9 THE CHICAGO BANKER August 8, 1908] Simplicity and Efficiency are the strongest points of any machine. Both these features are prominent in the Splitdorf Hi¿h Tension Magneto The simplest and most serviceable of all Magnetos. With this Magneto on your car you can forget all about ignition apparatus. Chicago 319 Michigan Ave. C. F. Splitdorf Walton Ave. and 138th St., New York. Branch, 1679 Broadway The Security National Bank of Minneapolis Solicits tht business of Banks and Bankers throughout the Northwest Capital and Surplus - - $2,000,000 Deposits................. 12,500,000 PROMPT SERVICE GUARANTEED Guarantee Title & Trust Co. Accounts of Banks and Trust Companies Solicited Correspondence Invited PITTSBURGH 232 Fourth Avenue Banking Notes The Millersburg (Ind.) State Bank is being organized by D. F. Dehl of Goshen, and S. J. Straus of Ligonier. The Commercial Bank, of Alexandria, Ind., has been converted into the Commercial State Bank. Capital $25,000. Sylvanus Free is president, and Vernon H. Day, cashier. T*» The Bank of Germany, Oakland Oakland, California, is steadily progressing in a financial way; six new banks being established there during 1907—the year of the panic. One of those organized last year is the Bank of Germany. It has deposits of $170,000, which is an excellent showing. It has a capital of $60,000, and a surplus of $30,000. Its correspondent is the Hanover National of New York. The following compose the official staff: Theodore Gier, president; A. Jones, vice-president; Geo. E. De Golia, secretary, and T. H. Schulze, assistant cashier. V* Group Meeting News Five or six Illinois group meetings this year have endorsed the paid secretary and permanent headquarters features, carrying with it of course the endorsement and plan to have the Illinois Bankers Association do its own bonding and burglary insurance. At the Champaign _ group meeting, resolutions were adopted instructing the secretary to notify the Illinois Bankers Association of their intention to move for an amendent of the constitution providing for these matters. Lippincott’s Magazine The August Lippincott’s Magazine has for its long story a delightful tale by Dorothea Deatins entitled “The Road to Gretna Green” and the usual fine selection of short ones—all complete in one number. It is light literature in its best form. The First State Bank of Paducah, Tex., has increased its stock from $10,000 to $20,000, National Bank, of Cleveland, O., as a reserve agent for the Albion National Bank, of Albion, Ind. The Bloomington National Ihe Comptroller of the Currency has designated the Bankers’ National of Chicago, as a reserve agent for the Bloomington National, of Bloomington, Ind. An Indianapolis Visitor Allen M. Fletcher, one time president of the Indianapolis Gas Company, and Indianapolis banker, now a banker in New York, was in Indianapolis Monday and Tuesday First Dividend for Depositors The Kosciusko County Bank of Warsaw, Ind.,^ closed six weeks ago by order of State Auditor Billheimer, subsequently placed in the charge of William Darst, of Oxford, O., as trustee, on August 15th, will pay depositors 20 or 25 per cent of claims. It is the intention of the stockholders to settle with depositors in four or five installments in less time than compulsory under the law. The Bank Advertiser fj A monthly journal on bank advertising exclusively. Tbe material in each number is up-to-date —it is valuable, practicable and a help to the banker for getting out his advertising. $ 1.00 brings this journal to your desk for one year. Would you like to examine a sample copy before you subscribe? Tell us to send you one by return mail. THE BANK ADVERTISER LISBON, - . . IOWA Frederick M. Bachman has been elected a director of the American National of Indianapolis, to succeed the late Herman Lieber. Mr. Bachman is president of the F. M. Bachman Co., wholesale lumber dealers. The Farmers Trust Company The Farmers Trust Company of Indianapolis, has been appointed by the Prudential Life Insurance Company as its financial agent, to succeed the late Sherman King, of Fort Wayne, in Northern Indiana. This, added to the territory already occupied by the Farmers Trust Company practically gives it the entire state of Indiana in which to make mortgage loans. The Miamisburg Banking Company The officers of the Miamisburg Banking-Company are: James M. Luburgh, president: John J. Schwartz, cashier, and John H. Schoen-feld, assistant cashier. Terra Haute Bond Sale The $70,000 in 4 per cent Terre Haute bonds were awarded to the United States Trust Company, of Terre Haute, at $780.50 premium. The bonds will bear date of August 1st, and become due in 10 years with the option of paying the indebtedness in the years of 1914-1918 inclusive of each intervening year. The other bids were C. C. Wedding, Indianapolis, $131.50; Trowbridge & Niver, Chicago, par less $19; Meyer & Kiser, Indianapolis, $137; W. R. Todd & Co., Cincinnati, $200; Breed & Harrison, Indianapolis, $325; J. F. Wild & Co.. Indianapolis, Ind., $75. Approved Reserve Agents The Comptroller of the Currency has designated the American National, of Indianapolis, as a reserve agent for the First National, of Taylorville, 111. He also approved the First