[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 50 United States Depositary The Old National Bank of Spokane, Washington $ 729,000 6,464,918 Capital and Surplus Deposits OFFICERS D. W. TWOHY, President PETER LARSON, Vice-President W. D. VINCENT, Cashier W. J. KOMMERS, Assistant Cashier J. A. YEOMANS, Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS PETER LARSON T. J. HUMBIRD JAMES C. TWOHY LEVI ANKENY W. D. VINCENT THOMAS F. WREN J. D. FARRELL D. W. TWOHY J. P. McGOLDRICK Thoroughly organized collection system throughout Washington, Idaho and Montana locals reached a total of $11,925,423.19 and of the state organizations $7,710,244.75. The profits of all concerns for the year were reported as $1,194,145.39. The membership for the year amounted to 31,142, with 13,285 borrowers. Two associations were instructed to wind up their business and are now in liquidation. V* The Medford, Mass., Trust Company has been organized with a capital stock of $100,-000. tions. The objection to the tax is ascribed to the fact that it is based upon the authorized incorporated capital instead of the paid in capital of the corporation. The present law, say the commissioners, is particularly ill suited to the smaller cities and towns, and the recommendation is made that the statutes be amended to permit the formation of building and loan associations “with or without capital stock.” The commission reports that 100 locals and seven state associations operated in California during the year. The assets of the California Building and Loan Associations That the building and loan associations of California passed through the recent financial panic without trouble is the statement made by Commissioners J. P. Transue and Albert Lind-ley in their report just submitted to Governor Gillett. The report covers the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, and declares that the wisdom of the existing laws has been demonstrated. Only one change is recommended, and that concerns the corporation license tax, which has been a source of complaint among the associa- Report to the Comptroller of the Currency (Condensed Statement) The Northwestern National Bank MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. At Close of Business, September 23, 1908 $16,869,518.16 2.096,350.00 250.000. 00 1,272.43 10,682,782.70 $29,899,923.29 S 2,000,000.00 154,381.47 1.400,000.00 225.000. 00 24.120,541.82 Resources Loans and Discounts U. S. and other bonds . Banking House Overdrafts .... Cash, and due from Banks Liabilities Capital Surplus . : Undivided Profits Circulation Bond Account Deposits $29.899,923 29 Officers FRANK E. HOLTON, Cashier C. W. FARWELL, Assistant Cashier W. F. McLANE, Assistant Cashier R. E. MACGREGOR. Assistant Cashier S. S. COOK, Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier VVM. H. DUNWOODY, President M. B. KOON, Vice-President E. W. DECKER. Vice-President JOSEPH CHAPMAN. Jr., Vice-Prest. A. A. CRANE, Vice-President I. F. COTTON REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE SECURITY NATIONAL BANK MINNEAPOLIS At the Close of Business. September 23. 1908 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $11,551,594.03 Overdrafts .... 845.11 Bonds, stocks and securities 181,639.34 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 398,000.00 Bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................... 67,000.00 Due from U. S. Treasurer........................... 26,475.00 Cash on hand and due from banks.................. 7,695,840.76 $19,921,394.24 LIABI LITI ES Capital Stock ...........$ 1,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits ................... 1,179,785.43 Reserved for unearned discount..................... 100,000.00 Circulation........................................ 393,900.00 Deposits 17,247,708.81 $19,921.394.24 OFFICERS F. A. CHAMBERLAIN, President PERRY HARRISON Vice-President FRED SPAFF0RD...................Asst. Cashier E. F. MEARKLE Vice-President GEORGE LAWTHER .. Asst. Cashier J. S. POMEROY Cashier STANLEY H. BEZ0IER Asst. Cashier OUR FACILITIES INSURE PROMPT ATTENTION