THE CHICAGO BANKER October 3, /po5] 27 NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH CAPITAL - - $ 300,000 DEPOSITS ■ - $5,500,000 OFFICERS FRANK KNOX, President JAMES A. MURRAY, Vice-President W. F. EARLS, Cashier E. A. CULBERTSON, Asst. Cashier UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PRAIRIE NATIONAL BANK NATIONAL LIFE BLDG., 159 LA SALLE ST. We Respectfully Solicit Your Business RESERVE AGENT GEORGE WOODLAND, President FOR HARRY R. MOORE, Vice President NATIONAL WM. B. CONKLIN, Cashier AND LEROY WOODLAND, Asst. Cashier STATE BANKS In Enlarged Quarters Brown Brothers and Company, of Philadelphia, Monday took full possession of their greatly enlarged banking offices, which include the space formerly occupied by the Merchants A new building is being erected by the Commercial Bank of Jacksonville, Fla. Frank W. Crane Frank W. Crane, until recently cashier of the First National of Mt. Sterling, has been formally elected cashier of the State Savings, Loan & Trust Company of Quincy, 111. Mr. Crane is an experienced, successful banker and his connection with the bank is not only an important acquisition to it, but to the community. The Lumbermen's National The Lumbermen’s National of Portland, Ore., will move to new quarters upon the completion of Gay Lombard’s building, corner Fifth and Stark streets. Tr* The Union Life & Trust Company of Mus-kozee, Okla., has completed its organization. The company has a capital of $2,500,000. INVESTMENT BONDS MUNICIPALS Maturity To Yield 8200,000 City of Chicago, General Corporate 4% 1911-20 , ׳3.90 40,000 Allegheny County, Pennsylvania i% 1938 3.93% 44,000 Anderson County, Tennessee, Road, 5% 1918-31 4 CO 75,000 Burlington, North Carolina, Water, 5% 1938 m% 29,000 Selma, Alabama, Water and Sewer, 5% 1917-25 4L׳ 50,000 Shelby, North Carolina, Water, 5% 1938 4.85% 40,000 Citv of East Grand Porks, Minn., Water, 5% 1927 !Vi 20,000 Citv of Norman, Oklahoma, Water, 6% 1933 5.20׳ Í 70,000 Citv of Port Smith, Arkansas, Sewer, 5% 1923-25 ׳׳' rc 14,000 Mobile, Alabama, Refunding, iVo% 1937 4L׳ Ó 12,000 Town of Marlow, Oklahoma. Water, 5% 1926 4fci:% 6,000 Town of Durant, Mississippi, Lighting, 5% 1925 4 Ш 30,000 Thermopolis, Wyoming, Water, 6% 1937 5JU о CORPORATIONS \t 8250,000 Chicago Citv R’y Company, First Mtg. 5% 1927 market 50,000 Chicago Railways Companv, First Mtg., 5% 1927 5% 50,000 People’s Gas L. A C. Co., Rfdg., 5% 1947 %״4.9 25,000 North Shore Electric Co., First Mortgage 5% 1922 25,000 Mutual Fuel Gas Co., First Mortgage, 5% 1947 %׳־• Guaranteed bv People's Gas Light & Coke Co. 25,000 Commonwealth Electric Co., First Mtg., 5% 1943 4.85%. 50,000 Congress Hotel Co., First Mortgage, 5% 1920-34 s t% 100,000 Sioux Falls Light A Power Co., First Mtg., 6% 1918-26 .;־׳;׳ 28,C00 Los Angeles Edison, First Refunding, 5% 1922 5% 30,000 Topeka Edison Co., First Mortgage, 5% 1930 5L% 25,000 Topeka Railway Co., First Mortgage, 5% 1930 O'-Lf Circulars and full information regarding the above bonds and many other issues furnished upon request of BOND DEPARTMENT THE AMERICAN TRUST ®> SAVINGS BANK Monroe and Clark Streets CHICAGO 71 HE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY'״ BANK ai> 81 N.W.CORNER LASALLE AND MONROE STS. jjj[ REPORT OF CONDITION At the Commencement of Business, September 24. 1908 Liabilities .............$ 1,500,000.00 ............. 1,000,000.00 ................. 861.871.10 ................. 31,543.90 $ 134.548.98 42,124.39 ------------- 176,673.37 25.930.827.92 $14,654,957.37 11.275.870.55 $29,500,916.29 Capital stock....... Surplus fund........ Undivided profits--- Interest reserved Cashier's checks Certified checks.... Demand deposits ... Time deposits....... Total........... Resources Time loans on security .$4,543,771.17 Demand loans on security................. 5,327,328.30 Bonds'................. 8.230.625.74 Stocks.................... 50,000.00 ------------$18,151,725.21 Bank premises, Ground.................. 850.000.00 Building................ 400,000.00 Due from banks......... 5,601,108.05 Checks for clearings . 291.123.46 Cash on hand.......... 4,206.959.57 ------------ 10,099.191.08 Total...........................$29,500,916.29 DIRECTORS CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, Yice-Pres. Corn Exch. Nat’l Bank. MARTIN A. RYERSON, ALBERT A. SPRAGUE, Pres. Sprague, Warner & Co. SOLOMON A. SMITH. 2nd Y.-Pres. The Northern !rust Co. BYRON L. SMITH, Pres. The Northern Trust Co. A. C. BARTLETT, Pres. Hibbard,Spencer, Bartlett Co. WILLIAM A. FULLER, Retired Manufacturer. ERNEST A. HAMILL, Pres. Corn Exchange National Bank. MARVIN HUGH1TT, Pres. Chicago & N. W. R’y Co. We Invite All or Part of the Business of Individuals, Corporations and Firms Who Appreciate Conservative Banking.