[iVolume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER ESTABLISHED 1872 ■V ־^־־ "pP*■־ V ——- и■■ ■VF и g V Deposits 1 *tttbf —b*:-; S24.000.000 II i־C״Ji■ ï »*ÄÄlätv..׳ N Л» y- V• Capital and Surplus S4,000,000 Northwestern National Bank MINNEAPOLIS Wm. H. Dun woody, President M. B. Kook, Vice Pres. E. W. Decker. Vice-Pres. Joseph Chapman, Jr.. Vice Pres. A. A. Crane, Vice-Pres. Fr ank E. Holton. Cashier C. W. Far well, Asst. Cashier W. F. McLane, Asst. Cash. R. E. Macgregor. Asst. Cash. S. S. Cook, Asst. Cash. I. F. Cotton. Asst. Cash. OFFICERS BE5J. F. WERYER, Cahier DATID H. G. PENNY, lu’tCuh. HARKI E. WARD, A»s־t Cuiller OFFICERS LEWIS E. PIERSON. President JAMES E. NICHOLS, Ylee-Pre*. CHAS. L. FARRELL, Viee-Pre*. ROLLIN' P. GRANT, Yiee-Pre*. IRVING NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK West Broadway and Chambers St., NEW YORK CAPITAL SURPLUS . $ 5,000,000 RESOURCES............... 27,895,604 Strictly a Commercial «F!----Bank------.A SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR COUNTRY BANKING 1 BULLARD’S SPEEDOMETERS Incontrovertible FACT Weight 10 ounce* 2Ы inch dial PRICE $15.00 They tell the truth at any speed up to their limit. No jar or jolt of the car will shake the hand. Sensitive to the slightest change of speed. Slowest moving parts of any instrument in the market. Ball bearings throughout. I ABSOLUTELY guaranteed for TEN years, if “you If tit alone.” WHO WILL GIVE YOU AN EQUAL GUARANTEE, AND LIVE IP TO IT ? For Automobiles No Instrument more easily read. Registers correctly when attached to either wheel. We have no shaft troubles, owing to its slow motion and ease of running. We prove our statements every day; let us prove it to you. Send for booklets and letters of endorsement WE SET THE PACE PRICES FROM §15.00 TO §50.00 Bullard Specialty Co., Winchester Park, Springfield, Mass. Speedometers and Speed Recorders CONDENSED STATEMENT First Bank and Trust Company 609-611 Ohio Street, Cairo, Illinois As made to the State Auditor of Illinois, required by laze, at the Commencement of Business September 24th, 1908 RESOURCES - S 821.254.38 571.622.81 41.767.77 20.183.82 146,811.87 SI.601.640.65 ■ S 250,000.00 50.000.00 15.078.13 295.00 23.650.00 • 1.262.617,52 SI.601.640.65 Loans and Discounts............ Bonds and Securities........... Banking House.................. Steel Vaults and Fixtures...... Cash and Due from other Banks- LIABILITIES Capital Stock....... Surplus Fund........ Undivided Profits Dividends Unpaid••■ Notes Rediscounted■ DEPOSITS......... Special and prompt attention given to all items sent us for collection FOREMAN BROS. BANKING CO. 110 La Salle Street, Chicago Capital and Surplus sTJoKood OSCAR G, FOREMAN, Vice-President JOHN TERB0RGH, Asst. Cashier EDWIN G. FOREMAN. President GEORGE N. NEISE, Asst. Cashier Accounts of corporations, firms and individuals are solicited, and toil¡ be received upon the most favorable terms consistent buith conservative banking. Î ? ? Î How Often Do You WorR Nights? П In even־ bank there are times when night work is made necessary by faulty systems or errors. ־^ri AN here the Burroughs is used such occasions are rare. I |p* because the Burroughs does not make mistakes and enables one man to do the work of several The Burroughs machine and the special Burroughs way of handling the Receiving Tellers Blotter, the check journal, balances, statements, and remittance letters would mean a very great economy of time and money in your business. With a “split and normal” Burroughs you get particularly efficient service in this work because it enables you to add and list two or more columns of figures at one time, and total each column separately and at one time. Burroughs Adding and Listing Machine There are scores of ways in which the Burroughs can save money in your bank. It will cost you nothing to prove this by actual test, for we send the Burroughs anywhere for a thorough trial free, placing you under no obligation at all, except that we know you will thank us later on for having made you acquainted with a machine which will do the equivalent of several men’s work for many years at a cost of about eight cents a day. There are over 65,000 Burroughs in use today. Burroughs Adding Machine Company Block 65, Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A.