25 THE CHICAGO BANKER September 26, ipo8] Second National Bank PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL STOCK - 51,800,000 SURPLUS 2.000.000 ־ HENRY C. BUGHMAN, President WM. McCONWAY, Vice-President JAMES M. YOUNG, Cashier THOMAS W. WELSH, Jr״ Vice-President BROWN A. PATTERSON, Asst. Cashier Depositary of the United States, the State of Pennsylvania and City of Pittsburgh DIRECTORS HENRY C. BUGHMAN, WM. M. KENNEDY, FRANK C. OSBURN, President Commonwealth Trust Co. Attorney-at-Law ROBERT D. EL WOOD, JAS. S. KUHN, EDWARD B. TAYLOR, of R. D. El wood & Co. Pres. Pgh. Bank for Savings Vice-Pres. Penna. Co. CHAS. W. FRIEND, WM. McCONWAY. FRANK S. WILLOCK, . Clinton Iron & Steel Co, of McConway & Torley Co. of Westmoreland Bnck Co. THOS. D. CHANTLER, WM. L. CURRY, Chantler & McClung McKeesport Tin Plate Co. Accounts Solicited—Our facilities insure prompt attention If You Are in the Market for New Bank Fixtures and Furniture It will be very much to your advantage to get our ideas. Thenamer4A׳D/?£lF5 stands for all that is modern in every detail of office equipment, and the ANDREWS product has been the standard for nearly half a century. 5T We make only the best that skill and unequaled manufacturing facilities can produce, and charge you only a fair price for it. One of our experienced traveling men will be glad to call on you at your convenience. Illustrated booklet upon request The A. H. Andrews Co. 1 74« 176 Wabash Ave., Chicago 1161-75 Broadway, N. Y. Federal Regulation of By Albert N. Merritt Railway Rates 240 pages. Price postpaid $1.12 Economic History of the United States By Ernest Ludlow Bogart, Ph. D. Princeton University 514 pages. Price postpaid $2.18 J. W. Welpton J. W. Welpton, a well known Nebraska banker, is president of the following banks and companies in that state : Exchange Bank, Ogal-lala ; Sutherland State Bank, Commercial State Bank. Paxton ; First State Bank, Brule ; Welpton Investment Company, Ogallala; Welpton Lumber Company, Ogallala. In all of the above institutions Mr. Welpton owns controlling interest. He is one of Nebraska’s progressive busi- Los Angeles Bank Consolidation An important consolidation of financial interests was effected by the incorporation of the Merchants Bank and Trust Company, of Los Angeles, which takes over the Merchants Trust Company and the Western State Bank. The new corporation has an authorized capital of $300,000. The directorate consists of men who are at present connected with the Merchants Trust Company, Western State Bank and the United States American Bank. V The Commerce Trust Company A permit to the Commerce Trust Company of Kansas City for the erection of a steel railing and roof garden on the Commerce Building was issued by the lower house of the city council Monday night. The railing is to be built at once, but the other features in connection with the garden will not be placed on the roof before next summer. V* The Farmers and Merchants State Bank The Farmers and Merchants State Bank has been organized at Dexter, Kan. Capital $10,-000. The officers are: W. H. Bolton, president: J. T..Riggs, vice-president, and Frank C. Raub, cashier. V• Bank President Poland Dead Chillicothe, Ohio, September 20.—Major William Poland, aged 79 years, president of the Ross County Bank of Chillicothe, died this morning. He was well known all through Ohio. Chicago Chapter Meeting The Chicago Chapter at its regular meeting Tuesday evening at Booth Hall, Northwestern University Building, elected V. E. Edgren, of the Northern Trust Company, treasurer. Mr. Edgren had a close run for the office, E. P. Bohn being right behind. Attorney James J. Ennis lectured on “Bank Checks,” and Prof. J. Paul Goode, of the University of Chicago, gave a steropticon talk on "The Reclamation of Our .Arid Lands.”. The amendment reducing the treasurer’s bond was voted on and passed, and an amendment was introduced governing the election of candidates for delegates to national conventions. Each candidate will have to be a member of the chapter for at least two years. The amendment will be voted on at the next regular meeting of the chapter. Norman A. MacDonald, president of the Buffalo Chapter, and assistant cashier of the Citizens Bank of Buffalo, was a visitor at this meeting. V> Texas Proceedings The proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual convention of the Texas Bankers Association, held at Fort Worth, June 4th, 5th and 6th, is out in book form. It is gotten up in Secretary Hoopes’ well-known style, is printed on the best of coated paper, and is a work of art. It not only contains the proceedings of the convention, but beautiful half-tone portraits of prominent Texas bankers, and a map showing the district system of the Texas Bankers Asso- The Home Bamc of Brooklyn Permission has been granted the Home Bank of Brookljm by the State Banking Department to move its place of business from Forty-eighth Street and Fifth Avenue, to Fifty-fourth Street and Fifth Avenue. It is the intention of the management of the bank to be in the new quarters by October 1st. Tr* The New Blotter Rule The very latest thing out in the way of a desk ruler is the new blotter rule and blotter combined. It is protected by patent and is one of the costliest souvenirs ever sent out. George L. Coburn, president of the Pioneer Life Insurance Co. at Pekin, Ills., is the donor. W. B. Cowen W. B. Cowen, vice-president of the National Bank of Commerce in St. Louis, has been spending his vacation at Northern lake resorts in Michigan. V* The Philadelphia Chapter Friday night the Philadelphia Chapter, American Institute of Banking, which includes representatives of nearly every bank and trust company in the city, opened its season with a smoker, at its new rooms, in the Roger Williams Building, Seventeenth and Chestnut streets. With the exception of the reports of delegates to the annual convention, at Providence, R. I., last July, and an outline of this year’s educational work, no business was transacted, the larger part of the evening being given over to amusement features. An enjoyable program had been arranged for the members of the chapter and their friends. The chapter has a membership of 400. This year an endeavor is going to be made to build the total to 600. The organization is doing a splendid work in imparting knowledge of all that enters into banking. V* The Baltimore Chapter The Baltimore Chapter of the American Institute of Banking will soon be comfortably housed in the new quarters in the Calvert Bank Building. The organization has brought a number of men prominent in the financial world to Baltimore, and among those secured for the winter program are: Henry Clews, Congressman Duncan E. Mc-Kinlay, of California, and Dr. Monaghan, of the University of Wisconsin. V* The Union State Bank The Union State Bank at Winneconne, Wis., capitalized at $10,000, was dosed Wednesday by orders of the State Banking Department. Overloaning is said to be the cause of the failure. V- First National of Arenzville The new First National at Arenzville, 111., is officered as follows: Herman Engelbach, president; J. M. Swope, vice-president; Geo. Engelbach, cashier; and Fred Engelbach, assistant cashier.