[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 16 A Policy of Life Insurance written on the Savings Bank plan becomes a means of saving money rather than an expense. That accounts for its popularity. Because it is based on a plan with which even the humblest man is familiar. It is easy to explain and quick to sell. Profit for You Active bank cashiers and clerks find selling our policies a very profitable “ side issue,” which requires no time from other duties. Free sample policy, plan, rates and full particulars sent upon request. Address the President. The Pioneer Life Insurance Co. GEORGE L. COLBURN, President Pekin, Illinois YOUR ACCOUNT will be handled in the most careful and intelligent manner. Collection facilities excellent. THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF CHICAGO OFFICERS DAVID R. FORGAN, President L. H. GRIMME, Asst. Cashier ALFRED L. BAKER, Vice-Pres. F. A. CRANDALL, Asst. Cashier H. E. OTTE, Cashier W. D. DICKEY, Asst. Cashier R. U. LANSING, Manager Bond Department TOTAL RESOURCES OVER $10,000,000.00 York bank eats the pie. Real business methods are coming into vogue, however, in A. B. A. circles and as soon as the one remaining section which still is run on favoritism can be revamped the outlook will be very bright. that panic began with the downfall of banks and with runs upon banking institutions, it is worth while to compare the banking failures of the past year with those of the panic of 1893. The comparison affords good ground for the assertion that American banking is in a sounder condition than it was fourteen years ago, and that the fundamentals of the entire financial situation are stronger now than then. Cashier. cal National who has just been chosen to fill that position, which is the most distinguished in New York banking. He succeeds the accomplished Alexander Gilbert who was on the Denver program. MANY will be surprised to know that under Treasurer P. C. Kauffman, the funds of the A. B. A. will be kept in the National Bank of Commerce, New York. This was the act of the finance committee, at Denver, and will greatly expedite business. THIS is like “the blow which almost killed father” and came out of a clear, blue Denver sky. Mr. K., like the elephant in the fairy story, “ran, and he ran, and he ran” but when elected it was only the empty honor he received. He does the work and the big New Mainly About Banks and Bankers (Continued from page 3) win, if Mr. Hilliard of St. Louis had not been kept away from the convention. EARLY council meeting was held at George’s farm. Were you there? ONE financial publication succeeded in getting put through, at Denver, a resolution to subscribe for a large number of copies of his paper. This in utter disregard of his absence from his usual haunts all summer long, in New York, and intended to prevent Col. Stumpf from grabbing the magazine the next time the accident happens. Selah! THE New York Clearing House seldom elect to its presidency so young a banker as William H. Porter, president of the Chemi- Report of the Condition of the BELLEVILLE SAVINGS BANK BELLEVILLE, ILL. Organized 1860 As made to the Auditor of the State of Illinois at the commencement of business, September 24, 1908 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cash on hand....$216,118.06 Cash in Banks... 345.473-04 $561,591.10 Overdrafts...................... 986.05 Loans and Discounts Demand Personal Seoty 191,865.00 Demand Collateral “ 390,047.93 Time Personal Security 260,640.27 Time Collateral Security 91,916.00 Time Mortgage Security 204,679.53 1,139,157.73 Bonds.................... 643,665.61 Banking House.... 15,000.00 Other Real Estate.. 1,865.00 16,865.00 Electric Burgular Alarm 1,650.00 Collections in Transit.. 12,981.60 $2.376,897.09 OFFICERS L. D. TURNER, President PETER J. KAERCHER, Vice-President RICHARD WANGELIN, Cashier The ILLINOIS STATE TRUST CO. BANK EAST ST. LOUIS, ILLINOIS Capital and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 if This Bank has a well equipped Trust Department and invites correspondence relative to Trusteeships, Bond Issues and matters of escrow J. C. VAN RIPER, President F. T. JOYNER, Vice President and Cashier R. L. RINAMAN, Vice President and Secretary SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS Capital Stock........ $150,000.00 Surplus............... 250,000.00 Undivided Profits... 113,468.35 $513,468.55 Dividends Unpaid... 258.50 Deposits Current Accounts... 603.138.34 Demand Certificates 163,650.27 Time Certificates.. .1,096,381.63 1,863,170.24 $2,376,897.09