9 THE CHICAGO BANKER August 22, rço8\ Simplicity and Efficiency are the strongest points of any machine. Both these features are prominent in the Splitdorf High Tension Magneto The simplest and most serviceable of all Magnetos. With this Magneto on your car you can forget all about ignition apparatus. San Francisco E| C^l' X. J /״v Chicago 520 Van Ness Ave. V✓• A • L U O ITi 319 Michigan Ave. Walton Ave. and 138th St., New York. Branch, 1679 Broadway The Security National Bank of Minneapolis Solicits tht business of Banks and Bankers throughout the Northwest Capital and Surplus - - $2,000,000 Deposits ----- 12,500,000 PROMPT SERVICE GUARANTEED __________________________ Guarantee Title & Trust Co. Accounts of Banks and Trust Companies Solicited Correspondence Invited PITTSBURGH 232 Fourth Avenue ville, was overcome by the heat while working at his desk. His condition is serious. Declares a Dividend of 30 Per Cent Receiver for the failed Kosciusko County Bank of Warsaw has declared a dividend of 30 per cent. First National of Gary T. T. Snell, vice-president of the First National of Gary, has been elected to the presidency, succeeding T. P. Phillips. Commercial Paper Commercial paper is 6 per cent to 8 per cent and time loans 6 per cent to 8 per cent at Indianapolis. The Bank of Burnettsville The Bank of Burnettsville has been organized by W. C. Thomas, E. E. Thomas and J. C. Duffy. The Citizens National Citizens National of Alexandria has been organized with a capital of $50,000. Carl M. Sisk, Alexandria; Willard W. Hubbard, A. Gorden, Samuel J. Mack, W. F. Stinsen, A. E. Otto are the organizers. New Bank for Lanesville A new bank is to be organized at Lanesville. V* Head of State Banking Department Dead Laporte, Ind., August 17.—Rollo B. Oglesbee of this city, head of the banking department of the state auditor’s office, formerly a newspaper publisher and at one time secretary of the Indiana Senate, died suddenly this morning, aged fifty years. V» Benjamin Githens Back from Europe Benjamin Githens, president of the Corn Exchange National of Philadelphia, has arrived home from Europe. V The Southern Colorado Trust Company The Southern Colorado Trust Company of La Junta, Colo., is erecting a new bank building. The First National of Richmond In appreciation of the great gain the First National of Richmond has made in business and profits, an extra month’s salary was voted to all the officers and employees of the institution. The People’s Mutual Savings & Loan Association Notice has been given of increase of capital stock from $350,000 to $500,000 by the People’s Mutual Savings and Loan Association of Marion County. The Monroe State Bank The Monroe State Bank has been incorporated with a capital of $25,000. D. M. House is president and H. Dowden cashier. The Millersburgh State Bank S. L. Thomas is president, Dr. W. G. Kirby, vice-president, and Henry Long, cashier of the new Millersburgh State Bank. Assistant Cashier Overcome by Heat Charles Dawes, assistant cashier of the American Trust and Savings Co., of Evans- The Bank Advertiser (!,Treats only of bank advertising. (!,Gives the copy issued by successfully advertised banks in every state. CBrings to your desk each month new ideas for advertising your institution. (!,Criticises your advertising if you so desire. (!,Takes up editorially every subject on bank advertising and deals with it plainly and in detail. (!,Special articles by bankers are one of each month’s features. (!,Send for a sample copy—then subscribe for twelve months for $1.00 The Bank Advertiser LISBON - - - IOWA The new Union Trust Company of South Bend opened for business recently. The officers are: S. D. Rider, president; A. J. Ham- mond, vice-president; Frank Mayr, Sr., treasurer; and J. E. Neff, secretary. A Large Attendance of Bankers from Indiana Indications are that a large delegation of bankers will attend the convention at Denver. A. G. Lupton, a banker of Hartford City, who is a member of the executive council of the American Bankers Association, said: “I have communicated with most of the bankers of the state, and replies from them show that there will be a large attendance of bankers from Indiana.” Quarry Bought by Bank The United States quarry in the Clear creek neighborhood, was sold by Walter Hottle the receiver of the Parke County State Bank, for $5,000. The property was bought to protect a large claim. The quarry was opened about five years ago, largely by Monroe Count}־ capital, and more than $50,000 was invested, which is virtually all a loss. Indianapolis Traffic Increasing Traffic in all lines in Indianapolis is increasing somewhat, but there is much room for improvement before the business of last year is reached. Freight officials are talking more cheerfully and earnings begin to show increases. The chief improvement is in the east and west bound business; north and south bound are handling more passengers than usual but not so much freight. The lines west and southwest are carrying more people, and shipping more household goods, and there is evidence that the immigration there is large beyond precedent.