9 THE CHICAGO BANKER October 17, 1908] Simplicity and Efficiency are the strongest points of any machine. Both these features are prominent in the Splitdorf MMh Tension Magneto The simplest and most serviceable of all Magnetos. With this Magneto on your car you can forget all about ignition apparatus. San Francisco J1 CJ Qr\llfnnV*f Chicago 520 Van Ness Ave. Jl • U1.J, LULU 1 X 319 Michigan Ave. Walton Ave. and 138th St., New York. Branch, 1679 Broadway The Security National Bank of Minneapolis Solicits the business of Banks and Bankers throughout the Northwest Capital and Surplus - - $2,000,000 Deposits ----- 14,500,000 PROMPT SERVICE GUARANTEED Citizens National of Wayne, Neb.; capital $60,000. A. L. Tucker, president; H. C. Henney, vice-president; D. C. Main, cashier; H. B. Jones, assistant cashier. V* The Traders’ Bank of Los Angeles The State Bank Commissioners have granted a license to the Traders’ Bank of Los Angeles to conduct a banking business in Los Angeles, with an authorized capital of $200,000, of which $85,000 has been subscribed and $29,000 has been paid on shares of the capital stock. The following are the officers of the new bank: President, Philip L. Wilson; vice-president, J. B. Coulston; treasurer, W. A. Bonynge; secretary and cashier, W. W. Jones; with J. W. Beasley, J. V. Akey, E. T. Parke and Newman Essick, directors. V» The Columbia National The Columbia National of Buffalo, which was reorganized January i, 1902, now has deposits of $5,254,958. The bank has resources of $7,-672,869. N. H. GREENE Moline, 111. F. P. JUDSON Chicago New National Banks Certificates have been issued authorizing the following national banks to begin business: Albemarle National of Charlottesville, Va.; capital $100,000. L. T. Hanckel, president; R. T. W. Duke, vice-president; R. T. Martin, cashier. This is a conversion of the Bank of Albemarle. The First National of Carson City, Nevada; capital, $50,000; James A. Raycraft, president : P. B. Ellis, vice-president; J. P. Marshall, cashier. The Union National of Dallas, Tex., capital $200,000; E. G. Patton, president; Isaac B. Walker, vice-president; Walter O. Siler, cashier. This is a conversion of the Union Bank & Trust Co. of Dallas. Farmers' & Traders National of Hillsboro, Ohio; capital $50,000. A. Matthews, president; J. D. W. Spargur, vice-president; Phillip C. Berg, cashier. The Laurel State Bank The First National of Laurel, Mont., is closing its affairs. The stockholders deem it advisable to organize a state bank, so have purchased the assets and liabilities of the First National, retaining the same officers and board of directors, and have organized the Laurel State Bank. W. R. Westbrook is president. V Resources of Banks The Comptroller of the Currency states that the summaries of the information received for the current year show that there were in operation 14,522 banks other than national, with aggregate resources of $10,869,345,993, being an increase of 1,205 in the number of banks and a decrease of $299,168,523 in the resources reported the previous year. V Boston National Banks The only explanation given for the decrease of $6,657,572 in the surplus reserve of the Boston national banks last week is that the banks have paid their deposit losses largely through New York. O. G. FOREMAN Chicago