[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 8 THE FARMERS’ AND MECHANICS’ NATIONAL RANK OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. 427 CHESTNUT STREET Capital . . $2,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits 1,270,000.00 Organized January 17. 1807 Dividends Paid . $12,637,000.00 OFFICERS : Howard W. Lewis. President Henry B. Bartow. Cashier John Mason. Transfer Officer Oscar E. Weiss, Assistant Cashier ACCOUNTS or INDIVIDUALS, FIRMS, AND CORPORATIONS SOLICITED PRESENT NUMBER OF STOCKHOLDERS 930 STATE BANK OF CHICAGO ESTABLISHED 1879 S. E. Corner La Salle and Washington Streets Capital $1,000,000 Surplus and profits (earned) 1,256,647 Deposits 18,000,000 OFFICERS H. A. Haugax, President L. A. Goddard, Vice-President John R. Lixdgrex, Vice-President Henry S. Hexschext, Cashier Frank I. Packard, Asst. Cashier Henry A. Haugax, Asst. Cashier Samuel E. Kxecht, Secretary William C. Miller, Asst. Secretary YOUR CHICAGO BUSINESS RESPECTFULLY INVITED which he knew to be false. Trust Officer I. N. Parrish was indicted for making a false entry of $60,000 on the books of the bank. President T. S. Anderson, of the defunct Daviess County Bank, will be indicted soon, it is said. The Parrish cases are set for next Wednesday. Banking Notes A. E. Aluth will be elected president of .the City Hall Bank of Cincinnati, to succeed the late II. H. Wiggins. The German-American Banking Company of Lima has filed articles of organization by I. T. Moore, H. M. Moore, and others. The establishment of a new savings bank to be capitalized at about $25,000 is being promoted at Bethesda. Folman, Schaffer & Marshall, real estate dealers of Shadyside, are promoting the establishment of a new bank. William McCombs has recently been elected president of the Struthers Savings & Banking Company. V* Banker Went Wrong Americus, Ga., September 1.—Alonzo Walters, 55 years of age, cashier of the Bank of Ellaville, at Ellaville, Ga., was found dead last night in the lavatory of a hotel in this city with a bullet hole in the forehead and an automatic pistol by his side. An hour previous to the finding of the body a warrant had been issued for the arrest of Walters for alleged discrepancies in his account at the bank amounting to about $4,000. He came to Americus with one of the officials of the bank, but absented himself in the afternoon and was not seen again until his body was found. plied $30,000 belonging to depositors of his bank. Bonelli disappeared about three months ago. Eventually he was traced to Brazil, where he was arrested by the Brazilian authorities. Call Out for State Banks Bank Superintendent Seymour has issued a call for statements from the state banks of Ohio showing their condition at the close of business Tuesday, August 18th. The statement for publication differs only slightly from the statement which has heretofore been called for by the auditor of state. In the statement to be sent the auditor, however, there is a great deal more information. The auditor wants a list of notes which have not paid interest for the past year and a list of those which have not paid interest for the past two years. He also wants a list of the securities owned by the various institutions and other information which will prove valuable to him in his work in arriving at the real conditions of the banks of Ohio. Going to the Denver Convention A. E. Rice, president of the Ohio Bankers Association, of Fremont, will accompany the Cleveland bankers’ train to Denver and the Rocky Mountains in September. Mr. Rice is president of the Croghan Savings and Trust Bank of Fremont. Cincinnati Bank Interested James II. Parrish, president of the defunct Owensboro, (Ky.) Savings Bank and Trust Company, was indicted by the grand jury Thursday afternoon on the charge of embezzlement. It is alleged that he and his brothers made a note for $10,000 to the Fifth National of Cincinnati. About the time this note became due it is alleged that Parrish sent S. De Dessewffy, manager of the foreign department of the Fifth-Third National of Cincinnati, leaves this week for Colorado Springs for a brief vacation. The United Banking and Savings Company The United Banking & Savings Company, of Cleveland, has declared a dividend of 25 per cent, payable out of surplus earnings, increasing the capital stock of the institution from $400,000 to $500,000, fully paid in. This institution, organized about twenty years ago, has made a wonderful record in the way of growth and earnings. The capital in 1887, when it was organized, was $100,000, with $50,000 paid in. At the time the capital stock was increased to $500,000 with $400,000 paid in, the original shareholders were given three shares for one. As the stock is now selling for $150 a share, these stockholders have now a value of nine times the original investment. For each $50 they paid in they have a value of $450. T. J. Davis of the First National Thomas J. Davis, cashier of the First National of Cincinnati, has leased the home of the late Thomas Shay. It is of the French chateau style of architecture, located on Lafayette Avenue, near Clifton Avenue. It is reported that Air. Davis has a privilege of purchasing the property, but he refused to discuss the transaction, other than to admit having leased the dwelling. Ohio Banker Arrested in Brazil A cablegram to County Sheriff McGorray from Rio Janeiro, Brazil, AVednesday, said that two Cleveland officers are returning from there with Anton F. Bonelli, the Italian banker, who is charged with having misap-