[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 52 Northwestern National Bank MINNEAPOLIS Wm, H. Dcnwoodv, President M. B. Koon, Vice Pres. E. W. Dkckkb. Vice Pres. Joseph Chapman. Jr.. Vice Pres. A. A. Crane, Vice-Pros. Frank E. Uoi.ton. Cashier C. W. Farwei.i.. Asst. Cashier \V. F. McLank. Asst. Cash. R. E. Macc.regor. Asst. Cash. S. S. Cook. Asst. Cash. I. F. Cotton. Asst. Cash. ESTABLISHED 1872 V• Deposits S20.000.00n V* Capital and Surplus 84,000,000 To Investors in County Bonds NOTICE is hereby given that bids will be received by the undersigned until noon, of October 15th, 1908, for Douglas County Court House Bonds, to be issued October 1st, 1908, for the sum of One Million Dollars, with interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. Said bonds will be issued in denominations of $1000.00 each, and bids will be received for any portion or all of the same. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. For further information inquire of the undersigned. A deposit of one per cent, of the bid will be required, either Certified Check or Cash. D. H. HAVERLY, County Clerk = Omaha, Nebraska Incontrovertible FACTS Weight 10 ounces 2V\ inch dial PRICE $15.00 They tell the truth at any speed up to their limit. No jar or jolt of the car will shake the hand. Sensitive to the slightest change of speed. Slowest moving parts of any instrument in the market. Ball bearings throughout. ABSOLUTELY guaranteed for TEN years, if “you 1(tit alone.” WHO WILL GIVE YOU AN EQUAL GUARANTEE, AND LIVE UP TO IT ? For Automobiles No Instrument more easily read. Registers correctly when attached to either wheel. We have no shaft troubles, owing to its slow motion and ease of running. We prove our statements every day; let us prove it to you. Send for booklets and letters of endorsement. WE SET THE PACE PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $50.00 Bullard Specialty Co., Winchester Park, Springfield, Mass. Speedometers and Speed Recorders WE OWN AND OFFER $125,000—Omaha, Nebraska, 4 1-2%, 20 Year School Bonds $200,000-Dallas, Texas, 4%, 20-40 Year Bonds Ng Ng $100,000 — East St. Louis, Illinois, 4 120 ,2%־ Year Bonds $ 150,000 — City of St. Louis, Missouri, 4%, 20 Year Bonds Trices and descriptions of above ana other high class issues on application WILLIAM R. COMPTON COMPANY Merchants-Laclede Building ST. LOUIS - - - MISSOURI •I The clerk will be a better business man if be reads this little book— and the proprietor a better business man, if he reads it. Two things that work for a better, bigger, broader business. This booklet has been the “ hit ” of the year—the second edition, of 50,000 copies, is now being distributed. t| You may have one if you write on your business letterhead—and mention this publication. IJ Ninety per cent, of adding and listing machines in use are Burroughs- Burroughs Adding Machine Company Block 65, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.