Volumf XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 16 A Policy of Life Insurance written on the Savings Bank plan becomes a means of saving money rather than an expense. That accounts for its popularity. Because it is based on a plan with which even the humblest man is familiar. It is easy to explain and quick to sell. Profit for You Active bank cashiers and clerks find selling our policies a very profitable side issue,” which requires no time from other duties. Free sample policy, plan, rates and full particulars sent upon request. Address the President. The Pioneer Life Insurance Co. GEORGE L. COLBURN, President Pekin, Illinois YOUR ACCOUNT will be handled in the most careful and intelligent manner. Collection facilities excellent. THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF CHICAGO OFFICERS DAVID R. FORGAN, President L. H. GRIMME, Asst. Cashier ALFRED L. BAKER, Vice-Pres. F. A. CRANDALL, Asst. Cashier H. E. OTTE, Cashier W. D. DICKEY, Asst. Cashier R. U. LANSING, Manager Bond Department TOTAL RESOURCES OVER $10,000,000.00 CAPITAL $600,000.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS S I ,600,000.00 RESOURCES OVER SEVEN AND ONE-HALF MILLIONS RESERVE BALANCES AND COLLECTIONS SOLICITED PITTSBURGH, PA. OFFICERS .־ WILLIAM PRICE. PRESIDENT D. C. WILLS, CASHIER W O. PHILLIPS, ASS'T CASH. C. W ARNOLD, ASS T CASH. the American Association is less than ioo, the total membership aggregating 581 members: W. ■ pi esident Second National, Washington, l>. C.; L. A. Coate, vice-president Bank of Commerce, Boise, Idaho; Frank Knox, president !National Bank of the Republic, Salt Lake Citv Utah. for member of the executive council representing the trust company section: Oliver C. fuller, president Wisconsin Trust Company, Milwaukee, Wis. for member of the executive council representing the savings bank section: Edward L. Ivobmson, vice-president Eutaw Savings Baltimore, Md. for member of the executive council representing the clearing house section: E. R. Rancher, cashier Union National Bank, Cleveland Ohio. 1 or member of the executive committee representing the American Institute of Banking• J H Puehcher, cashier Marshall & Ilslev Bank Milwaukee, Wis. Keyser President of the Secretaries William Frank Keyser, secretary of the Missouri bankers’ organization, was elected president ot the secretaries’ section of the American Bankers Association at Denver. Aside from the election of President Keyser, only two changes were made in the list of officers ot the organization of secretaries of state associations. L. A. Coate of Idaho and A. W. Hoopes of Texas were made new members of the board of control to succeed ]־. H. Puehcher of Milwaukee, Wis., and D. S. Ivloss of Tyrone 1 enna. Following is a complete list of the officers: President, W. F. Keyser, Sedalia, Mo ; first vice-president, L. P. Hillyer, Macon, Ga.: second vice-president, I.. O. Broussard, Abbeville La • secretary and treasurer, Fred E. Farnsworth,’ New 1 ork City. Board of control: Andrew Smith, Indianapolis, Ind.; N. P. Gatling, Lvnch-burg, Va.; E. O. Eldredge, New York City; L. A. Coate, Idaho; A. W. Hoopes, Texas. united States National, Portland, Ore.; William A. Law, vice-president Merchants’ National, Philadelphia, Pa.; Robert E. James, president Easton Trust Company, Easton, Pa.; W. L. Gorgas, cashier Harrisburg National, Harris- w. p. KEYSER Sedalia, Mo. burg. Pa. ; A. S. Beymer, cashier Keystone National, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Edwin W. Robertson, president National Loan and Exchange, Columbia, S. C.; J. C. Bassett, president Aberdeen National, Aberdeen, S. D.; John M. Miller, Jr., vice-president and cashier First National, Richmond, Va.; Miles C. Moore, president Baker-Boyer National, Walla Walla, Wash., Robert L. Archer, cashier West Virginia National, Huntington, W. Va. For members of the executive council from states and territories where the membership in The New Officers following is believed to be nearly a complete and correct list of new officers of the A. B. A. selected at Denver: President—George M. Reynolds, president Continental National, Chicago, 111.; vice-president, Lewis It. Pierson, president Irving National Exchange, New York City; P. C. Kauffman of Tacoma, Wash,,, treasurer. For members of the executive council, as nominated at conventions of state associations and certified to the association by the secretaries of the respective state associations: James M. Elliott, president First National, Los' Angeles, Cal.; George W. Peltier, vice-president California National, Sacramento, Cal.; Fred G. Moffat, cashier First National, Denver, Colo.; Alfred Spencer, Jr., cashier Aetna National, Hartford. Conn.; Blon H. Barnett, president Barnett National, Jacksonville, Fla.; L. A. Goddard, vice-president State Bank of Chicago, Chicago, 111.; H. A. Chapman, director Jersey State Bank, Jer-seyville, 111.: Walter W. Bonner, cashier Third National, Greensburg, Ind.; Charles IT. Mc-Nider, president First National, Mason City, Iowa: Charles M. Sawyer, president First National, Norton Kan.; Logan C. Murray, president American National, Louisville, Ivy.; George W. Bolton, president Rapides Bank, Alexandria, La.; James R. Edmunds, vice-president National Sank of Commerce, Baltimore, Md.; William Livingstone, president Dime Savings, Detroit, Mich.; James A. Latta, vice-president Swedish-American National, Minneapolis, Minn.; T. W. McCoy, assistant cashier First National, Greenville, Miss.; David H. Pierson, cashier Bank of the Manhattan Company. New York City, N. Y.; Hiram R. Smith, president Bank of Rockville Center, Rockville Center, N. Y.; Luther W. Mott, vice-president and cashier First National, Oswego, N. \ .; John F. Bruton, president First National, V ilson, N. C.; C. E. Batcheller, cashier First National, Fingal, N. D.; E. W. Bixby, cashier First National, Ironton, Ohio; F. J. Woodworth, vice-president First National, Cleveland, Ohio; J. C. Ainsworth, president