[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 24 Marshall & Ilsley Bank Milwaukee, Wis. ESTABLISHED 1847 Capital $500,000 Surplus $370,000 Oldest Bank in the Northwest Conservative Progressive We take pleasure in placing our facilities at your disposal and should be pleased to have you write us if you are contemplating opening either an active or a reserve account in Milwaukee. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JAMES K. ILSLEY, President JOHN CAMPBELL, Vice-President HARRY J. PAINE, Asst. Cashier JOHN H. PUELICHER, Cashier G. A. REUSS, Mgr. South Side Branch SAMUEL H. MARSHALL J. H. TWEEDY, Jr. ROBERT N. McMYNN C. C. YAWKEY GUSTAV REUSS 1137 First National Bank Building, Chicago Specialises iga Atadlieiffafl a.gadl System־־ PualbHc Service Corporsritsogas C. W. KNISELY, C. P. A. President—Manager REFERENCES: Leading Bond Houses dealing in Gas, Electric and Railway Securities community generally. Indications are not wanting of the gradual return to normal conditions in every field, in fact, each day adds new evidence of a healthy solid recovery from every part of the country. I he lesson that has been taught by last year's experience will last as long as the present generation of bankers remains in the field of activity. The vindication of sound banking has never been so complete and sweeping, and has only been accentuated by the distressing handicap of a most anomalous currency system, which we must hope will in the near future be placed upon a more solid and scientific basis. bilities toward their clients and the financial world which in their past and their present they have shown no inclination to shirk. And now in closing it is fit to say a few words with reference to the immediate future. We are being־ blessed with abundant crops and a satisfactory recovery in business. The stocks and bonds of our leading railways and industrial corporations have largely regained their losses in value during the panic year, money throughout the world has once more assumed normal conditions, the cost of labor, while still high, has been much reduced and a more sane and temperate attitude is apparent among our leaders and the the deposits of all the clearing house banks of New York by upward of $88.000,000. The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof. We have now traced the trust companies of New York City through the conditions leading up to the panic and seen how magnificently they acted in responding to the calls of their depositors during those times of anxiety and disturbance which marked the end of the year 1907. We have seen that they paid out $430,000,000, reducing their deposits to $587,000,000. We thus find them after the battle is over more strongly entrenched than ever before in the public confidence, and with duties and responsi- Milwaukee—Wisconsin District Banking News, the German-American National of Shawano, succeeding C. R. Stier. resigned. The State Bank of Stratford has been incorporated with a capital stock of $10,000. Robert Connor is one of the interested parties. The Germania National of Milwaukee has deposits of $2,999,653. The Marine National of Milwaukee has deposits of $4,641,333. The Merchants and Manufacturers Bank of Milwaukee has deposits of $999,299. V• Counterfeit of Extinct $500 Banknote Found Washington, October 6.—A counterfeit of the John Quincy Adams $500 note, the second largest issue by the government, has been traced to a Buffalo bank, where it had been unsuspectingly cashed for a depositor who had discovered it among the effects of his dead father. The genuine John Quincy Adams $500 note is believed to be extinct. After the government had ordered the printing discontinued the first counterfeits were discovered. They were detected bv an error in the work on the feet of the Goddess of Liberty. The secret service supposed the counterfeiters’ die had been destroyed. A new building is to be erected for the Dennison (Ohio) National. Murphy is much improved in health, and is now able to be regularly at his post at the bank. The Farmers and Merchants’ State Bank The Farmers and Merchants’ State Bank, with a capital of $15,000. is being organized at Gales-ville, by A. T. Twesue, H. F. Clauson, J. A. Berg, and others. Milwaukee Postoffice Receipts Receipts of the Milwaukee postoffice for the month of September amounted to $117,327.59, an increase of $9,138.91 over September. 1907. Sales of stamps amounted to $88,216 while those of September of last year were $80,554.04. Private Bank Robbed The private bank of the George Warren Company, of Warren, was robbed early Saturday of $2,200. There is no clew to the identity of the robbers. E. C. Zimmerman was in Attendance E. C. Zimmerman, of Wausau, president of the Wisconsin State Bankers Association, was in attendance at the Denver convention. A. H. Grout, of the First National of Wausau, accompanied President Zimmerman on the Western trip. Banking Notes Thomas Dalv has been elected to the presidency of the National Union Bank, of Oshkosh, succeeding W, R. Rideout, retired. Geo. Klosterman has been elected president of Geo. D. Bartlett, cashier of the Citizens State Bank, of Stanley, will probably attend the Illinois Bankers Association convention which meets in Chicago next week. ]Mr. Bartlett is an earnest worker in association matters. The insurance department of the Wisconsin Bankers Association is having a very nice growth under Mr. Bartlett’s guidance, and the concessions secured the policy holders from their company in amended form of burglary policy is very much appreciated by the members. Mr. Bartlett recommends such a department to the Illinois Bankers Association as it would increase the efficiency of the association. Milwaukee Bonds Milwaukee has awarded the 4 per cent semiannual i to 20-year serial bonds as follows: To the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, $200.000 East Water Street bridge and $200,000 garbage, for a premium of $200; to the Wisconsin National, and the First National of Milwaukee, $280,000 school, for a premium of $280. The Wisconsin National Bank The Wisconsin National of Milwaukee show deposits of $15.679,010.64, and surplus and undivided profits $1,269,508.66 in their last statement as of September 23d. Celebrates his Fifty-eighth Birthday John P. Murphy, vice-president of the ]Milwaukee National of Milwaukee, recently celebrated his fifty-eighth birthday anniversary. Mr.