[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO B A H K E R 26 Easton, Waterloo; J. T. Brooks, Hedrick; E. J. Curtin, Decorah; E. A. Dalton, LeMars; G. E. Bartholomew, Preston; J. J. Large, Rock Rapids ; C. E. Ellis, Charles City; M. V. Henderson, Hawkeye; E. J. Kauffman, Davenport; W. A. Hopkins, Larnoni; Ed. Huxford, Cherokee; J. P. Kirby, Estherville; John McHugh, Sioux City; P. A. Korah, Iowa City; E. E. Hart, Council Bluffs; Charles Schade, Rock Rapids; Sears McHenry, Denison; A. F. Balch, Marshalltown. PreparingCto Introduce Bill Representative John Sullivan of Polk county, is preparing to introduce a bill in the next legislature which shall provide for the placing of all county, city and school board funds at interest, it is thought his bill will prove a winner in the legislature for the question has been generally agitated the past few months. H. C. Fedder-son, cashier of the Citizens of Luton, who is candidate for treasurer of Woodbury county, is making his campaign upon the proposition that he will place all county funds at interest. The Security National !'lie Security National at Sioux City and the tax ferrets are having a round in court. A motion to dismiss the appeal from the assessments asked by the tax ferrets raises the point that the notice of appeal was served only on the bank and not on its shareholders. Therefore, it is claimed, the court is without jurisdiction to try the question of assessments on shares without the shareholders being made parties in the suit. First National of Chariton Judge Roberts has given the receiver for the First National at Chariton a judgment for $700,- the bankers in turning down these swindlers, or will refer strangers that have drafts they want cashed to the banks there will be less money lost in this kind of transactions. "The plausible stories as to the right of possession and the genuineness of drafts and the signature thereto are offered as conclusive evidence of the identity of the holder by the smoothest and most dangerous forgers. " To accept such stories or explanations from strangers as any sort of evidence that the check or draft is genuine, or as evidence that the holder is its legitimate owner, and the identical person to whom it should be paid almost invariably results in loss to the person paying it and in gain only to the forger. "If the stranger through whom so many have lost money on forged drafts or checks had asked the person cashing same to endorse a note for the amount of the draft cashed, he would have been promptly refused. But the possession of the check or draft on a bank together with his plausible talk did the business. "Better use precaution against any possibilities of fraud. Send the stranger to your banker. Should you go with him, let your banker advise you but do not under any circumstance either endorse or cash any draft, check, or any other instrument for a stranger unless you are willing 10 be swindled." The protective committee consists of J. T. Brooks of Hedrick, president of the association; J. H. Ingwersen, Clinton, vice-president; J. M. Dinwiddie, Cedar Rapids, secretary; D. L. Hemsheimer, Glenwood, treasurer; A. C. Smith, Clinton, chairman Group Eight; G. E. Bartholomew, Preston, secretary Group Eight. Oldest Bank President J. F. Thompson of Forest City is said to be the oldest bank president in Iowa in point of service. He organized the Forest City State thirty-six years ago, was elected its president then and has remained at the head of the institution ever since. In this connection, Iowa bankers are paying respects to F. M. Byrkit who has resigned as president of the First National at Red Oak. He has been connected with that institution for thirty-five years. In his letter of resignation, Mr. Bykit say's: "On the evening of the 24th day of September, 1873, this bank was organized and at the same time and almost the same hour, the worst panic of the century was born in the Chicago Clearing House. And on the morning of the 27th, when I came down town to open my small bank, I had to face the greatest trial of my life up to that time. I had been elected vice-president of the new bank and manager of its affairs and it had been launched upon the ocean of finance amidst the wildest storm that ever swept that sea.” Iowa Well Represented Iowa w7as well represented at the American Bankers Association convention at Denver. Among those who attended as delegates were: C. H. McNider, Mason City; J. H. Ingerwersen, Clinton; J. M. Dimviddie, Cedar Rapids; C. H. Martin, Arthur Reynolds, Des Moines; J. D. CLINTON, IOWA Capital and Surplus, $500,000.00 Send us your Iowa and Western Illinois collections. Our service and rates will please you. BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Des Moines, October 8.—The protective committee of the Iowa Bankers Association, in view of the many complaints from merchants who cash bogus checks and drafts, has published this open letter to the business men of Iowa: “In view of the inclination of so many merchants and others to cash drafts for strangers for the sake of some small sales, or to close up a desirable trade, or because, above all things else, they want to be accommodating, and because of the almost universal loss to the endorser or the one who cashes these drafts, the protective committee of the Iowa Bankers Association send out the following for general distribution by the bankers of the state. "The bankers of the state have so nearly driven out the forgers that in the past years were in the habit of working the banks that they now want to be of some service to their patrons in helping them drive out the forgers that are feasting on them. If the patrons will unite with THE DES MOINES NATIONAL BANK DES MOINES - - IOWA OUR DIRECT FIELD—STATE OF IOWcA Capital - $300,000.00 Surplus ©׳ Profits 85,000.00 Deposits - 4,000,000.00 ARTHUR REYNOLDS. Pre.id־nt JOHN H. BLAIR, Vice-Pré• ident A. J. ZWART. Cashier MERCHANTS’ NATIONAL BANK BURLINGTON, IOWA. CAPITAL $100,000.00 ־ ־ SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $100,000.00 ־ OFFICERS J. L. EDWARDS, President WE. BLAKE, Vice-President JAMES MOIR, Vice-President ALEX. MOIR, Vice-President H. J. HUNGERFORD, Cashier F. L. HOUKE, Ass't Cashier C. L. FULTON, Ass t Cashier ACCOUNT• OF BANKS ■ANKERS MANUFACTURERS AND INDIVIDUALS INVITED AND EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND CONSERVATIVE AND LEGITIMATE BANKING WILL BE EXTE N DTD Citizens’Savings Bank CAPITAL, $50,000.00 DECORAH, IOWA SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS SEND YOUR DECORAH ITEMS TO US E. J . Curtin. Pw EsiDENT B. J . M cKay, Cashier O. Casterton. E. L. Amundsen. Vice-President Asst. Cashier TO IOWA BANKERS Please forward marked copies of your home paper to the Chicago Banker when it contains anythin¿ about Iowa Banks or bankers. The favor will be appreciated.