follow: One million dollars for a bridge spanning the Allegheny River at the Point. Two hundred and forty thousand dollars for rebuilding the Larimer Avenue Bridge. Two million six hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars for the purchase of the Mon-ongahela Water Company’s plant and extending its system of supply and distribution in order to give Southsiders city water. Thirty thousand dollars for the erection of a bridge over Negley Run from Everett to Omega streets. One hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars for building and equipping incinerating plants for the disposal of rubbish. Three hundred thousand dollars for the purchase and laying of water mains in the East end section. Each of the propositions had to be voted on separately and none of them were opposed by J. Denniston Lyon, a vice-president of the Union National of Pittsburgh, has been elected a director of the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad, succeeding the late John B. Jackson. The New York County National The New York County National of York has declared a semiannual dividend of 5 per cent, and added $50,000 to its surplus fund, making a total surplus of $350,000. The First National of Mercersburg The First National of Mercersburg has been organized by the selection of the following stockholders: F. P. Brewer, D. W. Faust, D. L. Martin, G. D. Brewer, H. H. Myers, S. W. North, H. B. Hege, D. Cabel Phillips, J. S. Swartzwelder, J. Houston Johnston, and C. A. Eberly. The following were elected officers of the board: D. W. Faust, president; H. B. Hege, assistant secretary; F. P. Brewer, treasurer. D. W. Faust, the president, is the senior member of the firm of D. W. Faust & Sons, Cham-hersburg. Lincoln Trust Receiver The supreme court of Pennsylvania has handed down an opinion confirming the appointment of Samuel M. Hyneman as receiver of the Lincoln Trust Company. M. T. Herrick Principal Speaker Former Governor Myron T. Herrick will be the principal speaker at the annual meeting of the Bankers and Bank Clerks’ Mutual Benefit Association, to be held at the Hotel Schenley, Pittsburgh, the evening of November 16th. The speaker will be introduced by D. C. Wills of the Diamond National, who will be toastmaster at the banquet. The association has enjoyed one of the most prosperous years of its existence under the administration of B. W. Lewis of the Mellon National, the president. The membership is at the highest point yet reached, and the balance in the treasury is greater than ever before. The campaign for officers is being pushed with vigor, and the outcome of the contest will be closely watched. To be Placed on Trial November 16th Norman J. Fogel, the young bank clerk of