[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 4 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO Jas. B. Forgan, President •I This Bank, with a department especially organized to take care of Bank Accounts, invites the business of conservative Banks and Bankers with the assurance of satisfactory service and agreeable relationship. Division F. (Banks and Bankers) August Blum, Herbert W. Brough, Vice-President Asst. Manager THE NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC conducing a legitimate commercial banking business in the city of Chicago, believes it can meet the requirements of the most discriminating bankers. JOHN A. LYNCH, President W. T. FENTON, Vice-President R. M. McKINNEY, Cashier 0. H. SWAN, Asst. Cashier THOS. JANSEN, Asst. Cashier JAMES M. HURST, Asst. Cashier WM. B. LAVINIA, Asst. Cashier $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $1,196,000 CAPITAL - - SURPLUS - -UNDIV. PROF. CORN EXCHANGE OF CHICAGO. ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANK . . ERNEST A. HAMILL, President CHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, Vice Pres. JOHN C. NEELY, Secretary D. A. M01LT0N, Vice-Pres. B. C. SAMMONS, Asst. Cashier CHAUNCEY J. BLAIR, Vice-Pres. J. E. MAASS, Asst. Cashier TRANK W. SMITH, Cashier JAMES G. WAKETIELD, Asst. Cashier UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY FOREIGN EXCHANGE LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED Martin A. Ryerson Benjamin Carpenter Charles L. Hutchinson Watson F. Blair Ernest A. Hamill DIRECTORS Charles H. Hulburd Edwin G. Foreman Frederick W. Crosby Chauncey J. Blair Charles H. Wacker Clarence Buckingham Isaac G. Lombard Edward A. Shedd Edward B. Butler jqiu'rttitn $§ank CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $5,000,000. Transacts a General Banking Business; sells Drafts and Cable Transfers; issues Travelers’ Letters of Credit; pays 3°Io Interest on Savings; accepts and executes Trusts; sells high-grade Investment Bonds; rents Safety Deposit Boxes. AMERICAN TRUST BUILDING CHICAGO Central Trust Company of Illinois 152 E. Monroe Street, Chicago Accounts of Banks and Bankers Received upon Liberal Terms Capital - - $2,000,000 Surplus and Profits 1,000,000 CHARLES G. DAWES, President W. IRVING OSBORNE, Vice-President L. D. SKINNER, Assistant Cashier A. UHRLAUB, Vice-President WILLIAM W. GATES. Asst. Cashier WILLIAM R. DAWES, Cashier ALBERT G. MANG, Secretary MALCOLM McDOWELL, Assistant Secretary DIRECTORS S. M. FELTON, Pres. Mexican Central Ry., Ltd. T. W. ROBINSON, Vice-President Illinois Steel Co. CHANDLER B. BEACH, C. B. Beach & Co. GEO. F. STEELE, Port Edwards Fibre Co. W. IRVING OSBORNE, Vice-President CHARLES G. DAWES, ex-Comptroiler of the Currency A. J. EARLING, President Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co. P. A. VALENTINE, Capitalist ARTHUR DIXON, Pres. Arthur Dixon Transfer Company CHARLES T. BOYNTON,Pickands, Brown & Co. ALEXANDER H. REVELL, President Alexander H. Revell & Company THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY ^•C° C HIC AC O 7*«e* Directors A.C.BARTLETT WILLIAMA FULLER ERNLSTA. HAMILL C.L.HUTCHIN50N MARVIN HUGKITT MARTINA RYERSON AIBERTA.SPRAGUE SOLOMON A.SMITH BYRON LSMITH Officers BYRON L.SMITH PRESIDENT F. L.H ANKEY VICEPREST. SOLOMON A.SMITH 2tLD V.PREST THOMAS C.KING CASHIER ROBERT MfLEOD ASST. CASHIER G. J.M I LLER ASST. CASHIER ARTHUR HEURTLEY SECRETARY H. O.EDMONDS ASST. SECY. H.H. ROCKWELL ASST. SECY. EDWARD CJARVIS All DITOR CAPITAL Sl-500•000 ' SURPLUS S 1.000.000 FOREIGN EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD TRAVELERS’ LETTERS OF CREDIT BONDS FOR INVESTMENT CORRESPONDENCE INVITED