29 THE CHICAGO BANKER October 1/, iço8] WESTERN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK THE ROOKERY, CHICAGO CAPITAL—ONE MILLION DOLLARS General Banking C. Receives accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals on the most favorable terms. C. Personal interview and correspondence invited. 3% Ralph C. Otis, Director Chicago Savings Bank & Trust Co. James W. Stevens, President Illinois Life Insurance Co. Fred W. Upham, President City Fuel Co. W. A. Wieboldt, W. A. Wieboldt & Co. Dept. Store Walter H. Wilson־, Vice-President. DIRECTORS Granger Farwell, President Farwell Trust Co. C. H. Hanson, Royal Danish Consul. W. O. Johnson, Gen. Counsel and Director Chicago & Erie R. R. John R. Mitchell, President Capital National Bank, St. Paul, Minn. Joseph.E. Otis, President. Howard W. Baker, Butler Bros. Edgar A. Bancroet, Scott, Bancroft & Stephens. William C. Boyden, Matz, Fisher & Boyden, Attorneys. William Bgtterworth, President Deere & Co., Moline, 111. R. Floyd Clinch, Crerar, Clinch & Co., Coal. R. T. FORBES Chicago New Bank in Manila Manila, October 15.—The Agricultural Bank, founded by the government with a capital of $1,000,000, has begun operations. Secretary of Finance O. R. Araneta is president of the bank, and Insular Treasurer F. A. Bran-agan its manager. Real estate and harvested crops are the only collateral which will be accepted by the bank, interest will be paid at the rate of 10 per cent. The first loan was made to an American farmer of Tarlac province. It is believed that the bank will be an important factor in the restoration and promotion of the agricultural industry. Examiner F. C. Flicks in charge, will include Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, with twelve examiners. District 9, headquarters Fort Worth, Tex., Examiner J. M. Logan in charge, will include Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, with four examiners. WILLIAM GEORGE Aurora, 111. District 10, headquarters Denver, Examiner F. L. Klein in charge, will include Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, with two examiners. District 11, headquarters San Francisco, Examiner E. T. Wilson in charge, will include Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and California, with six examiners. Pittsburgh, Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio, with eleven examiners. District 5, headquarters Nashville, Tenn., Examiner S. H. L. Cooper in charge, will include Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Kentucky, with six examiners. District 6, headquarters Chicago, Examiner C. H. Bosworth in charge, will include Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin, with ten examiners. District 7, headquarters Minneapolis, Examiner J. A. Rathbun in charge, will include Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, with five examiners. District 8, headquarters Kansas City, Mo., M. O. WILLIAMSON Galesburg, 111.