15 BANKER T EI E CHICAGO August 29, 1908] Members and Ex-Members of A. B. A. Council J. Ed. Simmons, P. Fourth Na;t., New York City. 1897 William C. Cornwell, J. S. Bach & Co.. N. Y....1897 *F. W. Tracy, P. National Bank, Springfield, 111.. 1897 Myron T. Herrick, Pres. Society for Savings, Cleveland, Ohio ..............................1897 •J. J. P. Odell, Pres. Union Nat., Chicago. Ex officio.......................................1895 Douglas H. Thomas, Pres. Merchants’ National, Baltimore, Md. Ex officio.......................1895 1895. Bradford Rhodes, Pres. Mamaroneck Bank, Mam- aroneck, New York.............................1S96 R. M. Nelson, P. Commercial Bank. Selma, Ala.. 1896 W. R. Merrian, Pres. Merchants’ Nat., St. Paul, Minn..........................................1896 Douglas H. Thomas, Pres. Merchants’ Nat., Baltimore, Md......................................1897 John N. Simpson, P. Nat. Ex. Bank, Dallas, Tex. 1897 Jesse B. Wilson, Pres. Lincoln Nat., Wash. D. C. .1897 *James H. Willock, P. Second Nat, Pittsburg, Pa. 1898 *.1. T. Hayden, P. Whitney Na;t., New Orleans, La. 1898 John J. P. Odell, of John J. P. Odell & Co., Chicago, 111........................................1898 Caldwell Hardy, Cash. Norfolk Nat., Norfolk, Va.1898 B. V. Leigh. Cash. Clinton Nat., Clinton, N. J...1898 Harvey J. Hollister, Pres. Grand Rapids Clearing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.....................1898 M. M. White, Pres. Fourth Nat., Cincinnati, 0...1898 F. W. Hayes, Pres. Preston Nat., Detroit, Mich.. 1898 T. S. Ridgway, P. First Nat., Shawneetown, 111..1898 Walker Hill. Pres. Am. Ex. Bank. St. Louis. Mo. 1898 *E. H. Pullen, Vice-Pres. Nat. Bank Republic, New York City. Ex officio.................... 1896 Robert J. Lowry, Pres. Lowry Banking Company, Atlanta, Ga. Ex officio.........................1896 1896. G. P. Griffith, Vice• Pres. & Cash. Citizens’ Nat., Cincinnati, 0.................................1897 *Alvah Trowbridge. Vice-Pres. Nat. Bonk of North America, New York City........................1899 Geo. M. Reynolds, Pres. Des Moines Nat., Des Moines, Iowa....................................1899 C. A. Pugsley, Pres. Westchester County Nat., Peekskill, N. Y...............................1899 John H. Leathers. Cash. Louisville Banking Company, Louisville, Ky.......................1899 John C. Neely, C. Merchants’ Nat., Chicago, 111.1899 R. H. Rushton, Vice-Pres. and Cash. Fourth St. Nat., Philadelphia, Pa........................1899 W. H. Thomson, Cash. Boatmen’s Bank, St. Louis, Mo.....................................1899 A. C. Anderson. C. St. Paul Nat., St. Paul, Minn. 1899 T. J. Latham, C. Memphis Nat., Memphis, Tenn.1899 W. J. Cocker, P. Com. Savings, Adrain, Mch.1899 Robert J. Lowry, Pres. Lowry Banking Company, Atlanta, Ga. Ex officio.......................1897 *Jos. C. Plendrix, Pres. Nat. Union Bank, New York City. Ex officio............................1897 1897. Robert J. Lowry, Pres. Lowry Banking Co., At- lanta, Ga. Ex officio.........................1900 J. P. Branch, P. Merchants’ Nat. R'chmond, Va.1900 J. G. Cannon, V. P. Fourth Nat., New York City.1900 P. W. Huntington, P. Hayden Nat., Columbus, 0.1900 .1. B. Finley, P. Peoples’ Bank, Monongahela, Pa. 1900 J. E. Sands. Cash. First Nat., Fairmont, W. Va.1900 G. W. Garrels, C. Franklin Bank, St. Louis, Mo. 1900 A. G. Campbell, Pres. First Natchez Bank, Natchez. Miss......................................1900 J. C. Hunter, C. Am. Ex. Bank, Duluth. Minn. 1900 *Joseph C. Hendrix, Pres. Nat. Union Bank, New York City. Ex officio.........................1898 George H. Russell. Pres. State Savings, Detroit, Mich. Ex officio..............................1898 Walker Hill. Pres. American Exchange, St. Louis, Mo. Ex officio...........................1898 1898. Charles R. Hannan, Cash. Citizens’ State Bank, Council Bluffs, Iowa..........................1901 Henry W. McCoy, 2d Vice-Pres. Merchants’ Nat., Peoria, 111.....................................1901 S. R. Shumaker, C. First Nat., Huntington, Pa..1901 R. McCurdy. Pres. First Nat., Youngstown, Ohio. 1901 A. P. Wooldridge. Pres. City Nat.. Austin. Tex. 1901 Breckinridge Jones, 1st Vice-Pres. Mississippi Valley Trust Co.. St. Louis, Mo...............1901 J. C. Mitchell. Cash. Denver Nat., Denver, Colo. 1901 J. G. Brown. Pres. Citizens’ Nat., Raleigh, N. C. .1901 H. L. Barrage, Cash. Third Nat.. Mass..........1901 Bradford Rhodes, Pres. Mamaroneck Bank, Mamaroneck, N. Y..............................1901 Walker Hill. Pres. American Exchange Bank, St. Louis, Mo. Ex officio.........................1899 *Alvah Trowbridge, Pres. North American Trust Co.. New York City. Ex officio...................1899 1899. *John Johnston, Vice-Pres. Marine Nat., Milwau- kee. Wis......................................1902 Geo. F. Orde, C. Northern Trust Co., Chicago, 111.1902 Caldwell Hardy. Pres. Norfolk Nat. Norfolk, Va.1902 J. W. Whiting, Pres. People’s Bank, Mobile, Ala. 1902 J. H. Ingwersen, Cash. People’s Trust and Savings. Clinton. Iowa..............................1902 S. G. Nelson. Vice-Pres. Seaboard Nat., New York City ....................................1902 J. D. Powers. Pres. First Nat., Owensboro, Ky. . .1902 Daniel Annan, C. Second Nat., Cumberland. Md.1902 T. E. Stevens, C. Blair State Bank, Blair, Neb.. 1902 *Deceased. This important list of members and ex-members of the Executive Council has been prepared by Secretary F. E. Farnsworth to be put in permanent record form, and as a list from which the new Down and Out Club can be organized. :: :: :: 1885. Joseph Patterson, Pres. Western Nat., Phila- delphia, Pa..................................1887 *Charles Parsons, P. State Bank, St. Louis, Mo. ..1887 1886. Lyman J. Gage, Vice-P. 1st. Nat., Chicago, 111.. 1892 *-William P. St. John, Pres. Mercantile Nat., New York City ...................................1891 John J. P. Odell, Pres. Union Nat., Chicago, 111. .1891 S. K. Sneed, C. Henderson Nat., Henderson, Ky. .1889 Daniel Annan, C. Second Nat., Cumberland, Md.1889 W. E. Schmertz, P. Third Nat., Pittsburg, Pa. .1890 1887. W. A. Nash, P. Corn Ex. Bank, New York City. 1888 A. U. Wyman, V. P. Omaha Nat., Omaha, Neb..1892 Hoel H. Camp, P. Firs! Nat., Milwaukee, Wis. .1890 *Morton McMichael, Jr., Cash. First Nat., Philadelphia, Pa.....................................1888 1888. Asa P. Potter, P. Maverick Nat., Boston, Mass. .1891 R. M. Nelson, P. Commercial Bank, Selma, Ala. .1890 W. S. Culbertson, P. 1st. Nat., New Albany, Ind. .1890 James S. Barrett, Cash. German Security, Louisville, Ky.......................................1890 J. K. Deming, C. Second Nat., Dubuque, Iowa. 1889 Logan C. Murray, Pres. United States Nat., New York City ...................................1890 Gustav Willius, Pres. Nat. German-American, St. Paul, M.nn.....................................1889 1889. William H. Rhawn, Pres. Nat. Bank of the Re- public, Philadelphia, Pa.....................1892 Emory Wendell. Pres. First Nat., Detroit, Mich..1892 S. A. Harris Pres. Northwestern Nat., Minneapolis, M.nn...................................1892 J. H. Chick, P. Nat. Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City. Mo...................................1891 M. M. White, P. Fourth Nat., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1891 S. G. Murphy, P. First Nat., San Francisco, Cal..1891 D. S. Porter, P. Memphis Nat., Memphis, Tenn.,1890 1890. Geo. S. Coe, Pres. American Ex., New York City. 1893 Ed. B. Judson, P. First Nat. of Syracuse, N. Y. .1893 *Chas. Parsons, Pres. State Bank, St. Louis, Mo. .1893 Edward S. Butts, Pres. Vicksburg Bank, Vicksburg, Miss......................................1893 Geo. A. Bu;tler, Pres. Nat. Tradesmen’s Bank, New Haven, Conn..............................1893 *James H. Willock. P. 2d. Nat., Pittsburg, Pa... 1893 Jesse G. Hammer, Cash. Union Nat., Atlantic City, N. J.................................. 1892 Chas. Meriwether, Asst. Cash. Falls City Bank, Louisville, Ky.................................1892 1891. *M. McMichael, C. First Nat., Philadelphia, Pa..1891 E. F. Spence, Pres. F!rst Nat., Los Angeles, Cal.. 1892 Thos. H. Wilson, C. First Nat., Cleveland, Ohio. 1894 Thos. R. Roach, C. Southern Nat., New Orleans, La...........................................1894 C. O. Billings, Pres. Globe Nat., Boston, Mass. ..1894 John R. Mulvane. Pres. Bank of Topeka, Topeka, ICans.......................................... 1894 N. B. Van Slyke, Pres. First Nat. Madison, Wis.. 1894 R. Dudley Frayser, Pres. Memphis City Bank, Memphis, Tenn................................1894 Dumont Clarke, Pres. Am. Ex. Nat., New York City. (To fill vacancy)......................1894 G. A. Van Allen, Pres. First Nat., Albany, N. Y..1894 *Morton McMichael. Cash. First Nat., Phila., Pa. .1893 1892. R. M. Nelson, P. Commercial Bank, Selma, Ala. 1890 *E. H. Pullen, Vice-Pres. Nat. Bank of the Republic, New York City...........................1896 Thomas Brown, Cash. Bank of California, San Francisco, Cal...............................1896 *Frank W. Tracy, P. First Nat. Springfield, 111.. 1896 William Dawson. Pres. Bank of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn...................................1896 William T. Dixon. P. Nat. Ex., Baltimore, Md..l896 Tom Randolph, Pres. Merchants and Planters’ Nat., Sherman, Tex..............................1896 1893. James Forgan, Vice-Pres. 1st Nat., Chicago, 111..1896 A. B. Hepburn, Pres. Third Nat.. New York.......1896 F. E. Marshall. Cash. Continental Nat., St. Louis, Mo...........................................1896 *Wm. H. Rhawn, Pres. Nat. Bank of the Republic, Philadelphia. Pa........................1896 J. P. Branch. P. Merchants’ Nat.. Richmond, Va. .1896 T. P. Day, Cash. People’s Nat., Pittsburg, Pa. ...1896 F. W. Hayes, Pres. Preston Nat., Detroit, M'.ch..l896 M. M. White. Pres. Fourth Nat., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ex officio.............................1894 J. J. P. Odell, Pres. Union Nat. Chicago, 111. Ex officio...................................1894 1894. Herman Justi, Pres. First Nat., Nashville, Tenn. .1896 Thomas P. Beal, P. Second Nat., Boston. Mass. .1897 Henry W. Yates. P. Nebraska Nat., Omaha, Neb. 1897 I f. W. Wheeler, Pres. Blaine State Bank, Blaine. Wash.........................................1897 State Convention Dates Date Association Place Secretary Address September 8, 9 .. . .Pennsylvania . .Bedford Springs. D. S. Kloss .. .Tyrone September !6, 17, 18. .. Maryland .. Baltimore . . .Baltimore September 23, 24 .. Kentucky Isham Bridges.... ... Louisville September 24, 25 . .Lincoln W. B. Hughes . . . ... Omaha September 27... . ..A. B. A. Nat. Conven .. Denver October 13, 14... .. Illinois .. Chicago ... Chicago November 11, 12. .. Indiana .. Indianapolis Andrew Smith . ... .. .Indianapolis.. November 20, 21. . .Arizona .. Bisbee Morris Goldwater ... Prescott The offices of the American Bankers Association, Eleven Pine Street, have been fitted up especially for the accommo- dation and comfort of its members, who are urged to call and use same when in New York. The American Bankers Association has never kept an authentic list of its ex-officeholders, such as members of council, but this want has been supplied by diligent search by Secretary F. E. Farnsworth. The immediate incentive was the organization of the ex-council members at Denver into a permanent annual banquet club at Denver. Another purpose was to furnish the association with as complete a set of records as possible. In the list those marked with a star (*) have been reported dead. There probably are others, not so marked, but it will take time to perfect the honor roll in this respect. Many names occur in more than one place, having served more than one term. Some of the present addresses may be wrong but this also will be corrected by the secretary upon notice. For instance, C. L. Farrell is down as vice-president of the Fort Dearborn National, Chicago, whereas he now is, as everyone knows, chief of staff to L. E. Pierson, at the Irving Exchange National, New York. The list, thus far, shows the record at the time of service, which is correct as a record. As a mailing list it will not be accurate. Its present importance is as showing eligibility in the greatest bankers club the world has ever seen. There will be no constitution, no by-laws, no work, nothing but fun. Politics will be barred but ladies will be admitted to the great annual banquet. The badges will be fine and later candidates for membership will “ride the goat” in some elaborate ceremonies, yet to be devised. Join early and avoid the goat. Be a charter member. AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION. Members of the Executive Council, 1876-1910, with Dates of Election and Retirement. Date of Date of Election. Retirement. 1876. Geo. S. Coe. Pres. Am. Ex. Nat., New York City. 1881 James Buell, Pres. Imp. and Traders’ Nat., New York City....................................1881 Thomas Coleman, Pres. First Nat., Troy, N. Y...1878 *Morton McMichael, Jr., Cashier First Nat., Philadelphia, Pa.....................................1886 J. S. Norris, Pres. First Nat., Baltimore, Md. ...1878 Edward Tyler, Cash. Suffolk Nat., Boston, Mass. 1888 *J. W. Lockwood, Cash. Nat. of Virginia, Richmond. Va........................................1888 *J. D. Hayes, Vice-Pres. Merch. and Mfrs.’ Nat., Detroit, Mich................................1880 Lyman J. Gage, Cash First Nat., Chicago, 111.... 1881 1877. W. G. Deshler, Pres. Nat. Ex., Columbus, Ohio..1888 E. B. Judson, Pres. First Nat., Syracuse, N. Y...1889 Ex-Gov. Samuel Merrill, Pres. Citizens’ Nat.. Des Moines, Iowa.................................1881 M. Koppearl. Pres. Nat. of Texas. Galveston, Texas .......................................1880 *Chas. Parsons, P. State Savings, St. Louis, Mo. .1884 Hoel H. Camp, C. First Nat., Milwaukee, Wis. .1889 C. T. Christensen, Cash. Nevada Bank, San Francisco, Cal......................................1878 O. L. Baldwin. Cash. Mechan.es’ Nat., Newark, N. J.........................................1880 Logan C. Murray, Cash. Kentucky Nat., Louisville. Ky......................................1883 John C. New. Pres. First Nat., Indianapolis, Ind. .1878 J. B. McMillian, C. Mobile Savings. Mobile, Ala. .1879 A. H. Moss, Pres. Fd'st Nat., Sandusky, Ohio....1888 1878. Enoch Pratt, Pres. Nat. Farmers and Planters’, Baltimore, Md................................1879 *W111. H. Rhawn, Pres. Nat, Bank of the Republic, Philadelphia, Pa.............................1888 W. H. Morison. Pres. 1st Nat., Indianapolis. Ind.. 1880 J. H. Millard. Cash. Omaha Nat., Omaha. Neb...1883 1879. R. H. Thurman, Cash. First Nat., Troy, N. Y....1883 R. M. Nelson. Pres. Commerc'al, Selma, Ala.....1886 1880. Chas. B. Hall. Pres. Boston Nat., Boston, Mass.. 1883 Wm. E. Gould, Cash. First Nat., Portland, Me. ..1886 Jesse J. Brown, P. 1st. Nat., New Albany, Ind.. 1881 *John J. Bagley, Vice-Pres. American Nat., Detroit, Mich.....................................1881 1881. Jacob D. Vermilye, Pres. Merchants’ Nat., New York City ...................................1886 Edmund D. Randolph, Pres. Continental Nat., New York City................................1886 Henry Mart'n, Pres. Manufacturers and Merchants’. Buffalo, N. Y....................... 1885 William P. Halliday, Pres. City Nat.. Cairo, 111.1882 A. D. Lynch. Pres. First Nat.. Indianapolis, Ind. 1883 J. H. Lindenberger, Pres. Merchants’ Nat. Louisville, Ky..................................1882 1882. Thomas P. Halliday, Cash. City Nat. Cairo. 111...1883 Edward S. Butts, Pres. Vicksburg Bank, Vicksburg, Miss.....................................1885 1883. George S. Coe, P. Am. Ex. Nat., New York City. 1889 *Fred. D. Tappen, Pres. Gallatin Nat.. New York City ........................................1884 Logan H. Roots, Pres. Merchants’ Nat., Little Rock. Ark....................................1890 .T. H. Lindenberger, Pres. Merchants’ Nat., Louisville. Ky...............................18S6 J. Thos. Smith, C. Nat. Bank of Baltimore. Md. .1890 R. B. Langdon, Vice-Pres. City Bank of Minneapolis. Minn...............................1SS4 1884. James TT. BonvA P. Boston Nat., Boston. Mass..1888 John J. Knox. Pres. Nat. Bank of the Republic, New York City................................1891 J. H. Millard. Pres. Omaha Nat.. Omaha, Neb. ..1887