25 THE CHICAGO BANKER . luglist 2(), jpo¿¡1] Second National Bank PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL STOCK - $1,800,000 SURPLUS 2,000,000 ־ ־ ־ HENRY C. BUGHMAN, President WM. McCONWAY, Vice-President JAMES M. YOUNG, Cashier THOMAS W. WELSH, Jr., Vice-President BROWN A. PATTERSON, A«t. Cashier Depositary of the United States, the State of Pennsylvania and City of Pittsburgh DIRECTORS HENRY C. BUGHMAN, WM. M. KENNEDY, FRANK C. OSBURN, President Commonwealth Trust Co. Attorney-at-Law ROBERT D. ELWOOD, JAS. S. KUHN, EDWARD B. TAYLOR. of R. D. Elwood & Co. Pres. Pgh. Bank for Savings Vice-Pres. Penna. Co. CHAS. W. FRIEND, WM. McCONWAY, FRANK S. WILLOCK, Clinton Iron & Steel Co, of McConway & Torley Co. of Westmoreland Brick Co. THOS. D. CHANTLER, WM. L. CURRY, Chantler & McClung McKeesport Tin Plate Co. Accounts Solicited—Our facilities insure prompt attention For nearly half a century the name ANDREWS has stood for all that is most desirable in Bank Fixtures and Furniture .... W E have furnished thousands of banks, in-vy eluding some of the finest and most elaborate in the country, as well as some of the plainest little country banks. We don't make any cheap furniture — it's all good, but some outfits cost much less than others. Our traveling men have valuable ideas which are yours for the asking. Let us send one to see you. There's no obligation on your part beyond a 1׳square deal.-’ Illustrated booklet mailed upon request The A. H. Andrews Co. 174-176 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO 1161-75 Broadway, X. T. Federal Regulation of Railway Rates By Albert N. Merritt 240 pages. Price postpaid $1.12 Economic History of the United States By Ernest Ludlow Bogart, Ph. D. Princeton University 514 pages. Price postpaid $2.18 Ye Ballade of ye Bronzed Knighte So they crept them backe to their dismal tower, Their plumage tattered and torn, Their hearts fulle heavy within their breasts As they thoughte of ye System’s scorn. Now see him once more at Dreamiewold A dreaming throughoute the daye, His armour that shone like burnished golde Now rustie and in decaye. Deserted by Squire and Knighte and Dame, A lonely old Wolfe is he As he thinks of ye fighte that was no fighte But only a comedie. Ye sheepe flocke by him in countless horde On their wave to ye System’s den, Their woole in ye System’s coffers stored Then sent on their waye again. No more the fire strikes fromme his eye Nor hear we his lusty shoute, His fangs are dulled and he breathes a sigh, The Lone Wolfe is downe and oute. New National Banks Certificates have been issued authorizing the following national banks to commence business : First National of Ryder, N. D., capital $25,-000; August Peterson, president; C. H. Christiansen, cashier; FI. E. Johnson, vice-president. First National of Hardin, Mont., capital $25,-000; J. B. Arnold, president; E. A. Howell, cashier. First National of Kerman, Cal., capital $25.-000. E. J. Barnes, Wm. G. Kerckhoff, A. J. Hechtman, David R. McGinness, T. F. Saunders, and J. P. Myers. Correspondent: Bank of California, San Francisco. First National of Linn, Kan., capital $25,000. H. J. Meierkord, Linn; C. W. Snyder, E. A. Hood, M. F. Southwick, I,. Pfister and August Soller. First National of Intercourse, Pennsylvania, capital $35,000. Willis R. Knox, president; Amos Hassler, cashier; John L. Leaman, vice-president; Elmer K. Denlinger, vice-president. Henry F. Gilhofer, Cairo, Illinois Accoutred she him with Bronze Armor and pen, At his side slung a potte of ye inke Bussed his brow and bade him come safe back home again On his breaste pinned ye Carnation pinke. Then with full toned huzzas from many a throat e They mounted ye fiery steed And crossing the lowered portcullis and moate. They rode for ye System, full speede. Right blithely they rode them o’er hill and o’er dale, Undaunted, in bright array, Sir Tomas was clad in his coppered mail, On which the bright sun didde play. Eft>oons the}־ came unto ye citadel, Strongholde of ye System foule Whereat they let forth ye lusty yelle And raised them ye lusty howle. Yette naught butt ye silence, grim and deepe, Came forth from ye System’s walle, Tho’ he spattered ye ink on ye donjon keepe, With many a splotchy scrawl, Then in frenzied rage he butted ye doore His Amalgam mail fulle of dentes. His plumage was gone, his head full sore, He looked like ye thirtie centes. Oh, alas and alack, what foes were these That would not come forth and fighte Butte kept them within at their scornful ease And him in such woeful plighte. Oh. loud didde he gnash his teeth and weepe ׳To think of ye precious woole They were snipping fromme oft his own dear sheepe To make their filled saxe more fulle. So they dragged them back o’er hill and o’er dale, Notte bravely in brighte array, But shaking their fistes as they’d weepe and waile At ye Okie Twentie Sixe Broade Waye. Oh, list to ye tayle of ye Coppered Knighte, Sir Tomas was his nayme, Who tossed his glove for many a fyghtte Into ye Walle Streete Gayme. High from his tower in Dreamiewold He did ye edict shoute He would ye Systems Champion jouste Whichever shoulde durst ride oute. Right lustily did his shoute proclaim, Roundly went forth his boaste, That he woulde meet them as they came By ones or in mightie host. For sorely his pride had been besmirched Yclepte he had been stunge, And fouled ye air with ye cusse words rare That ye villains had oughte be hunge. They had fleeced ye sheep he should have fleeced, They had woole belonging to him, Short shrift they’d have till they’d be deceased, Their chance of escape was slim. So he rampaged him wild upon his tower And spleened him ye air all day, And kept him ye watch full many an hour, On olde Twentie Six Broade Waye. But e’en tho’ he watched full many a daye And e’en tho’ his rage was keen Naught but silence was heard from ye System’s waye And naught of ye System was seen. For snugge in their donjon keepe they kept, A sacking and weighing their woole, Whilst hyghe on his tower Sir Tomas wept, His too bitter cup was fulle. Then loudly he wailed at their unconcern, And prepared to fare forth and fighte. Gadzooks, by Saint Theodore, they should learn That the Lone Black Wolf (Him), could bite. So he swore him the Terrible Back Bay Oath, And he summoned his Squires by name, Sirs Ridgeway and Cosgrave, he’d take them both, Dame Tarbelle should be his Dame.