21 THE CHICAGO BANKER September 5, 1908\ The Central Bank and Trust Corporation The Central Bank and Trust Corporation, of Atlanta, Ga., organized in 1906, and doing business in the splendid Candler Building, erected by president Asa G. Candler, is making a fine record for growth and satisfied customers. With resources of about three millions and a quarter, it offers a service to city and out-of-town patrons that covers all legitimate needs. This service in addition to a regular commercial bank business embraces a well equipped trust department and a savings department, each of which are steadily growing. The rapid growth of the savings sections of Atlanta banks during the past few years is very noticeable and indicates a prosperous condition among the people, and that thrifty habits are becoming more general. V» Cairo Light Firms Consolidate Cairo, 111., September 1.—Announcement was made last night that the Cairo Electric Traction company and the Cairo City Gas company have been bought by the McKinley Traction system and will pass into the hands of the new ownership to-day. The new owners will then control all the public lighting and traction facilities of this city. a. m. by the president, Col. J. D. Powers. Prayer by Rev. Robert F. Coyle, D. D., Pastor Central Presbyterian Church. Announcements. Report of the currency commission. Discussion of the report of the currency commission and the currency, in which delegates are invited to participate. TWELVE O’CLOCK. Address by Alexander Gilbert, president the New York Clearing House, and president Market and Fulton National Bank, New York. Recess for luncheon at 1 o’clock. Afternoon Session, two o'clock. Roll call of vice-presidents. The vice-presidents who attend the convention are personally requested to reply with five minute speeches, telling of the business conditions in their states and territories. 3 :30 o’clock. Address. Unfinished business. Report of committee on nominations. Elections. Installation of officers elected. Adjournment. Attention is called to the following: Article VII., Section 1, of the Constitution reads as follows: article vii. Sec. 1. Resolutions or subjects for discussion (excepting those referring to points of order, or matters of courtesy) must be submitted to the executive council in writing at least fifteen days before the annual convention of the association; but any person desiring to submit any resolution, or business, in open convention, may do so upon a two-thirds vote of the delegates present, the resolution or business may be referred to the executive council to report upon immediately; provided that this shall not apply to any proposed amendment of the constitution. ENTERTAINMENT. Monday Evening, September 28, 1908. The banquet to the executive council, tendered by the bankers of Denver, will be held at the Denver Club at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Evening, September 30, 1908. A reception with dancing will be given at the El Jebel Temple, corner 18th and Sherman avenues, commencing at 9 o’clock p. m. and lasting until one o’clock a. m. On Thursday, October 1st. a sightseeing automobile ride for the ladies will be conducted in three relays, starting from the Broadway entrance of the Brown Palace Hotel. The first relay will leave at 2 o’clock p. m., the second relay at 2:30 o’clock p. m., and the third relay at 3 o’clock p. m. The ladies will be entertained en route with a tea given at the Denver Country Club. Tickets will be provided at the time of registration indicating the hour the holder will leave. On Friday, October 2d, an all-day trip will be given over the Denver, Northwestern and Pacific Railway (Moffat Road), leaving the Moffat Road depot, 15th and Basset streets, probably between the hours of eight and nine o’clock a. m. Corona, Colorado, 65 miles distant from Denver, which is at the crest of the Continental Divide, and at an altitude of 11,660 feet, will be the point of destination. A box lunch will be served en route, and it is planned to have the trains return to Denver in time for dinner at 7 o’clock. *7» Mount Washington Savings and Trust The !Mount Washington Savings and Trust Company will clear in the future through the First National of Pittsburgh. spending a long vacation in Maine and Canada. He found business much improved everywhere. Kansas Bankers’ Views The republicans of Kansas, in party council at Topeka Wednesday declared, after a hot fight, for a state bank deposit guarantee bill. Members of Congress and republican leaders pointed out the inconsistency of such a declaration in view of Taft’s opposition to it in his speech of acceptance, but it availed nothing. Many declared that it would lose the state to the republicans. The radical La Follette element was in control. Bureau Drawer Bank Again The Kansas City chapter of the Tin Foil and Label Workers’ union, a woman’s organization, does not believe in banks. Since the financial panic the union’s $325 has been in a dresser drawer at the home of its treasurer, Maude Bessey of 6239 East Lee Street. Last week when the Bessey family returned to its home the funds of the union and $65 that belonged to J. C. Bessey were gone. A basement door had been unlocked. The only clew the police have is that a man had been seen loitering about the place. The First State Bank The City National of Norman, Okla., took out a state charter this week under the name of the First State Bank of Norman. The bark surrendered is national charter for the purpose of securing the advantage of the state guaranty law. The Bank of Crescent The Bank of Crescent (Okla.) reports capital of $10,000; surplus and profits, $385 and deposits, $46,247. William Brown is president: W. A. Kendall, vice-president; Ed. Stobaugh, cashier, and R. E. Stobaugh, assistant cashier. Reserve Agents Reserve agents were designated Friday by the state department of insurance for the following Texas state banks: For the Weimar State Bank of Weimar, the Hanover National of New York, the Lumberman’s National of Houston and the State Bank and Trust Company of San Antonio; for the State Bank of *Llano, the American National Bank of Houston : for the Texas City State Bank of Texas City, the Merchants National of Houston. V* Denver Program A. B. A. (Continued from page 13.) In the absence of a vice-president of any state, territory or district at any meeting, the majoritv of delegates from such state, territory or district may nominate a member from such state, territory or district in attendance at the convention of the American Bankers Association to represent such state, territory or district on the nominating committee in place of such absent vice-president. Sec. 2. Immediately after the first adjournment that occurs in the session of the annual convention, the delegates from each state and territory shall meet, at which several meetings the respective vice-presidents of the states and territories, if present, shall preside, and these meetings of representatives from the states and territories shall each select a member, who shall, with others so selected, constitute and be a committee on nominations. The committee may make its report at any subsequent session of the convention, but its nominations shall not exclude the name of any person otherwise nominated in the convention. No delegate from any state association shall, however, be eligible unless he is a member of the American Bankers Association. SECOND DAY. Thursday, October i, 1908. Convention called to order at 9:30 o’clock Sager Equalizing Springs Win on Merit Over 25,000 inUse Recommended by Leading Manufacturers : Elmore Mf¿. Co.— ' ‘We are entirely satisfied with them” Olds Motor Works—‘-The ‘Sager device’ presents advantages not found in other so-called ‘shock absorbers ’ ” Crawford Automobile Co.—,‘They add greatly to comfort and reliability ” Lo^an Construction Co.—“We find them indispensable” Dorris Motor Car Co. — •‘ Our customers are more than satisfied with them ” Thomas B. Jeffrey Co. (Rambler)—“Have given us very excellent satisfaction” The Dayton Motor Car Co. (Stoddard-Dayton ,,The success of your shock absorbers has interested us considerably ” The Autocar Co.—“ Used your springs with splendid success’ ’ Meteor Automobile Works “ We claim 1908 will be a Sager year” The Forest City Motor Car Co. (Jewel -־*A great benefit. and we can’t speak too highly of them ” Evansville Automobile Co. Gearless Automobile — “Give perfect satisfaction” Pope Mfg. Co. — “We found your springs to be satisfactory ” Protection Bumper Higher by six inches than any other kind. Piactical and ornamental. Safely guards lamps, radiator and tires. Write for full particulars. J. H. Sa^er Co. Rochester, N. Y. Chicago Agents: Western Distributing Co., 1424-1426 Michigan Ave. New York Agents : Manufacturers’ Distributing Co., 1900 Broadway