f Volume XXV THE CHICAGO BANKER 26 The Cedar Rapids National Bank Cedar Rapids, Iowa Solicits the accounts of all good banks and bankers within its territory, and will place at their disposal facilities gained through years of experience in handling that class of business, with terms as liberal as safe banking methods warrant. ! United States Depositary Reserve Agent for National Banks 0׳VNEGTlO^ >. S. FARWELL, President HENRY M. CARPENTER, Cashiei The Monticello State Bank Monticello, Iowa Capital $100,000 Surplus $180,000 Resources over Onfe and a Half Millions of Dollars. Established thirty-three years and has had conservative, steady growth. Makes and remits for collections promptly, and solicits accounts of banks and bankers. Safety, Promptness, Courtesy and Confidence THE OTTUMWA NATIONAL BANK OTTUMWA, IOWA Capital, $100,000 Surplus, 75,000 Will render genuine service to all those having business in Ottumwa and vicinity. J. B. MOWREY, L. E. STEVENS. R. W. FUNK. President Cashier Ass’t Cashier vice-president; Edwin Beery, cashier; W. E. Cahill, assistant cashier. An Iowa Victory Iowans are patting themselves on the back over a notable victory for Iowa stock shippers in a decision of the interstate commerce commission just handed down. It grants to Iowa shippers the feeding in transit privilege, which had heretofore been withheld from them by the railroads although granted to shippers in contiguous states. Authorities declare that the decision means at least $300,000 per year to Iowa shippers. Banking Notes _ Arthur Reynolds of the Des Moines National has issued in neat book form his address on “The Unsettled Currency Problem.” This decoration are in stone, with cornice in terra cotta. A portion of the building completed prior to this time has been occupied by J. G. Clarks drug store. The new bank building will be one of the finest in the state. New Bank Buildings The Selden-Beech Construction Company of St. Louis has the general contract for the handsome new two story building of the Bedford National. It will cost when completed $20,000. C. W. Ennis of Toledo has the contract for the new German Savings, at Odebolt. The building will cost $5,723. The Palo Savings is to erect a brick and stone building, contracts to be let soon. New Bank for Marshalltown One of the most important banks in Iowa is being organized at Marshalltown. The name has not as yet been selected. The capital stock is to be $100,000. The prime movers in the organization are: Ex-Representative B. F. Cummings, N. A. Evans, C. E. Hatcher, and H. J. Elzy besides numerous other capitalists who are interested in smaller amounts of stock. Much of the capital is from outside of that city. It will probably be located in the Kibbey Building though a lease had not been closed at this writing. The institution will do a general banking business. The Penny Savings System Sioux City’s public schools, seeing the success that has attended the penny savings system which was inaugurated in Des Moines several years ago, is likely to adopt the same system there. Director Henry C. Gardiner is back of the movement and he has written to the directors in the movement in Des Moines, with a view to ascertaining the inside workings of the plan. It is his intention to place the proposition before the school board in August. The system is under the control in Des Moines of women who work under the direction of local bankers. Delegates to Providence _ Much interest was aroused in Iowa by the discussions and doings of the American Institute of Banking, at Providence. The Des Moines Chapter was represented by E. A. Slininger, of the People’s Savings, and Harry Stephenson of the Iowa National. The Davenport Chapter had four delegates in attendance. I hey were Albert Bawden, of the First National; Leon Bein, of the Iowa National; Ervin Schmit, of the Scott County Savings, and Otto Lage. of the German Savings. The Garwin State Bank The stockholders of the Garwin State Bank congratulated themselves at the annual meeting because in the ten years of the bank’s existence not a single dollar has been lost through bad investments, or loans. As a mark of appreciation the cashier was presented with $100, and the assistant with $75. The stockholders added $2,500 to the surplus fund which is now $20,000. Old officers were re-elected as follows; G. II. Austin, president; S. S. Dobson, CLINTON, IOWA Capital and Surplus, $500,000.00 Send us your Iowa and Western Illinois collections. Our service and rates will please you. BANK ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Des Moines, July 30.—Unusual activity in the line of bank construction characterizes Iowa this year. Instead of the summer months being dull in this line as might be expected, several fine new structures are in course of construction throughout the state and others are being planned to be built yet this fall. In addition to the new building to be erected by the Des Moines National, described in last week’s Banker, others are to be built at Council Bluffs, Bedford, Palo, and Odebolt, plans for all of which have been accepted within the past few days. The City National of Council Bluffs The City National of Council Bluffs expects to occupy its new structure at Broadway and Main streets, September 1st. The style of the building is to be colonial with five big double windows separated by heavy stone columns extending to the second floor.' The designs for THE DES MOINES NATIONAL BANK DES MOINES - - IOWA OUR DIRECT FIELD—STATE OF IOWcA Capital I $300,000.00 Surplus £? Profits 85,000.00 Deposits - 4,000,000.00 ARTHUR REYNOLDS. Prc.ident JOHN H. BLAIR, Vice-President A. J. ZWART. Cajhicr MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK BURLINGTON, IOWA. CAPITAL - - $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS, - $100,000.00 OFFICERS J. L. EDWARDS, President W E. BLAKE, Vice-President JAMES MOIR, Vice-President ALEX. MOIR, Vice-President H. J. HUNGERFORD, Cashier F. L. HOUKE, Ass’t Cashier C. L. FULTON, Ass t Cashier ACCOUNTS OFSANK. BANKERS MANUFACTURERS AND IN-OIVIDUALS INVITED AND EVERY FACILITY CONSISTENT WITH SOUND CONSERVATIVE AND LEGITIMATE BANKING WILL BE Citizens’Savings Bank CAPITAL, $50,000.00 DECORAH, IOWA SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS SEND YOUR DECORAH ITEMS TO US E. J . Curtin, Pr esident B. J. McKay, Cashier O. Casterton, E. L. Amundsen, Vice-President Asst. Cashier TO IOWA BANKERS Please forward marked copies of your home paper to the Chicago Banker when it contains anything about Iowa Banks or bankers. The favor will be appreciated.