26 T H E C H I C A G O B A N K E R [Vdime XXV The First National Bank PROMPT and COURTEOUS ATTENTION Given to all Business Sent to the ST. JOSEPH, MO. DULUTH SAVINGS Capital $500,000.00 Surplus $300,000.00 Ü BANK Ü dj This bank is located in the heart of the greatest agricultural district in the world. We consistently follow a conservative policy and invite patronage, feeling confident that our facil- Capital - - $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 23,500.00 ities for rendering prompt and efficent service are unsurpassed. OFFICERS OFFICERS CHARLES PASCHE, President E. C. HARTWIG, Cashier J. T. TRENERY, Vice-President W. F. MAXWELL, Asst. Cashier J. L. WASHBURN, President J. W. LYDER, Jr., Cashier JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Vice President J. E. HORAK, Assistant Cashier A Commercial and Savings Banking Business Transacted deposits, the largest amount ever reported by the Chicago institutions. The state banks and trust companies are reporting their condition as at the beginning of business Sept. 24th. Some of them show increases in their deposits over their July figures and a few report decreases. It is probable that the aggregate will show a fair gain. Among the individual banks gains of $1,000,000 or more were made by the Bankers' National, the Commercial, the Continental, the Corn Exchange, and the First National. Banks Gain Deposits In the period between the last two calls from the comptroller for statements—from July 15 to Sept. 23—the national banks of Chicago increased their aggregate deposits $7,700,000, expanded their loans about $5,300,000 and added $3,100,000 to their cash means. The sixteen local national banks now hold $369,637,000 of The Cincinnati Money Market The Cincinnati money market continues steady with collateral loans acceptable at 4 to 4^2 per cent on call, and 4J/2 to 5 per cent on time. Discounting of prime paper is on a moderate scale. The movement of currency is in favor of the country points, though the farm demands are smaller than usual. V The First National of Sanford, Fla., will erect a new building. throughout the country "'national Bank of Commerce in new Vork solicits correspondence from hanks and bankers contemplating opening new or additional accounts in the metropolis. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $40,000,000.00 National Bank of Commerce Building Nassau and Cedar Streets New York