35 THE CHICAGO BANKER October 3, 1908\ AMERICAN GUARANTY COMPANY CHICAGO ■Ì0 Established 1892 Capital $500,000.00 Surplus $727,131 ssues Service and Income Contracts. C]j Assumes the payment oi Corporate Obligations. Attends to the preparation of Corporation ds. Secures the services of a Trust Company in any financial center as trustee for the bondholders. CJ Prepares the necessary Deed of Trust for execution by the officers of the corporation and the trustee. C]¡ Attends to all the details of an issue of bonds, relieving the officers of the corporation of all annoyance incidental thereto. if Assumes full responsibility for the legality and validity of the issue so prepared. Bon LEWIS W. PITCHER. Secretary JAMES L. BIGELOW. Treasurer FREDERICK M. STEELE, President CHARLES L. FUREY. Vice-President ‘DIRECTORS ,,,,, T t a -V* r''r*T» /—׳r1״ a tu ^ President Old Second WILLIAM GEORGE. Aurora. 111., j National Ba LEWIS W. PITCHER, Chicago, Secretary of Company. JAMES L. BIGELOW, Chicago. Treasurer of Company. WILLIAM B. HILL. City of New York, j Xttorney-at-Law.rUSt C°' CHARLES L. FUREY, Chicago, Vice-President of Company. \ Vice Prest. Third National Bank, / President American Bankers Association. J. D. POWERS, Louisville, FRED-K. M. STEELE. Chicago, j State Bant. T-r* a vTi/ ti a a r־-T^r?c> 1 • \ Vice-President American FRANK BAACKES. Ch.cago, | Steel and Wire Co. ( Treas. U. S. Realty B. M. FELLOWS, City of New York, ■] Improvement Co. ( Treas. Geo. A. Fuller Co. GENERAL OFFICES: 171 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO WILLIAM HANHART New York City Chicago Banks Total savings deposits of Chicago banks show an increase of about $2,500,000 since July, which is the largest gain reported since the panic period, but they are still about $14,000,000 below the aggregate shown a year ago. T>׳» Small New York Bank Closed The Green County National of Hunter, N. Y., has closed its doors. The bank was organized in 1904 by several New Yorkers. It had a capital of $25,000 and deposits between $75,000 and $100,000. SOL WEXLER New Orleans State Bank Robbed Ladysmith, Wis., September 29.—A gang oi yeggmen at 3 a. m. to-day blew open the safe of the State Bank, taking about $3,000. The cracksmen wounded a night policeman and fired many shots at the Baker hotel and other buildings to keep anybody from coming out. . They then took a hand car and escaped. It took the yeggmen twenty minutes to complete the “job,” and during the entire time that three cracksmen were working at the safe’ in the bank other robbers kept Miss Frances Killgore, night telephone operator in the bank building, covered with their guns. Commercial National Dividend The usual quarterly dividend of 3 per cent was paid on the capital stock of the Commercial National of this city on October 1 to stockholders of record on September 30th. National City Bank Dividend The National City Bank of Chicago has declared a quarterly dividend of I]/¡ per cent. O. C. FULLER Milwaukee