[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 16 F MODERN LIFE INSURANCE Buy your Life Insurance as you mould a suit of clothes — strictly on the merits of the Policy contract THE SAVINGS BANK SYSTEM When you buy a Pioneer Policy, you are guaranteed in that policy an exact accounting for every cent of your premium payment. That portion which has not actually been consumed in carrying the risk is your money, subject to your instant demand —it may be withdrawn in cash or it may be used in buying paid-up insurance, as you may elect. In the event of lapse and the absence of an express desire on your part as to the disposition of your funds, the Company automatically carries your Policy in full force for a period as long as the amount on deposit will pay for at net cost: and a table of these costs is given in the Policy—a feature no other policy in the world affords. The desire ¡or a “square deal” is as much sought in life insurance as in any other business transaction. Let our agent tell you about the Savings Bank System—where lije insurance becomes a saving and not an expense. THE PIONEER LIFE INSURANCE CO. GEO. L. COLBURN, President Pekin, Illinois ■ ■ - U. S. A. YOUR will be handled in the most careful and intelligent manner. Collection facilities excellent. THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF CHICAGO OFFICERS DAVID R. FORGAN, President L. H. GRIMME, Asst. Cashier ALFRED L. BAKER, Vice-Pres. F. A. CRANDALL, Asst. Cashier H. E. OTTE, Cashier W. D. DICKEY, Asst. Cashier R. U. LANSING, Manager Bond Department TOTAL RESOURCES OVER $10,000,000.00 ACCOUNT OFFICERS 1 WILLIAM PRICE, PRESIDENT D. C. WILLS, CASHIER W. O. PHILLIPS, ASS’T CASH. C. W ARNOLD, ASS'T CASH. RESERVE BALANCES AND RESOURCES OVER SEVEN COLLECTIONS SOLICITED AND ONE-HALF MILLIONS CAPITAL $600,000.00 SURPLUS and PROFITS $ 1 ,600,000.00 RITT^RI IRi^W R A Lucius Teter, Cash. Chicago Savings Bank & Trust Co., Chicago, 111. John H. Johnson, Cash. Peninsular Savings Bank, Detroit, Mich. REPRESENTING CLEARING HOUSE SECTION. Walker Hill, Pres. Mechanics’-Amer.can Nat. Bank, St. Louis, Mo. Fred E. Farnsworth, Marlborough, Mich. August Blum, V.-P. First Nat. Bank, Chicago, 111. *Deceased. Stuyvesant Fish The ex-president of the Illinois Central has been interviewed in Paris and gives his conclusions in vivid language. He says: “Our stock market is a shame. The present market is a mere figment—just the same old people are trying to get rid of their stocks. “The financial commission sent out, of which Senator Aldrich is the chief, has taken headquarters in London. That is a mistake. We know London methods thoroughly. They should have come to Paris, where there is a great deal more profitable to learn. “The French system of national banks is the best in the world. It has very slight control from the government and works splendidly. The Bank of France keeps going vast commercial interests of all kinds. Merchants can get money at 4 per cent. In England it is less at present, but France is steadier and freer from fluctuations. We certainly should have a national bank on that model.” V* “The Night Riders” At first glance at the title one would not expect to find in this trilling description of the work of the night riders in Kentucky, a discreet and beautiful love story, but such it is. Published by Laird & Lee, Chicago. V* The First State Bank of Bowlus The First State Bank of Bowlus, Minn., reports capital of $10,000, undivided profits $298, and deposits of $22,925. O. H. Havill is president; H. J. Schwartz, vice-president; A. A. Barton, cashier, and I. H. Misfeldtger, assistant cashier. *G. S. "Whitson, Vice-Pres. Nat. City, New York. 1907 John Perrin, Pres. Am. Nat., Indiauapolls, Ind..l907 Grier Hersh. Pres. York Nat., York, Pa...........1907 J. T. Dismukes, P. 1st Nat., St. Augustine, Fla. 1907 1905. G. M. Reynolds, P. Continental Nat., Chicago, 111.1908 M. E. Ailes, V.-P. Riggs Nat.. Washington, D. C.1908 J. L. Edwards, Pres. Merchants Nat., Burlington, Iowa ..........................................1908 H. B. Wilcox, Cash. First Nat., Baltimore, Md...l908 J. J. Sullivan, Pres. Central Nat.. Cleveland, 0.1908 Lewis E. Pierson, Pres. New York Nat. Exchange, New York City............................1908 A. C. Lupton, Cash. Blackford County Bank, Hartford City, Ind.............................1908 Joseph Chapman. Jr., Cash. Northwestern Nat., Minneapolis, Minn..............................1908 J. G. Brown. Pres. Citizens’ Nat., Raleigh. N. C.1908 H. P. Hilliard, Vice-Pres. Mechanics’-American National, St. Louis. Mo..........................1908 1906. F. O. Watts, Pres. First Nat.. Nashville, Tenn..l909 C. H. Hollister, C. Old Nat., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1909 C. Q. Chandler, P. Kansas Nat., W.chita, Kan..1909 Edwin Chamberlain, Vice-Pres. Alamo Nat., San Antonio, Tex...................................1909 Frederick Kasten, Vice-Pres. Wisconsin Nat., Milwaukee, Wis.................................1909 F. H. Curt ss, C. First Nat. Bank, Boston, Mass.1909 D. S. Culver, Cash. Nat. German-Amer can, St. Paul, Minn.....................................1909 J. O. Ottley, Vice-P. Fourth Nat.. Atlanta, Ga..l909 J. T. Trenery, Vice-P. 1st Nat., St. Joseph, Mo. 1909 J. A. Lewis, Cash. Nat. Bank of Commerce, St. Louis, Mo........................................1909 REPRESENTING TRUST COMPANY SECTION. 1907. E. J. Buck, Pres. City Bank & Trust Company, Mobile, Ala....................................1910 William J. F eld, Secretary-Treas. Commercial Trust Co. of New Jersey, Jersey City, N. J....1910 John H. Holliday. Pres. Union Trust Company, Indianapolis, Ind..............................1910 Geo. L. Ramsey, Pres. Union Bank & Trust Company, Helena, Montana........................1910 Charles E. Warren, Cash. Lincoln Nat. Bank. New York City..................................1910 S. H. Burnham. Pres. First Nat. Bank, Lincoln, Nebraska.....................................1910 E. D. Durham, The Onarga Bank, Onarga, 111. .. .1910 N. T. Gilbert, Cash. Lawton Nat. Bank, Lawton. Oklahoma ......................................1910 Charles B. Mills, Cash. Peoples Trust & Savings Bank, Clinton, Iowa..................1910 E. K. Smith, Cash. State Nat. Bank, Texarkana. Arkansas.................................1910 Jos. Wayne. Jr., Cash. Girard Nat. Bank, Philadelphia, Pa..........................1908 REPRESENTING TRUST COMPANY SECTION. H. P. McIntosh, Pres. Guardian Savings & Trust Company, Cleveland. 0....................1910 REPRESENTING SAVINGS BANK SECTION. William R. Creer, Secretary Cleveland Savings & Loan Co., Cleveland, Ohio..............1910 REPRESENTING CLEARING HOUSE SECTION. E. C. McDougal, Pres. Bank of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York ......................................1909 Sol Wexler, Vice-Pres. Whitney-Central Nat. Bank, New Orleans, La................1910 F. J. Wade. P. Mercantile Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo. Phil'p S. Babcock. Vice-Pres. Colonial Trust Co.. New York City. A. A. Jackson, Second Vice-Pres. Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia. REPRESENTING SAVINGS BANK SECTION. G. Byron Latimer, Secretary Irving Savings Institution. New York City. Date of Date of Election. Retirement. C. T. Lindsey, C. Citizens’ Nat., South Bend. Ind. 1902 1900. Wm. M. Hill. Cash. State Bank of Virginia, Rich- mond, Va..................................... 1903 *Jas. H. Willock, Pres. 2d Nat., Pittsburg, Pa....1903 W. L. Moyer, Pres. Nat. Shoe & Leather, New York City ....................................1903 Cornelius A. Pugsley, Pres. Westches;ter County Nat., Peekskill, N. Y.........................1903 K. Clark, Pres. Merchants’ Nat., St. Paul, Minn. 1903 G. W. Bolton, P. Rapides Bank. Alexandria. La. 1903 J. P. Huston, Cash. Woods & Huston Bank. Mar- shall, Mo.....................................1903 F. W. Hayes, Pres. Preston Nat., Detroit, Mich. .1903 E. L. Meyer, Pres. F rst Nat.. Hutchinson. Kan.1903 J. T. Dismukes, P. 1st Nat., St. Augustine, Fla. .1903 1901. Myron T. Herrick, Pres. Society for Savings, Cleveland. Ohio. Ex officio....'..............1902 Caldwell Hardy, Pres. Norfolk Nat., Norfolk, Va. Ex officio....................................1902 John L. Hamilton, Cash. Hamilton & Cunning- ham, Hoopeston, 111...........................1904 J. J. Sullivan. P. Central Nat.. Cleveland, Ohio. 1904 Ralph Van Vechten. Cash. Cedar Rap ds Nat., Cedar Rapids. Io־wa ..........................1904 J. R. McAllister, Cash. Franklin Nat.. Philadel- phia. Pa......................................1904 Jos. G. Brown, P. C tizens' Nat., Raleigh, N. C. .1904 P. C. Kauffman, Cash. Fidelity Trust Co., Ta- coma, Wash....................................1904 James M. Donald, Vice-Pres. Hanover Nat., New York City ......................................1904 E. F. Swinnev, P. First Nat.. Kansas City, Mo.. 1904 F. H. Fries, Pres. Wachovia Loan and Trust Co., Winston, N. C.................................1904 Wm. G. Mather, P. Am. Trust Co.. Cleveland, 0.1904 1902. *D. Sloan, Pres. Lonaconing Sav ngs Bank, Lon- aconing, Md...................................1905 Arthur Reynolds, Pres. Des Moines Nat.. Des Moines. Iowa .................................1905 W. T. Fenton, Vice-Pres. Nat. Bank of the Re- public. Chicago. Ill..........................1905 *James T. Hayden, Pres. Whitney Nat., New Or- leans, La.....................................1905 John Skelton Williams. Pres. Richmond Trust & Safe Deposit Co.. Richmond. Va................1905 Luther Drake, C. Merchants Nat.. Omaha, Neb. .1905 A. H. Wiggin, V.-P. Nat. Park. New York C ty.1905 A. V. Lane, Vice-Pres. Nat. Ex., Dallas, Tex. 1905 A. A. Crane. Cash. Nat. Bank of Commerce, Min- neapolis, Minn................................1905 C. L. Farrell, Vice-Pres. Fort Dearborn Nat.. Chicago, 111....................................1905 1903. H. R. Dennis, Pres. Sioux Falls Savings, Sioux Falls. S. D...................................1906 W. Livingstone. P. Dime Savings, Detroit. Mich. 1906 Mills B. Lane. P. Citizens’ Bank, Savannah. Ga.1906 C. M. Sawyer. Pres. First Nat.. Norton, Kan...1906 W. K. Coffin. Vice-Pres. Eau Claire Nat., Eau Claire. Wis...................................1906 James K. Wilson, Pres. San Francisco Nat., San Francisco, Cal................................1906 Jno. R. Mitchell, Vice-Pres. WTnona Deposit. Wi- nona, Minn....................................1906 J. D. Powers, Pres. United Trust Co., Louisville, Kv............................................1906 S. M. Griswold, P. Union Bank, Brooklyn, N. Y. .1906 J. B. Finley. Director Union Trust Co., Pittsburg, Pa............................................1906 1904. T. J. Fletcher, C. 1st Nat.. Marshalltown, Iowa.1907 E. R. Fancher, C. Union Nat.. Cleveland, Ohio. 1907 Wm George, Pres. Old Second Nat., Aurora, 111.1907 L. B. Farley. Cash. Merchants & Planters’ Farley Nat.. Montgomery, Ala.......................'.1907 F. E. Marshall, Vice-Pres. Nat. Bank of Com- merce. St. Louis, Mo..........................1907 Clark Williams, Vice-Pres. U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co., New York.............................1907