[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER ]( The Wisconsin National Bank OF MILWAUKEE $2,000,000 1,000,000 CAPITAL -SURPLUS - OFFICERS L. J. PETIT, President HERMAN F. WOLF, Cashier FRED’K KASTEN, Vice-President L, C. BOURNIQUE, Asst. Cashier CHAS. E. ARNOLD, 2nd Vice-President W. L. CHENEY, Asst. Cashier WALTER KASTEN, Asst. Cashier Oliver C. Fuller Charles Schriber DIRECTORS Frederick Kasten R. W. Houghton Ceo. D. Van Dyke Custave Pabst Frank L. Vance Patrick Cudahy L. J. Petit Herman W. Falk Isaac D. Adler Wisconsin Trust Company MILWAUKEE CAPITAL - $500,000 SURPLUS - 100,000 OFFICERS OLIVER C. FULLER, President GARDNER P. STICKNEY Treasurer FRED'K KASTEN, Vice-President FRED. C. BEST, Secretary R. L. SMITH, Asst. Secretary DIRECTORS L. J. Petit, Chairman Frederick Kasten R. W. Houghton Oliver C. Fuller Herman W. Falk Charles Schriber Gustave Pabst Gardner P. Stickney Isaac D. Adler Frank L. Vance Patrick Cudahy m/mm HATH¡!! looting the Allegheny National, of which he was cashier, of $2,000,000, was found by a visitor at the city jail on Sunday helping to make bread for his fellow-prisoners. The one time friend of Matt Quay, “boss” of Pennsylvania, was assigned to the bakery. Now “Billy,” who has handled millions of dollars in his lifetime, a favorite in society and sporting circles, is handling “dough” of a different character than that backed up by Uncle Sam. V» Italian Money Market In Italy money is abundant, but on the Bourse securities persist in almost absolute inactivity. The net depreciation in bank stocks and Italian company shares in June was $10,336,272. V* The American National of Pendleton The Comptroller of the Currency has issued a certificate authorizing the American National of Pendleton, Oregon, to begin business with a capital stock of $100,000. ORGANIZED 1810 Commercial Farmers National Bank of Baltimore, MdL Federal, State and Municipal Depositary Bankers are invited to open Reserve or Active Accounts on Liberal Terms. Extensive Banking: Connections enable us to render effective service. Correspondence invited James M. Easter, Pres. Frank V. Baldwin, Cashier Harry M. Mason, Vice-Pres. present notes and begin the general use of the new ones. The new notes differ from those now in use only by addition of the words, “or other securities” to the legend on their faces, so that it will read: “This note is secured by United States bonds or other securities.” Chairman Aldrich in Germany Berlin, September 1.—“After that of England, I think there is more for us to learn from Germany’s banking and currency system than from that of any other country in Europe,” said Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, of Rhode Island, to-day. Senator Aldrich has been here for a few days with a commission of experts—President George M. Reynolds of the Continental National of Chicago, and Prof. Andrews of Harvard—who are making an exhaustive inquiry into the fatherland’s money system. So varied and interesting was the German practice and experience, Mr. Aldrich said, that two members of the monetary commission might come over next year to complete at first hand the studies begun this year. “Beyond those general observations,” continued Aldrich, “I cannot for the present discuss the results of our investigations in Europe. We are gathering a gigantic mass of material, which is of so exhaustive and intricate character that it will be a long time before we are able to make our report—to say nothing of attempting to draft anything even remotely resembling a currency bill based upon the information we have gathered.” V* Montgomery Kneading the Dough Pittsburgh, Pa., September 1.—His face bespattered with flour and his hands sticky with dough, William Montgomery, charged with Hasten New Currency Notes Washington, D. C., September 1.—The bureau of engraving and printing is making noteworthy progress in getting out the new notes under the emergency currency act passed at the last session of Congress. About $95,000,000 already have been printed and delivered to the Treasury and it is expected the daily output from this time on will be fully $2,500,000. If this average is kept up the full $500,000,000 authorized by the act will be printed and ready for delivery to the banks as required by February, 1909. The notes now being printed are for the national banks in the reserve cities and as soon as these are supplied, banks in other than reserve cities having a capital of $200,000, or over, will be taken up and they will be followed by the smaller banks in all sections of the country. It is the purpose of the treasury department to substitute these notes for those now in use as soon as possible and it is thought that within the next three months the department will be able to discontinue altogether the the OLD National Bank OF Spokane CAPITAL $500,000 ........'!■׳■ OFFICERS ..■■■■■■. O. W. TWOHY, President T. J. HUMBIRD, Vice Pres. W. O. VINCENT, Cashier W. J. KOMMERS, *I. A. YEOMANS, ASSISTANT CASHIERS