[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 48 The Des Moines National Bank DES MOINES, IOWA Capital, Surplus and Profits $400,000.00 ARTHUR REYNOLDS, President J. H. BLAIR, Vice-President A. J. ZWART, Cashier C. A. BARR, Assistant Cash. STATE OF IOWA OUR DIRECT FIELD to accept whatever they find in praise of the other.” It is difficult to resist the temptation to make quotations from this friendly volume. The reader who likes to know just what superficial obstacles lie in the way of a more thorough friendliness between the two great nations will be amply rewarded by reading every page this entertaining writer has incorporated in his book. By H. Perry Robinson, published by G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE MONROE NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO At the close of business. September 23. 1908 RESOURCES Loans and discounts .............................$709,115.16 Overdrafts.......................................... 328.36 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation.............. 250,000.00 Premium on U. S. Bonds............................. 5.875.00 Bonds to secure U. S. deposits................. 131,505.50 Other bonds and securities....................... 332,957.36 Furniture and fixtures............................. 3,500.00 Cash and due from banks ........................ 493,904.43 $1,927,185.81 LIABILITIES Capital Stock................................$300,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits............... 58,71 8.67 Reserved for interest and taxes................ 7,000.00 Circulation ................................. 250,000.00 U. S. and other bonds account................ 170,000.00 Dividends unpaid.................................. 15.00 Deposits ..................... ............1.141.452.14 $1,927,185.81 OFFICERS EDWIN F. BROWN, President E. W. HARDEN, Vice-Pres. S. K. MARTIN, Vice-Pres. L. C. WOODWORTH, Cashier WM. N. JARNAGIN, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS J.E.CLENNY CHARLES G. DAWES EVAN A. EVANS A. VOLNEY FOSTER F. A HECHT M. H. KILGALLEN J.V.STEGER JAMES WALSH E. W. HARDEN S. K. MARTIN E. B. MIX EDWIN F. BROWN NEW ACCOUNTS INVITED scribed. Bank Commissioner Bergh was present at the meeting this morning and approved the plans. The bank will probably open next Monday. V* “Twentieth Century American’’ “To see ourselves as others see us” is of as great advantage to-day as in the days of Bobby Burns. As a nation it is seldom that we have such an advantage. “The Twentieth Century American,” Mr. Robinson’s new book, is “so full of a number of things” that one may open it anywhere and become interested immediately. The author is an Englishman, who has spent nearly twenty years in the United States, and who seems to have acquired not only a pretty thorough knowledge of the country and the people, but a sympathy with our characteristics and institutions as well. His adroit use of language and his pleasant attitude are so fully shown in his dedicatory passage that it may be repeated here: “To those readers, whether English or American, who agree with whatever is said in the following pages in laudation of their own country, this book is inscribed in the hope that they will be equally ready -WANTED Married man, 30, four years’ experience in large city bank, desires position as cashier in good country bank. Can take some stock. First-class references and influential banking connections. Address “ C. T.,” care Chicago Banker Bank to Open Monday Oshkosh, Wis., September 29.—At a meeting of the stockholders of the Union Bank of Win-neconne, held in this city this morning, arrangements were completed, whereby Winneconne capital will assume charge of the bank, purchasing the stock of the Oshkosh holders. George H. Miller will probably be continued as cashier, he having been instrumental in the reorganization. The capital has been increased from $10,000 to $25,000 with $35,000 sub- CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE Royal Trust Company As Made to the Auditor of Public Accounts !Sept. 24, 1908 $2,0 A4,994.49 1.10 80,000.00 1,284,353.0 1 389,9 14.92 1 ,840,863.72 S3,630,1 29.24 S 500,000.00 499,81 1 .36 4,630,31 7.88 $3,630,129.24 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ־ Overdrafts ------ Real Estate................... Bonds and Stocks - - - - Demand Loans secured by collateral Cash and due from banks LIABILITIES Capital Stock - Surplus and Profits - - - Deposits....................... JAMES B. WILBUR, President. EDWIN F. MACK, Vice-President and Cashier. JOHN W. THOMAS, Assistant Cashier. ROBT. H. BERRY. Assistant Cashier. Checking Accounts, Savings Accounts,Real Estate Loans Made, Bonds and Mortgages for Sale. Trusteeships Accepted. Established 1891 169 JACKSON BOULEVARD Royal Insurance Bldg., Chicago