[Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 10 The Wisconsin National Bank OF MILWAUKEE CAPITAL - $2,000,000 SURPLUS - 1,000,000 OFFICERS L. J. PETIT, President HERMAN F. WOLF, Cashier FRED'K KASTEN, Vice-President L. C. BOURNIQUE, Asst. Cashier CHAS. E. ARNOLD, 2nd Vice-President W. L. CHENEY, Asst. Cashier WALTER KASTEN, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS L. J. Petit Frederick Kasten R. W. Houghton Oliver C. Fuller Herman W. Falk Ceo. D.Van Dyke Gustave Pabst Charles Schriber isaac D. Adler Frank L. Vance Patrick Cudahy Wisconsin Trust Company MILWAUKEE CAPITAL - $500,000 SURPLUS - 100,000 OFFICERS OLIVER C. FULLER, President CARDNER P. STICKNEY Treasurer FRED’K KASTEN, Vice-President FRED. C. BEST, Secretary R. L. SMITH, Asst. Secretary DIRECTORS L. J. Petit, Chairman Frederick Kasten R. W. Houghton Oliver C. Fuller Herman W. Falk Charles Schriber Gustave Pabst Cardner P. Stickney Isaac D. Adler Frank L. Vance Patrick Cudahy ШЦЁ 50,000, and thereby have 6o,ooo people with whom to do business on a capital of $15,000. “Or the requisite number of persons could organize a bank in Hopkinsville on a capital of $15,000 and start a branch at Paducah, 20,000 population: one at Bowling Green, 10,000; Henderson. 15,000; Madisonville, 6,000; Owensboro, 18,000, and wind up with a branch at Louisville with a population of 200,000 or more, and on its limited capital of $15,000 to serve a population of 300,000 or more.” B. M. Chattell B. M. Chattell, cashier of the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, of this city, has returned from a month’s vacation in the country, V First National of Decatur The First National of Decatur, Ala., has declared a 10 per cent semiannual dividend and placed a nice sum to surplus. The semiannual statement shows capital, $50,000; surplus and profits, $52,232; deposits, $281,730; total resources, $439,101. ORGANIZED 1810 Commercial & Farmers National Bank of Baltimore, Md. Federal, State and Municipal Depositary Bankers are invited to open Reserve or Active Accounts on Liberal Terms. Extensive Banking Connections enable us to render effective service. Correspondence invited James M. Easter, Pres. Frank V. Baldwin, Cashier Harry M. Mason, Vice-Pres. Chas. E. C. Smith, Asst. Cashier branch or it may have 100 branches. It may have one branch in its home county or it may have 10. It may establish its branch or branches in its home county or it may diffuse them throughout the entire state, without regard to county lines. “There is nothing in the general incorporation laws or the law relative to banking concerns which authorizes it, either in express terms or impliedly. “It is against public policy. The first provision of the laws relative to banks and banking, under the general title of ‘corporations,’ which in Section 577, Kentucky Statutes, provides, substantially that the capital stock of no bank shall be less than $15,000, and in cities having a population of 50,000 not less than $100.000. “There is evidently some reason for this provision. It, on its face, shows that the legislature intended that the bank doing a more extensive business should be required to have a larger capital stock ; or, rather, it meant that the bank having the better opportunity for doing more extensive business should be required to have a larger capital than the bank where opportunities would be less. How would this operate if branch banks were allowed? “The requisite number of persons would incorporate a bank in Frankfort, a city of 10,000. and hold a capital stock of $15,000, as required under the law. They could then establish a branch bank in Covington, a city of about ШЗППШ, ШАМЖШ. & MAY Investment Bonds Branch Banks Held Unlawful Frankfort, Ky., August 18.—Attorney-General Breathitt to-day handed down an opinion that branch banks of large or small banks cannot be conducted in this state without violating the law. Four or five banks will be affected as a result of this opinion. Secretary of State Ben L. Bruner, who is at the head of the Department of Banks in Kentucky, requested Judge Breathitt to deliver the opinion, so that he would know what steps to take. He said to-day that he would not permit branch banks in Kentucky any longer. In his opinion the Attorney -Genera! says : “There is nothing whatever in the laws relative to banking institutions which would lead me to believe that it was intended by the lawmakers that banks should or could operate through branch banks. “It may be that if they are authorized by the law to operate through branches there is no limit, and an incorporated bank may have one the OLD National Bank OF Spokane CAPITAL $500.000 ■■■■■— OFFICERS .... D. W. TWOHY, President X. J. HUMBIRD. Vice Pres. W. O. VINCENT. Cashier W. J. KOMMERS. J. A. YEOMANS, ASSISTANT CASHIERS _ 00010202000001020000010210