THE CHICAGO BANKER August i5, ipo8] Simplicity and Efficiency are the strongest points of any machine. Both these features are prominent in the Splitdorf High Tension Magneto The simplest and most serviceable of all Magnetos. With this Magneto on your car you can forget all about ignition apparatus. San Francisco G Chicago 20VanNess Ave. V✓• JL • U |J*I1 lUiUl 1 319 Michigan Ave. Walton Ave. and 138th St., New York. Branch, 1679 Broadway The Security National Bank of Minneapolis Solicits tht business of Banks and Bankers throughout the Northwest Capital and Surplus - - $2,000,000 Deposits................. 12,500,000 PROMPT SERVICE GUARANTEED Guarantee Title & Trust Co. Accounts of Banks and Trust Companies Solicited Correspondence Invited PITTSBURGH 232 Fourth Avenue thorized to commence business with a capital of $25,000. William W. Beeson is president; L. A. Johnson, vice-president, and John R. Kitterman, cashier. It is a conversion of the First State Bank. The First National of Mishawaka E. N. Johnson has been made cashier of the First National of Mishawaka in place of J. D. Rising. The Bank of Petroleum The Bank of Petroleum has been organized with a capital of $12,500 at Petroleum. The Indiana Savings and Investment Company The nineteenth annual statement of the Indiana Savings & Investment Company of Indianapolis, speaks for itself. The company, according to the report, is in a condition that is of great satisfaction to its members. With pride it is pointed out that 6 per cent is paid on running and paid-up stock—an unusually good rate under conditions. Charles E. Coffin is president, and Charles E. Holloway, secretary of the company. Banks Ready to Move the Crops The banks of Indianapolis seem to have large surpluses in readiness to move the crops, and when it is over, perhaps there will be a demand in industrial activities for the return cash. »y* Money in Circulation The supply of money in use in the United States did not change much in July. The circulation statement of the Treasury Department shows an increase of slightly over one-half million dollars. The total money in the country outside of the treasury was 264 millions more on August 1, 1908, than on the same date last year. The Treasury Department’s estimate of the population on that date was 87,614,000־, and the per capita circulation, $34-77׳ which is 50 per cent more than eleven A. L. Martin is reported having been elected president of the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Beach, N. D. % ешшшш ишш! apolis, is the title of a new incorporated institution with a capital stock of $500,000. W. M. Fogarty, Edward J. Trousey, and others are the promoters. Mr. Fogerty will be the president. First National of Beach Grove The First National of Beach Grove, capital $25,000, has been incorporated by John Wo-cher, H. H. Ristine, Lynn B. Milliken, William Garstang, J. Willard Haley and William T. Anderson. Banker’s Home to be Sold The palatial residence of Captain Sanford Tuthill has been advertised for sale on August 17th by the sheriff to satisfy a judgment obtained by the Aurora National, now defunct. It was owing to the extensive operations of Tuthill that the Aurora Bank became bankrupt, the latter holding nearly $150,000 of paper bearing Tuthill’s indorsement. The First National of Shirley The First National of Shirley has been au- The Bank Advertiser A Monthly Journal Devoted Exclusively to Bank^ Advertising What our readers get each month: New ideas for their advertising—Practical help in the preparation of advertising copy—Inspiration from our editorials—Criticism of their advertising—An opportunity to read the advertising copy that banks over the country issue,—and a great deal more. This for $1. 00 a Year Write for a Sample The Bank Advertiser Lisbon, Iowa On next Thursday the charter of the Citizens’ State Bank of Knightstown expires, but authority is given the same stockholders and officers to open the bank on Friday morning as the Citizens’ National with a capital of $50,000, and a surplus of $40,000. Depositors of the Kosciusko County Bank Depositors of the Kosciusko County Bank, of Warsaw, closed by the state when found insolvent, are clamoring for their money. Much surprise and considerable indignation was expressed when the state’s attorney served notice on Warren Darst, of Oxford, Ohio, trustee of the bank, to immediately cease secretly or otherwise honoring checks of the Kosciusko county treasurer on penalty of facing an injunction suit. It develops that while the small depositors have been discounting their claims the bank during July alone paid county checks amounting to $9,168. The county has $30,000 on deposit in the bank, none of which is classed as a preferred claim. Interest Reported The eight banks of Jay County have submitted to the county commissioners a monthly report of interest credited to the county under the new depositary law, showing a grand total of $396.62. The individual reports range from $19 to $81. The State Board of Tax Commissioners The state board of tax commissioners has finished its hearings for the present year. During the last month appeals were heard from the valuations made at the spring sessions. The board is not ready to announce the results. The Fidelity Trust Company The Fidelity Trust Company of Indian-