21 THE CHICAGO BANKER August 8, tço8] (The iCakciiiiie ■}Jrгни R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company Printers, Engravers, Binders Telephones Harrison-350 Corner Plymouth Place and Polk Street CHICAGO, ILL. NOW READY American Railways as Investments By CARL SNYDER Their History, territory, great groups and allies, who own and run them, stability of traffic, earnings and surplus. Their capitalization, condition, recent improvements, resources, future, range of market prices, yield to the investor, etc. This is a work designed for the Investment Banker and Broker and more especially still, for the general investor himself. It is practical, not theoretical, and presents a comparative and historical analysis of nearly 100 of the important railway companies of America. Price, S3.20 net; by mail, S3.52 THE CHICAGO BANKER MONADNOCK BLOCK CHICAGO Sa^er Equalizing Springs Win on Merit Over 25,000 in Use Recommended by Leading Manufacturers : Elmore Mfg. Co.- •‘We are entirely satisfied with them" Olds Motor Works—“The ‘Sager device’ presents advantages not found in other so-called ,shock absorbers ’ ” Crawford Automobile Co.—‘‘They add greatly to comfort and reliability ” Logan Construction Co.—״ ‘We find them indispensable” Dorris Motor Car Co.—“ Our customers are more than satisfied with them ” Thomas B. Jeffrey Co. (Rambler)—‘,Have given us very excellent satisfaction” The Dayton Motor Car Co. (Stoddard-Dayton “The success of your shock absorbers has interested us considerably ” The Autocar Co.—“ Used your springs with splendid success’ ’ Meteor Automobile Works ‘‘ We claim 1908 will be a Sager year” The Forest City Motor Car Co. Jewel )--“‘A great benefit. and we can’t speak too highly of them ” Evansville Automobile Co. Gearless Automobile — ־‘Give perfect satisfaction” Pope Mfg. Co. -״We found your springs to be satisfactory” Protection Bumper Higher by six inches than any other kind. Practical and ornamental. Safely guards lamps, radiator and tires. Write for full particulars. J. H. Sager Co. Rochester, N. Y. Chicago Agents : Western Distributing Co., 1424-1426 Michigan Ave. New Aork Agents: Manufacturers’ Distributing Co., 1900 Broadway for the same month this year the)־ were $143,-210.27, an increase of $11,611.70. “The added receipts form a remarkable showing under the circumstances which beset the city through the flood,” Joseph H. Harris, postmaster, said. “Scores of firms in the West bottoms did not use the mails to any extent during the high water. Some of them are the best customers of the postoffice.” Burlington’s Big Loan Filed A copy of the t75 million dollar genera! mortgage, covering the property of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, to secure the new issue of 50-year bonds, announced some time ago, was filed this week in the office of the register of deeds in Kansas City. Kas. The Central Trust Company and Oliver M. Spencer of New York are named as trustees. Appointed Reserve Agents The American Exchange National of Dallas, the Chase National of New York, and the South Texas National of Houston, were recently designated by the state department of insurance and banking of Texas, to be reserve agents for the First State Bank of Stamford. New National Banks 1 lie Comptroller of the Currency has approved applications to organize the Musselshell Valley National, of Horlowton, Mont., capital $50,000, and the First National of Beechgrove. Ind., capital $25,000. An application to convert the Whitman County State Bank. Rosalia, Wash., capital $40,000, into “The Whitman County National of Rosalia” has been approved. A certificate has been issued authorizing the First National of Middleport, N. Y., capital 825,000, to begin business. First National of Bogalusa the First National of Bogalusa, La., report-the following officers: Geo. C. Ligon, presi-tlent; Leroy A. Pierce, vice-president, and Christian L. Olivier, cashier; directors, W. H Sullivan, N. G. Pearsoll, L. M. Pool, Terry A. Pierce, A. W. Maxwell, C. W. Goodyear, Jr., G. C. Ligon, Christian Olivier, and D. E. Sheridan. The institution is capitalized at $25,000. V The Farmers Bank of Gardiner, la., has been organized. get it. And the new notes will be just as scarce as the old ones. July Balance S2,513,855.14 The monthly report of State Treasurer Grnel-ich of Missouri, submitted to Gov. Folk, shows that at the close of business for July there was to the credit of the state $2,513,855.14. The balance June 30th was $2,470,652.45 : receipts during July, $476,372.50, total, $2,947,024.95; disbursements during July, $433,169.81. The revenue contains $41,796.18, as against 4 cents at the close of business June 30th. Secretary of State Swanger reports having paid into the state treasury for the month of July as the fees and taxes of his office, $14,-216.75, distributed as follows: Notarial commissions, $665; domestic corporation taxes, $8,055; foreign corporation taxes, $1,045; mis-cellaneous fees, $562.25; land department fees. $22; bank inspection fees, $2,207.50; automobile registration, $1,635; railroad contract fees, $25. Texas National Banks Reports to the Comptroller of the Currency under the last call asking for statements as to the conditions of national banks at the close of business July 15, 1908, are coming in rapidly. Reports on the national banks in five cities of Texas are as follows: Dallas—Loans and discounts, $11,069,989.13; capital stock paid in, $2,400,000; individual deposits, $9,836,931.42; percentage of legal reserve to deposits, $27.60. Galveston—Loans and discounts, $2,139,-087.91; capital stock paid in, $625,000; individual deposits, $41,528,516.42; percentage of legal reserve to deposits, $34.04. Houston—Loans and discounts, $9,075,-595•11־' capital stock paid in, $2,300,000; individual deposits, $8,699,194.77; percentage of legal reserve to deposits, $32.70. hort Worth—Loans and discounts, $7,774.-477.02; capital stock paid in $1,975,000; individual deposits, $6,246,126; percentage of legal reserve to deposits, $27.45. San Antonio—Loans and discounts, $6,145,-599.05; capital stock paid in, $2,100,000; individual deposits, $6,970,315.06; percentage of legal reserve to deposits, $36.05. Big July Postal Increase You can’t stop Kansas City. The postal receipts for July showed an increase of 9 per cent over the business for July, 1907. The receipts for July last year were $131,599.57 and