[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 32 ESTABLISHED 1872 Northwestern National Bank MINNEAPOLIS FRANK E. HOLTON, Cashier C. W. FARWELL, Assistant Cashier W. F. McLANE, Assistant Cashier R. E. MACGREGOR, Assistant Cashier S. S. COOK, Assistant Cashier I. F. COTTON, Assistant Cashier WM.H. DUNWOODY, President M. B. KOON, Vice-President E. W. DECKER, Vice-President JOSEPH CHAPMAN, Jr., Vice-Prest. A. A. CRANE, Vice-President Incontrovertible BULLARD’S SPEEDOMETERS Weight 10 ounces 2V\ inch dial PRICE $15.00 They tell the truth at any speed up to their limit. No jar or jolt of the car will shake the hand. Sensitive to the slightest change of speed. Slowest moving parts of any instrument in the market. Ball bearings throughout. ABSOLUTELY guaranteed for TEN years, if “ you let it alone.” WHO WILL GIVE YOU AN EQUAL GUARANTEE, AND LIVE UP TO IT ? For Automobiles No Instrument more easily read. Registers correctly when attached to either wheel. We have no shaft troubles, owing to its slow motion and ease of running. We prove our statements every day; let us prove it to you. Send for booklets and letters of endorsement. WE SET THE PACE PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $50.00 Bullard Specialty Co., Winchester Park, Springfield, Mass. Speedometers and Speed Recorders Wm, R. Compton Company Merchants-Laclede Building St. Louis, ־ Missouri MUNICIPAL BONDS We offer a wide selection of high grade Tax Bonds suitable investments for banks, trustees and individuals. Bonds available under the Emergency Currency Act a specialty. Send for our complete offerings and prices. NOW READY American Railways as Investments By CARL SNYDER Their History, territory, great groups and allies, who own and run them, stability of traffic, earnings and surplus. Their capitalization, condition, recent improvements, resources, future, range of market prices, yield to the investor, etc. This is a work designed for the Investment Banker and Broker and more especially still, for the general investor himself. It is practical, not theoretical, and presents a comparative and historical analysis of nearly 100 of the important railway companies of America. Price, $3.20 net; by mail, $3.52 THE CHICAGO BANKER MONADNOCK BLOCK CHICAGO After the Doors Close T ' HAT is the time when the bank employees do their hardest work. It is the work that the customers of the bank see nothing of and know little about, but its being well done is very important in the proper handling of their accounts. Its being quickly and accurately done is very important as a matter of economy to the bank and of welfare to the staff. Right here is where the Burroughs Adding and Listing Machine is of the greatest sen ice to any progressive bank, however small. Nothing equals it as a time, work, worry, mistake and money saver. The Burroughs, with the special Burroughs systems for banks, is increasing the efficiency of thousands of bank men in sucli work as: Writing up the Teller’s daily blotter; making up the check journal; taking off yesterday’s and today’s balances; taking off depositors’ statements; balancing customers' pass book■.; making up statements of interest accounts; making up the daily balance sheet: making up remittance letters: taking balance off savings ledger; and arriving at a daily cash balance (free forms). A card will bring a machine by express, prepaid, for free trial in your own bank, without cost or obligation to you. Write today. There are over 65,000 Burroughs in daily use. Burroughs Adding Machine Company B!ccL 65, Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A.