17 BANKER THE CHICAGO October io, 1908] (Department of Chicago Banker ) An Open Forum Dedicated to the Associated Chapters A. I. of B. in Which to Advance the Great Movement for Independent Action and Universal Membership activities was the use of a circular letter for notice of the date of meeting instead of the ordinary post card which has been used heretofore almost exclusively. Any chapter which has not tried this scheme would "find it to their advantage to do so. A. K. Parker, one of our most enthusiastic members, and chairman of a special committee appointed for the purpose has succeeded in interesting about fifteen or twenty men in a movement toward establishing a class to undertake a systematic study of banking law. This committee has been authorized by the chapter to secure a competent instructor and devise means of obtaining the best possible course at a reasonable cost. We had the pleasure of having A. P. Grice, of Tidewater Chapter, Norfolk, Ya., with us. Mr. Grice was invited to attend this meeting with the idea in view of establishing closer relations between Tidewater and Richmond, and as an outcome of his visit we expect to come together in a debate some time in the near future. Detroit Chapter Meeting by Chairman Bullard The Detroit Chapter, of American Institute of Banking, held its opening meeting of its sixth year at the convention hall of the Cadillac Hotel, Friday evening, September 25th. Hon. Edwin Denbv, M. C, gave an exceedingly interesting and instructive talk on the “Panama Canal'' illustrated by stereopticon views taken during his visit to Panama this summer. The matter of permanent quarters for Detroit Chapter was presented by the secretary for the committee on location, giving several good sites, all centrally located, in which can be established a good assembly hall, reading room, bowling alleys, etc. This idea of permanent club quarters is to keep up the membership with some such social attractions, but the reading room and education in practical banking is the main object. Several Detroit banks have signified their willingness to give material assistance and there is no doubt of the permanent club being realized very soon and easily maintained by the present large membership. $. R. Kingston, chairman educational committee, submitted a plan for either an alliance of chapter with college of law, or a course of lectures at chapter meetings, giving all who may desire an opportunity to pursue the study of banking and commercial law. Julian G. Kirsten, chairman program committee, promises some very good educational features for the coming season along the line of the debating society and examinations in practical banking, etc. Arthur Schiedel, new editor of the Chapter News, made an earnest appeal to the membership for news items. He promises the first issue by October 15th. The form of this magazine has been changed somewhat and advertising space will be sold to maintain it. With the many advantages that are coming her way Detroit Chapter will make a banner year of 1908. Tacoma Chapter Organized Under most favorable auspices the Tacoma Chapter of the American Institute of Banking synopsis of which appears under another head in the Bulletin. The attendance at this meeting was above the average. The members present seemed to enjoy themselves and indicated a willingness to take a more active interest in the work of the chapter during the coming year. The program for the ensuing year, as far as mapped out, was discussed and various commit- W. E. BULLARD Detroit tees announced for the purpose of perfecting our plans as far as possible. A committee of three was appointed to arrange the program for the year and this committee is to be assisted by three others, named respectively —debate, entertainment, and membership. These committees have already gained a good headway toward accomplishing what is expected of them. The entertainment committee, under the leadership of our efficient ex-president, C. Jeter Jones, has already shown their ability by the success of this, our first meeting of the season. D. K. Mouncastle, chairman of the program committee, announced that he had already been able to secure several prominent speakers, all of whom are men well worth hearing. Our next meeting will be in charge of the debate committee, chairman of which is W. W. Neale. This committee has already selected several good subjects and concluded to discuss the question of guaranteeing bank deposits in debate at our next meeting. The teams will consist of three men each, but the names of all of the debaters cannot at this time be announced. G. H. Bates, one of the delegates to the Providence convention is chairman of the membership committee, and under his leadership this committee has succeeded in obtaining seven new members and stimulating interest among many others. One of the features of the committee’s The Philadelphia chapter of the American Institute of Banking, at the meeting Friday evening, at 1701 Chestnut Street, heard addresses by-Charles H. Harding, upon “The Coming Tariff Revision” ; Talcott Williams, “Trusts and the Individual,” and Edward James Cattell on “Current Events and Their Bearing upon Finance.” Spokane Chapter Meeting The Spokane Chapter of the American Institute of Banking- has opened its season, the first meeting- having been held last week. E. T. Coman, vice-president of the Exchange National, and W. W. Tolman, a prominent attorney and politician, discussed the government guaranty of deposits. Several musical selections were rendered and a social time was enjoyed. It is the intention to have discussions on topics peculiarly interesting to bankers at each meeting of the chapter during the fall and winter. Providence Chapter Meeting The first meeting of the season of Providence Chapter, American Institute of Banking, was held in Keith Hall recently with thirty-five members of the organization present. E. A. Havens presented the report of the convention committee, and E. D. Armstrong, and H. L. Wilcox presented other reports. G. A. Harrison, of the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company, gave an address after the business session, on banking. Andrew \\< in-sor, of the Atlantic National; Fred B. \\ ilcox, of the Industrial Trust Company; and Edward S. Clark, of the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company, also spoke. It is the intention of the committee of arrangements to have speakers take up all the important banking questions at the various meetings. The Year Book of New Orleans Chapter The year book of the New Orleans Chapter of American Institute of Banking has just been issued. It gives an interesting history of the New Orleans Chapter, its aims and purposes, a description of the permanent quarters to be established shortly׳, and an article relating to the educational work instituted by the chapter. The speakers for the coming season and then-subjects are announced to be as follows: Prof. Aldrich, “Political Economy”; A. Breton, “Lombard Street” ; Albert Godchaux, “Insurance” ; Sol Wexler, subject to be announced later; Philip Werlein, “Reciprocal Relations”; Harold Newman, “The Significance of the Security Market in Commercial Developments” ; Jas. J. McLoughlin, "License and Taxation in New Orleans : \\ . S. Parkerson, “Greater New Orleans”; Chas. Janvier, “Bank Men”; W. H. Ingram, Jr., subject to be announced later; Jas. P. Butler, Jr., subject to be announced later; M. J. Sanders, subject to be announced later. Richmond Chapter Notes by Secretary Williams The Richmond (Va.) Chapter held its first meeting for season 1908-9 on Wednesday night, September 23, 1908, with a good number present. The delegates to the Providence convention submitted their report which was accepted, and a resolution unanimously passed that the secretary-write the Providence Chapter thanking them for their hospitality^ Our new president, Mr. Proctor, favored us with a few remarks well suited to the occasion, a