[ Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 10 The Wisconsin National Bank OF MILWAUKEE CAPITAL - $2, OOO, 000 SURPLUS - 1,000,000 OFFICERS L. J. PETIT, President HERMAN F. WOLF, Cashier FRED’K KASTEN, Vice-President L, C. BOURNIQUE, Asst. Cashier CHAS. E. ARNOLD, 2nd Vice-President W. L. CHENEY, Asst. Cashier WALTER KASTEN, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS L. J. Petit Frederick Kasten R. W. Houghton Oliver C. Fuller Herman W. Falk Ceo. D.Van Dyke Gustave Pabst Charles Schriber Isaac D. Adler Frank L. Vance Patrick Cudahy Wisconsin Trust Company MILWAUKEE CAPITAL - - - $500,000 SURPLUS - - - 100,000 OFFICERS OLIVER C. FULLER, President GARDNER P. STICKNEY Treasurer FRED’K KASTEN, Vice-President FRED. C, BEST, Secretary R. L. SMITH, Asst. Secretary DIRECTORS L. J. Petit, Chairman Frederick Kasten R. W. Houghton Oliver C. Fuller Herman W. Falk Charles Schriber Gustave Pabst Gardner P. Stickney Isaac D. Adler Frank L. Vance Patrick Cudahy naruma If any of your friends or customers are coming to the Yakima Valley, a letter of introduction to us will insure them prompt and courteous attention. C. H. ROYCE, Cashier H. C. LUCAS, Vice President The bank of Central Washington for people from the Middle States. North Yakima, Washington G. S. RANKIN, President years, and in many instances has led to the organization of banks where there was no business for them to do, and the possibility of earning profits for local stockholders who have been induced to contribute a large part of the capital. It is probable that by holding the institutions rigidly up to the requirements of the national banking act many of them will be induced to give up their charters. The Ponsford State Bank The Ponsford (Minn.) State Bank will commence business soon. Capitalized $io,ooo, \V. R. B. Smyth is president; M. E. Stephens, vice-president, and J. W. Nunn, cashier. ORGANIZED 1810 Commercial & Farmers National Bank of Baltimore, McL Federal, State and Municipal Depositary Bankers aie invited to open Reserve or Active Accounts on Liberal Terms. Extensive Banking Connections enable uï to render effective service. Correspondence invited James M. Easter, Pres. Frank V. Baldwin, Cashier Harry M. Mason, Vice-Pres. Chains of Small Banks Comptroller of the Currency Murray has received his first report from a special examiner, whom lie sent out recently to look into the conditions under which chains of small banks have been established. The examiner reports that he found one typical group of institutions established in small places of perhaps 300 people at the largest, while others, where members of the group had been located, had no definite population, but were merely crossroads settlements where there was a mil! and a store or two. The banks simply raked in what funds they could and then sent them to a neighboring town of considerably larger size, where they were deposited with a bank which was practically the parent organization for the other institutions, and had secured their establishment in order that they might be feeders. The funds were invested in local paper, which this bank was handling. In some instances paper of poor character had been worked off on the smaller local banks, and as a result it appears likely that some of the institutions will suffer severely, losing their surplus and possibly impairing their capital, and in any event being־ deprived of all power to pay dividends to the local stockholders for some time to come. This is a type of bank organization which has become comparatively common within recent Money Goes to Depositors Nearly a thousand depositors will be benefited by a decision handed down in the Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut, in the action of the bank commissioners against the Savings Bank of Watertown, brought to determine the disposition of certain moneys now in the hands of the bank's receiver. The court finds that the money should be divided among the depositors. V Farmers State Bank of Harvey The Farmers State Bank of Harvey, N. D., with a capital of $25,000, has been incorporated by L. W. Miller, F. O. Brewster, L. D. Clark, and Hugh Montgomery, all of Harvey.