[ Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 10 The Wisconsin National Bank OF MILWAUKEE CAPITAL - $2, OOO, 000 SURPLUS - 1,000,000 OFFICERS L. J. PETIT, President HERMAN F. WOLF, Cashier FRED’K KASTEN, Vice-President L. C. BOURNIQUE, Asst. Cashier CHAS. E. ARNOLD, 2nd Vice-President W. L. CHENEY, Asst. Cashier WALTER KASTEN, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS L. J. Petit Frederick Kasten R. W. Houghton Oliver C. Fuller Herman W. Falk Ceo. D. Van Dyke Gustave Pabst Charles Schriber Isaac D. Adler Frank L. Vance Patrick Cudahy Wisconsin Trust Company MILWAUKEE CAPITAL - $500,000 SURPLUS - 100,000 OFFICERS OLIVER C. FULLER, President CARDNER P. STICKNEY Treasurer FRED’K KASTEN, Vice-President FRED. C. BEST, Secretary R. L. SMITH, Asst. Secretary DIRECTORS L. J. Petit, Chairman Frederick Kasten R. W. Houghton Oliver C. Fuller Herman W. Falk Charles Schriber Gustave Pabst Gardner P. Stickney Isaac D. Adler Frank L. Vance Patrick Cudahy California Banking News By WILLIAM J. HOLLISTER Stockton Savings and Loan Bank Building Plasterers are working on the Stockton Savings and Loan Bank building at present and it is hoped to have the building in shape for occupancy by November 1st. Banker Killed by Auto Philip Lilienthal. manager of the Anglo-Cali-fornia Bank of San Francisco, was killed when his automobile collided with a buggy after the horse had become frightened. American Bank and Trust Company Frederick H. Swan has resigned as cashier of the American Bank and Trust Company of Pasadena. Banking Notes President M. P. Freeman of the Consolidated National of Tucson, Ariz., has been visiting California beach resorts. J. M. Grigsby, president of the Merchants National of Santa Monica, has returned from a trip to Galesburg, 111. Willis Peck, a banker of Fresno, is at the Hotel Hollenbeck, Los Angeles. V» Bank Officers Indicted San Francisco, September 15.—After several days of investigation into the affairs of the defunct Market Street Bank, the grand jury to-day returned indictments against W. B. Nash, a former cashier and director of the institution, and L. 0. Haven, the cashier who succeeded Nash. The indictments charge the falsification of accounts. Nash and Haven are under bonds of S 10.000 in each case. V ־ ■ “Baltimore Stock Exchange Seat A seat on the Baltimore Stock Exchange was sold for $2,500, which price is unchanged from the last preceding sale. Francisco $5,390,000, Los Angeles $7,042,000, Oakland $1,283,000, San Jose $515,000, Sacramento $702,000, Fresno $428,000, and San Diego $547,000. Coinage at the San Francisco Mint During the past month the total number of coins coined at the United States mint at San Francisco was 2,078,000, the value being $1,-468,000. The Bank of Los Angeles The Bank of Los Angeles has elected the following officers: W. F. Callander as president; John A. Pirtle, vice-president, and O. C. Conley, cashier. The paid-up capital of the institution is $200,000, and deposits of $500,000. the OLD National Bank OF Spokane CAPITAL $500.000 "■■■ OFFICERS ———— D. W. TWOHY, President X. J. HUMBIRD, Vice Pres. W. D. VINCENT, Cashier W. J. KOMMERS, J. A. YEOMANS, __________ASSISTANT CASHIERS w. F. Callander, cashier of the German-Am-erican Bank of Los Angeles, has resigned to accept the presidency of the Bank of Los Angeles, having bought the interest of W. B. Ames, who was president of the latter. J. F. Andrews, first assistant cashier of the German-American Savings Bank, was elected cashier by the directorate. The Bank of Calistoga Judge Gesford in the Superior Court has declared that the Bank of Calistoga is insolvent and appointed Attorney Harry T. Johnston of Napa as receiver, fixing his bonds in the sum °f $25,000. The assets of the bank were found to be $87,000, while its liabilities were placed at $52,000. Precious Metals in California The value of gold produced in California in the year 1907 was $16,727,928. The value of silver was $751,646, and the joint value of both metals $17,479,574. according to the United States Geological Survey. Compared with the mine production of 1906, these figures show a decrease of $2,004,524 in value of gold and of $66,182 in value of silver, a total falling off in value of the precious metal output of $2.070,708. The average commercial value of silver in New York per fine ounce in 1906 was 67 cents, and in 1907 was 66 cents. California Cities Bank Clearings Bank clearing's in California cities, for the first four business days last week, were: San